Sanford Florida watch program guidelines and handbook


Well-Known Member
I don't see what is left to talk about. He was acquitted. They hauled his ass into court and made their case. He didnt get off on a technicality or a police fuckup, he was straight up acquitted. If you want to get worked up over someone who was DIRECTLY responsible for the death of an innocent and got off on a PURE technicality, go march for justice against Bill Ayers. Or, we could make him a darling of the left, pay him to indoctrinate your children and launch the political careers of future presidents. Hypocrisy much?


What's that you say?

Who did Bill Ayers kill?

[h=2]Involvement with Weather Underground[edit][/h]Further information: List of Weatherman actions
After the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion in 1970, in which Weatherman member Ted Gold, Ayers' close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers' girlfriend, Diana Oughton were killed when a nail bomb being assembled in the house exploded, Ayers and several associates evaded pursuit by US law enforcement officials. Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson survived the blast. Ayers was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him.[SUP][4][/SUP] Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972, as he noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days. Ayers writes:
Although the bomb that rocked the Pentagon was itsy-bitsy - weighing close to two pounds - it caused 'tens of thousands of dollars' of damage. The operation cost under $500, and no one was killed or even hurt.[SUP][18][/SUP]
During this time Ayers and fellow member Bernardine Dohrn married, and the two remained fugitives together, changing identities, jobs and locations.
In 1973, new information came to light about FBI operations targeted against Weather Underground and the New Left, all part of a series of covert and often illegal FBI projects called COINTEL.[SUP][19][/SUP] Due to the illegal tactics[SUP][clarification needed][/SUP] of FBI agents involved with the program, government attorneys requested all weapons- and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground, including charges against Ayers.[SUP][20][/SUP]
However, state charges against Dohrn remained. Dohrn was still reluctant to turn herself in to authorities. "He was sweet and patient, as he always is, to let me come to my senses on my own", she later said of Ayers.[SUP][4][/SUP] She turned herself in to authorities in 1980. She was fined $1,500 and given three years probation.[SUP][21][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
Who did Bill Ayers kill?

[h=2]Involvement with Weather Underground[edit][/h]Further information: List of Weatherman actions
After the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion in 1970, in which Weatherman member Ted Gold, Ayers' close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers' girlfriend, Diana Oughton were killed when a nail bomb being assembled in the house exploded, Ayers and several associates evaded pursuit by US law enforcement officials. Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson survived the blast. Ayers was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him.[SUP][4][/SUP] Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972, as he noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days. Ayers writes:
Although the bomb that rocked the Pentagon was itsy-bitsy - weighing close to two pounds - it caused 'tens of thousands of dollars' of damage. The operation cost under $500, and no one was killed or even hurt.[SUP][18][/SUP]
During this time Ayers and fellow member Bernardine Dohrn married, and the two remained fugitives together, changing identities, jobs and locations.
In 1973, new information came to light about FBI operations targeted against Weather Underground and the New Left, all part of a series of covert and often illegal FBI projects called COINTEL.[SUP][19][/SUP] Due to the illegal tactics[SUP][clarification needed][/SUP] of FBI agents involved with the program, government attorneys requested all weapons- and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground, including charges against Ayers.[SUP][20][/SUP]
However, state charges against Dohrn remained. Dohrn was still reluctant to turn herself in to authorities. "He was sweet and patient, as he always is, to let me come to my senses on my own", she later said of Ayers.[SUP][4][/SUP] She turned herself in to authorities in 1980. She was fined $1,500 and given three years probation.[SUP][21][/SUP]
Awesome wall of text. Brian V. McDonnell.

Ayers headed a group responsible for over 30 bombings. If not for a fortunate accident, they would have killed quite a few servicemen. He's an admitted domestic terrorist who wanted the biggest body count he could accrue (his words). But, he gets a big hug from libs because he vomits out music to their ears.

I thought you didn't need or want this anymore. The Zimmerman verdict must have really rattled your cage.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Reach out and go fuck yourself. Damn liberals. I had to deal with OJ, you guys can deal with crackers can get away with murder. Karma is a bitch.


bud bootlegger
So the Guy's a town watchman, and has made dozens of calls to 9/11, and you're using this as proof of what exactly again ?
And as a gated community whom I'd be willing to bet most of its residents weren't black, yes, I'm sorry, but a young black kid would stick out..
Most generalizations aren't based on nothing at all.. not to say they're all true, but at the same time, they aren't all wrong either imvho..

And for a class of society that prides themselves on snitches get stitches, they sure did get their panties in a bunch when one of their own actually didn't kill a black for a change of pace.. if this would have been a case of two black men killing each other like happens many times a day in this country, we'd never have known who the fuck trayvon martin even was.. I'm getting sick of people like Al sharpton crying about the death of one black person when he needs to look at his own culture where murders are simply another part of Saturday nights... assholes like him are trying to divide this country by race lines, and idiots fall for it.. it's disgusting beyond belief ..


Well-Known Member
So the Guy's a town watchman, and has made dozens of calls to 9/11, and you're using this as proof of what exactly again ?
And as a gated community whom I'd be willing to bet most of its residents weren't black, yes, I'm sorry, but a young black kid would stick out..
it was a gated community but the average home value is only about 100k. about 20% of sanford's residents are black.

so you'd think that maybe at least one of those 46 or 54 calls would be reporting a suspicious white male. that was never the case.

80% of sanford's population is white but 100% of their suspicious residents are black males. seems legit, right?

he never went and followed anyone else he called dispatch about, nor did he ever sound so frustrated and angry and refer to the person he was calling about as "those fucking punks" or "those fucking assholes".


bud bootlegger
I've never me a bigger white apologist than you uncle buck.. I'm far from a racist, but at least I'm wise enough to know that whites aren't the only racists in the world, and blacks can be just as much of racist as any other color..
I'll never understand why you simply have to see race in everything you see and read.. everything.. oh so and so is a racist .. can't say how many times I've heard that come from your mouth.. you know whose the bigger racist imvho, the.person who's looking to constantly see things in black and white, someone who only looks as far as the color of a persons skin, ie, you..
I could care less about the color is someone's skin as I look at their actions to base judgements off of, if I even do that.. but you are a special kind.. constantly looking to judge and call someone a racist when you, much like Al sharpton, need to look inwards and ask yourself why you find the need to constantly paint others with a racist pen..
We will never develop and progress because people such as yourself continue to see things only in black and white..
And tell me why again if zimmerman had been black we'd never of heard of tray on martin again ? And not because Al sharpon told you so.


Well-Known Member
I've never me a bigger white apologist than you uncle buck.. I'm far from a racist, but at least I'm wise enough to know that whites aren't the only racists in the world, and blacks can be just as much of racist as any other color..
I'll never understand why you simply have to see race in everything you see and read.. everything.. oh so and so is a racist .. can't say how many times I've heard that come from your mouth.. you know whose the bigger racist imvho, the.person who's looking to constantly see things in black and white, someone who only looks as far as the color of a persons skin, ie, you..
I could care less about the color is someone's skin as I look at their actions to base judgements off of, if I even do that.. but you are a special kind.. constantly looking to judge and call someone a racist when you, much like Al sharpton, need to look inwards and ask yourself why you find the need to constantly paint others with a racist pen..
We will never develop and progress because people such as yourself continue to see things only in black and white..
And tell me why again if zimmerman had been black we'd never of heard of tray on martin again ? And not because Al sharpon told you so.
not sure what's up with the outburst, i was just answering your question.

80% of sanford is white, but 100% of the people zimm found suspicious were black males. does that seem legit?

as to the bolded, i really have no need to paint anyone with a racist pen. have you read some of the posts here lately?

i'm happy to have you explain what you mean by "white apologist" and point out examples of my racism.


New Member
since zim is not guilty of the charges against him , in a legal sense trayvon is guilty of aggravated assult , simple assult , & reckless endangerment of a person.


no matter phone calls to the police, zim did not kill this dude cause he was black.
i just dont believe it.

if the court of public opinion were to rule , the haters would have lynched zim already.
fuck y'all !

the word is culpable > even in a civil suit trayvon is culpable.

no issue with the state of fl sending THE best state attorneys to get this guy , trumping charges, not being able to prove their case, loosing, and still carrying this shit around?

what's next eric holder , mr contempt of congress , mr. i hide evidence that proves the fed supported a program that killed police officers (arizona , fast furious gun selling fiacso) when he was told by people on the ground it was a bad idea , gonna try and grab a piece?

do you think the phones call zim made to the cops about dudes in his hood constitutes a race hate crime perpetrated against trayvon?

no fucking way.
if so, im leaving this country tomorrow.

i live right in & around two super violent cities... wish you'd penchant a wee bit for black on black crime.

eric holder too.


Well-Known Member
since zim is not guilty of the charges against him , in a legal sense trayvon is guilty of aggravated assult , simple assult , & reckless endangerment of a person.

that's not fact at all.

martin was followed in his own neighborhood in the dark while doing nothing wrong by a creepy stranger who never identified himself. if someone did that to me, i would fear for my life, any sane and rational person would.

martin defending himself from this creepy stranger and zimm shooting martin in self defense are not inconsistent. in fact, they're perfectly compatible.

you should brush up on facts or at least wait for the jurors to tell you what they thought before making ASSumptions.


Well-Known Member
not sure what's up with the outburst, i was just answering your question.

80% of sanford is white, but 100% of the people zimm found suspicious were black males. does that seem legit?

as to the bolded, i really have no need to paint anyone with a racist pen. have you read some of the posts here lately?

i'm happy to have you explain what you mean by "white apologist" and point out examples of my racism.



Well-Known Member
that's not fact at all.

martin was followed in his own neighborhood in the dark while doing nothing wrong by a creepy stranger who never identified himself. if someone did that to me, i would fear for my life, any sane and rational person would.

martin defending himself from this creepy stranger and zimm shooting martin in self defense are not inconsistent. in fact, they're perfectly compatible.

you should brush up on facts or at least wait for the jurors to tell you what they thought before making ASSumptions.
Because you're a pussy ass bitch. None of this would have happened if Mcskittles would have simply walked over to the road and asked why Zim was following him not hide in the bushes and fucking jump him lol.


New Member

in fact you've been dick riding the trayvon wave a hot minute.

i work in a law office, its the conversation.
if travyon were alive , the verdict as such, zim could file charges against him.


its why the police let zim go.
their research was critical to zim's case.
even if you think the cops are retarded , they would know better than you.

they were first responders , they're trained , they're the arm of the law.

if it comes down to 4 minutes you cant be right.
good thing you bought that "dont kill me for some skittles" tee.

did you wear it while watching the verdict?

zim had a right to be in the area too !
you act like the hood' is trayvon's. LOL !
that kid is culpable for his behavior trust it.
civil case is weak as shit & a fed case is a fucking JOKE.

defending himself?
your boy was portrayed by the media & his lying parents as a 14 year old saint.

& we're talking about 2nd degree murder in the state of fl , which has a stand your ground law.

thuggery. drug selling.
"get money nigga" type shit
& MAD stupidity on his phone ...all did his case in.

you dont know shit about the law.
no offense bro my people are top fed trial attorneys & scholars.

you... you think you invented topping plants.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Skittles and Arizona Tea contain GMO delirium corn. I wonder why Buck hasn't enlightened us of this fact. Just say no to psychotic inducing GMO.


Well-Known Member
i work in a law office, its the conversation.
well, i suppose the people emptying the garbage cans and scrubbing toilets may be having that conversation, but what are the lawyers actually talking about?

because it's clear to everyone that you're no lawyer.

if travyon were alive , the verdict as such, zim could file charges against him.
and would lose because martin could say he feared for his life. that gives him every right to act in self defense.

as o'mara himself said, you don't need a scratch on your finger. just a reasonable fear of bodily harm.

if someone follows you in the dark after you run, are you expecting some pretty flowers? a handjob?

thuggery. drug selling.
"get money nigga" type shit
& MAD stupidity on his phone ...all did his case in.
that wasn't even admitted in the case, so how could it have done him in?

are you intent on proving your stupidity here tonight? or did you just get bored while scrubbing the lawyer's toilets?


Well-Known Member
Because you're a pussy ass bitch. None of this would have happened if Mcskittles would have simply walked over to the road and asked why Zim was following him not hide in the bushes and fucking jump him lol.
why so angry tonight? did the illegal immigrants win another bid over you?

none of this would have happened had zimmerman not followed, as he was told he did not need to do. he had four minutes to get back to his car 50 feet away. instead he decided that he needed to go "back towards him", to use zimmy's own words.

hell, even the juror who called martin a colored boy said szimmy should have just stayed in his car. LOL!


Well-Known Member
why so angry tonight? did the illegal immigrants win another bid over you?

none of this would have happened had zimmerman not followed, as he was told he did not need to do. he had four minutes to get back to his car 50 feet away. instead he decided that he needed to go "back towards him", to use zimmy's own words.

hell, even the juror who called martin a colored boy said szimmy should have just stayed in his car. LOL!

Hey dumnshit Zimmy was part of the neighborhood watch they have this strange thing they do like checking on suspicions activity. They make public access for a reason (roads and sidewalks) Once you start cutting through private property, you're asking for all kind of problem one of them being getting fucking shot. Law abiding citizens don't stand on peoples lawns casing their house or at least look like you are or go in their backyard because if you get caught shit is going to go down and you fucking know it.