Whats wrong with my plant ? : /


Active Member
Your plants look healthy. Did you FIM them? FIM'ing creates odd shaped leaves but they eventually grow out or you can just prun them off when new growth developes.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look healthy. Did you FIM them? FIM'ing creates odd shaped leaves but they eventually grow out or you can just prun them off when new growth developes.
I havent pruned them or anything yet but I did cut some of the larger leaves in half to get light on the lower leaves.


Well-Known Member
do not cut off parts of leaves, your yield will diminish a great deal if you chop alot of the large fan leaves off, plus their is no reason to make sure "to get some light to lower leaves". when flowering, i will take those large leaves and just gently bend them around a bud if they are shadowing it and i may do this twice a day then entire flowering cycle so i dont have to break them off. had a buddy who refused to listen and broke a bunch off a plant to allow light to buds and his yield was crap compared to what i would have brought in on the same plant. 85 is too high when you flower you will have problems, i know it says under 85 but that leads me to believe you are close to 85 when you should be around 75 only. the wrinkle is likely from cutting a leaf but ive seen that here and there for reasons beyond me and it isnt a problem, your plants overall look good no worries!


Well-Known Member
just clicked the last pic you added i see your at 72 so disregard..also they are a good height to start some lst which will allow more light penetration to the secondary branches so they catch up a bit and take over as multiple primaries!


Well-Known Member
do not cut off parts of leaves, your yield will diminish a great deal if you chop alot of the large fan leaves off, plus their is no reason to make sure "to get some light to lower leaves". when flowering, i will take those large leaves and just gently bend them around a bud if they are shadowing it and i may do this twice a day then entire flowering cycle so i dont have to break them off. had a buddy who refused to listen and broke a bunch off a plant to allow light to buds and his yield was crap compared to what i would have brought in on the same plant. 85 is too high when you flower you will have problems, i know it says under 85 but that leads me to believe you are close to 85 when you should be around 75 only. the wrinkle is likely from cutting a leaf but ive seen that here and there for reasons beyond me and it isnt a problem, your plants overall look good no worries!
Great information bro, thanks!


Well-Known Member
just clicked the last pic you added i see your at 72 so disregard..also they are a good height to start some lst which will allow more light penetration to the secondary branches so they catch up a bit and take over as multiple primaries!
Yea I try to keep it in the 70s
Once I know more on how to LST I will for sure go for it. Thanks for the great advice.


Well-Known Member
very simple..transplant into your final pot first off, then make sure that final pot has some holes around the top rim. just take some soft string (wire and any thin elasticy string will wind up growing into the plant as it slowly digs in) loop it around the plant about 2 or three nodes down from the top and then through the hole at which point you just start pulling the plant over with tension in the string. pull until the top is looking kind of diagonal, not straight up anymore but also not so far down that you have pulled the plant into a 90 degree angle, a bit less than that is perfect. this will cause that main top to take a day or so to readjust and in those couple days your secondarys will shoot up you can then go back and pull down your main cola a bit more and start tying some of the secondarys to move them where you like and get good light penetration..continuing to do this will cause you to get a nice even canopy. plants are easier to bend the younger they are as they get old and woody you need to be more careful not to snap it! just go slow and get the feel of doing this and learn how the plant responds :D here is a good example of a proper canopy using lst and their should be some pics with string in them to see what i mean https://www.rollitup.org/smoke-reports/523547-paradise-whiteberry-grow-smoke-report.html


Well-Known Member
when my plants were about your size they had some weird leafs too.
i had one leaf with 3 fingers on it but instead of the fingers being separate they were all attached, looked like a maple leaf or something.
shes good now though, im so proud!


Well-Known Member
Kermit is correct you need the leaves they provide the energy for the life cycle of the plants in plain english. The vast majority of useable light passes through the leaf well over 75% although I forget the exact number off hand, this dimishes with each leaf you your plant will receive ample light. Your plant looks fine don't worry about that one leaf it can be caused by any of the already forementions problems and it just happens. Enjoy, relax the plant will do the work it is designed to do just keep it fed, lights, water, darkness and ventilation and of course indoors watch the temps.