Can I be a youtuber?


New Member
Read this. Please. With your true self, who you are under everything that you project around you to make others like you or to not upset others. Read what I'm about to say with YOU who you really are. Who you would tell me you are and how you would act if I spoke to you when you were 96 years old and dying in the next 30 minutes. I want the real you to be here. No fake people who pretend that they are ANYthing they are not. Everyone does it, even I do it. I do it a lot. But in this thread only be who you really are inside and tell me if what I just wrote is worth watching. I have a message to give to the people.... I want to influence minds and convince them to educate themselves and explore the possibilities of doubt and who they truly are after that. That is my message. I don't have faith in my ability to run a successful youtube campaign and be able to convince enough people of my message. I want some thoughts, true thoughts, on the following:

What do you think the general meaning is of the passage.

What do you feel about it? Share me what you were truly thinking deep down. Were you thinking "man this guy sounds like he thinks hes hot shit." or... were you thinking "wow, this is idiotic, what a fool this guy is." or "How dare he tell me what to think. I am upset, I want to speak my mind to him.". DO NOT LIE PLEASE. I BEG YOU. Don't exaggerate anything and be who you really are in these answers.

What would you like to say in regards to the passage?

What do you disagree with?

How do I sound? Arrogant? Wise? Righteous? Truly what do I sound like to you and don't let my words influence you, let the entire passage influence you. It's meaning.

After you tell me how I sound when you think of it as if you only considered me with how you consider the passage. I would like to know how I sound to you, I know a lot of how my message goes across is lost on your perception of what I'm conveying. But please try to understand I speak this way not because I think I am better than you. And EVEN though I just said that VERY arrogant statement... know that I am not arrogant. Or atleast I am not trying to be when I speak what i have written. Merely me saying that I am not arrogant does not AUTOmatically mean I am arrogant. In this situation it is VITAL that you know I am not arrogant so you can make a valid opinion here. I want your true thoughts of what I said so I can potentially get my point across to the next generation of people I tell. That is all I am interested in believe me.

I'm sorry for the large pretext... and I REALLY hope you read it first. Please. It is very important. And again... dont let your mind deceive you while you read. Your preconceptions of things paint the picture as you read, dont paint the picture until you are done. Or try your hardest not to finish the painting in your head until you finish the passage.

Random things you don’t know that are happening…. That… are actually happening:

Right now there is a war waging. The war s Mozilla and RealPlayer. No body knows why… no body knows whats going on. All we know is RealPlayer doesn’t work on Mozilla Firefox… and if you use it with Mozilla firefox your computer starts acting funny. In a weird way. You can’t explain it, you can’t find the virus, but you know there is one. All the virus scanners say you have a virus but when you deal with the problem it goes away. You don’t know what it is… you have a couple hunches… but you’re not for sure. Guess what. If you disable those addons and magically your computer works…. That’s because it’s the addon. If you DON’T know what I’m talking about…. That is totally fine. You probably don’t use firefox you use internet explorer or chrome. Both good web browzers, but firefox has its appeal to a lot of people. Anyways… if you do know what I’m talking about I’d like to tell you about a war that is waging. That war is RealPlayer and Mozilla. No matter where you go on the world wide web… you will find all sorts of pictures and movies and things to click on and download… on the top of that list is realplayer. IF you haven’t said no already…. Or IF you haven’t said yes already. If you download RealPlayer nothing will happen. You will work perfectly. If you have internet explorer or Chrome… whatever, you’re fine. If you have Mozilla everything won’t work. And it will happen slow. But It will happen and you will notice it. AND if you use Mozilla then switch to Chrome or internet explorer it FEEDS over to them. Not as intensely, but still it does, it slows your computer and you can tell it does. You cant prove it though… so no one talks about it and no one asks questions and no one gets answers. If you have this problem btw disable these two addons:

shockwave flash 11.3.300.262
java deployment toolkit

Won’t change your computer at all, if it does turn them back on. But it wont. You will one day find an illegal video that you shouldn’t be watching… maybe pacific rim? And something will pop up saying your flash is out of date. Guess what? It’s not. They just want you to have RealPlayer. Turn your addons on, watch your illegal movie, turn your addons off.
And BAM we see their motives and it makes sense. Doesn’t it? The RealPlayer company perfectly hid themselves behind flash. Is it possible that Flash has something to gain from RealPlayer? Does Flash not like Mozilla? Or does Flash just get paid from RealPlayer. It’s a harmless virus… its not really a virus its just a deterant from using Mozilla. Microsoft from Chrome could easily have paid 50 million under the table to try and get Flash to put this into the code. So its easily overlooked. You instantly think “Why would flash do that. That’s stupid” think about it? It’s FREE money. They have to put a harmless virus in a set of text that could easily be there on purpose and made a mistake. Given X amount of money on it and look where we are? If you don’t update properly you get this anti-Mozilla campaign. I’m telling you guys this is the beginning of control. And this is just a random thing off the top of my head. Open your minds guys.

Now that you have read it.... this would merely be a random day on my youtube channel. I would talk about some other things... but I don't want to tell you guys what they are. I want your opinions without you even knowing what I will be mainly talking about on my youtube channel. The passage I wrote has NOTHING to do with my topic. All I want is your interest. Now that you looked at this passage from a very unique perspective... I would LOVE if you guys wrote down below ANYTHING. Answer my questions or just write whats on your mind. PM me if you want it anonymous. I will never message you back and never write your name anywhere just list you on this forum with your names not shown (you can send me one without your name or events or locations) and post as anonymous. Also if you'd like me to respond I will, if you don't say nothing and you will never hear what I think and you don't have to be ashamed of anything you admit. Make an alternate account and send it to me! Just get it to me! I want to know about humans the part they never tell. I want to know who you really are. All of you. You are all broken stupid people. All humans are stupid. All humans are broken. Put your faults out there so we can fix them together. I have my problems. I told everyone... guess what? I still have them. And people still care about me. Dont be afraid of it, be who you really are. Embrace it and I swear to you all your problems will be gone. Stay awake at night thinking about death? Religion is great. But peace of mind is fantastic. I hear if you combine the two its even better. But religion is not up for debate. I am not a religious person. But thats my choice, and your choice is your own. Death is a natural thing to think about. Everyone does it. Some do it a lot. Some consider a small amount to be a lot. So much so they dont tell anyone because they think its a lot... or they think its small. Both ways. Let it out. No matter how small or how big. You will feel amazing when you are a real person. Not hiding behind small lies to benefit from small achievements. It doesn't matter if you tell someone you drank a lot more booze then you really did. But you would feel better telling the truth. Otherwise all we have is liars. And when we dont have a liar... we arent sure if he is or not.

Anyways... Please post guys! Have a good time and NO persecutions for anything whatsoever


New Member
Also... I went through my post... and I saw a few spelling errors.... like in the second paragraph it says "share me" instead of "share with me" and its driving me crazy.... but I'm NOT going to reread what I wrote. I'm just going to post it. On every one of my post I reread it and correct what I spelled wrong because I was jetting through it so fast. I do spell words wrong from time to time. Spellchecker does help. I have decided not to correct anything, but please do not judge me based off of that. We all make mistakes on the first draft and it wouldnt be in good taste to edit something on this kind of a thread. Everything was written right here right now on this thread and I made it up on the spot. As I was thinking just putting words down. This is fact. Know this. And use this in your arsenal as you grade what I have written. Atleast grammatically. Hell I bet there's mistakes I'll see in this one.... but I'm just gonna post it.


New Member
Failspammy is back
No I am not whoever that is. I really am a random guy that is desperate to change the world. Even if I fail, I want to try my absolute hardest to educate the world. Please read what I have to say. Message me privately from a fake second account. Anything. I want everyones views and thoughts so I can judge what to do to help influence others. I swear to you I am doing this for the good and there is no troll or anything else intended. Can't it be possible that someone is different? Read what I have to say.


New Member
And I don't mean that from a lame spiritual shaman point of view. I mean it literally. I am not Failspammy. I can put one and one together, I have to try to avoid knowing who Failspammy is al together... and with that I have to say "Who is Failspammy" when I can take a guess at who it is. He is a former troll? Probably runs on like 5 different names and keeps getting banned? I was on the jibber jabber thread and heard about someone being ban-hammered.... I'll look up his name, theres a lot of posts to go back from lol, but they talk about him a lot. His new name is Autistic something? Is that who you are talking about? Seems like a mega troll. Typical forum behavior, that is fine, but trust me I am not any troll. Failspammy or megaspammy or autistic whatever. I'll go look up the other guys name.


New Member
Read the passage, tell me what you think. But I want you to tell me what you think from inside your head. Stuff you don't tell anyone. All the slight lies you tell yourself. The passage itself has nothing to do with what I want to talk about. I just want to get a perspective of what peoples minds really are. And based off what you guys tell me... I will either make a youtube video or not. I'm considering making youtube videos to spread my message, if I had the skills needed to be successful I could entertain some people on this forum. So tell me your true inner thoughts of this passage. If you want to be basic and you can't understand my words, then just tell me... would you watch a youtube channel about somethign you believed in that had random videos like this passage in it? Me just sitting there telling you about that story. That passage I wrote. If so... then who I am is interesting to people and I could capitalize on that by spreading my message.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
No I am not whoever that is. I really am a random guy that is desperate to change the world. Even if I fail, I want to try my absolute hardest to educate the world.
...tons of people started out desperate to change the world. Some of them saw that it wouldn't change unless their perspective of it changed first.

...heh :)


New Member
Yes. Everyone tells me that same thing! But WHAT THEN!? Are you telling me.. me saying stuff is broken and needs to be fixed... is wrong? I SHOULDNT say that if I think and know it? Just because YOU think I cant change it? Or is there a deeper meaning I'm not getting. Because I've explored your option. Many times for years and years. The world IS broken and I am NOT wrong about perception. The only perception I can have other than that is to tell myself that humans dont matter in the long run and it doesnt matter to argue for whats right. And I will not do that. 3 options. Question it like I am, accept it and be mad about it, or perceive my helplessness or worthlessness


New Member
YOU SEE?!?!?!? I swear I am not egotistical. Listen to my words and tell me what I should think. Tell me what you think. What you really think because peoples misconception of me is driving me insane. In real life and online. The only thing I can do is stop talking. Then people dont see that.

I have friends. I know how to make people like me. But I cant be myself anywhere. I want to. So bad.


New Member
I have friends, I have a girl, I am good with people. STUPID good with people. I know how to say stuff to make people like me. I know what I'm saying right now does not make people like me, thats why I dont say it. At all. I'm stuck because people hate who I am... because they see the wrong parts. They look at where I try to sound smart... and think I'm an asshole for trying to sound smart. Whats wrong with that? And why cant you see past it to see my point isntead of arguing that I'm dumb?


Well-Known Member
You are 22, you will stop caring what other people think of you soon. You are clearly intelligent. You will achieve whatever you aspire to, I'm sure your YouTube channel will be a success. I like you. I will have lots of regrets when I am 96 on my deathbed, don't be like me.


New Member
Thank you! I fucking love you you just made a tear come from my eye. That is what I truly think. Is that what the world really is? It is right? There is good!


New Member
I've stayed up all night asking random people that same question and everyone tells me the same thing. I'm really good at telling when someone is lying to me.... especially when the subject is something I know a lot about... so after I ask these questions... I lead that person into the direction of where they might lie..... like if they are tough and can win fights... or if they can smoke a lot of pot but actually dont smoke any at all and know nothing abot pot.... or if they know about cars... and then I show them they dont... and I base that they lied abot the next thing.... so they must have lied about the first.

Everytime I do that it happens. This is how I came to my conclusion, do you people see the conclusion I came to? Isn't it right?


New Member
I am not saying I'm a good fighter btw, I just know someone who has never fought before. And I'm not saying I smoke a lot of weed (although I do, I don't dab so I'm not super hero yet, but I got through a quarter of really good stuff in 4 or 5 days if you need to know exactly how much I smoke, that is it. I do not lie. Its a modest amount). Also I am good with cars. I enjoy them and they are a hobby of mine so I know when someone pretends to know cars.

I'm just showing that I can tell when people lie on those 3 things or if they are telling the truth. I feel like I need to explain that you shouldn't think I'm egotistical and its true.... I do. Otherwise people dont read and think I'm egotistical. So here I am telling you.... I'm not egotistical... but because you dont know how to react to someone saying that... you're so used to manipulation... you react indifferent to be outrihgt saying im egotistical. So I say it... and then this line of text.... the point is dont deceive your mind by making opinions without research. And dont make opinions while researching, make opinions AFTER