Should young black men and boys be afraid of white people?

what kind of mindset values people only by their innovations or inventions ., . .. . . . hmm . . could it be people who strive hard to define status between people with noticeable differences in an attempt to elevate themselves and/or thier kin

oh they call that racism(by the definition on the other page)

so ill state this quick

who fucking cares . . . . . . .the original Africans settled the world, genetic markers prove this, and no one can take that away or try to belittle that, seeding the world with humans without what we consider modern technology seems pretty bad ass to me

how stupid is this illusion of uniqueness or visual differences actually meaning you are different than someone else . . . . so funny and so pathetic
Sorry to say most of those have been proven false lets start with this first one:

Frederick Jones in 1949? Nope.

Dr. Willis Carrier built the first machine to control both the temperature and humidity of indoor air. He received the first of many patents in 1906 (US patent #808897, for the "Apparatus for Treating Air"). In 1911 he published the formulate that became the scientific basis for air conditioning design, and four years later formed the Carrier Engineering Corporation to develop and manufacture AC systems.

You get he invented a portable individual unit? No? Ok, continue on with your racism.

here you go:
You get he invented a portable individual unit? No? Ok, continue on with your racism.

here you go:
the more people post facts, instead of false theories of superiority, it appears that him and crew has no leg to stand on. where as before, people that spoke up (the good guys) previously didn't have certain facts on hand to substantiate their claims, which subsequently cause them to be ridiculed for it, ultimately leaving this lame group of fake no it all's to run rampant and get away with a lot of bullshit that was posted.

through it all, i have to see any of them post real facts other than absurd and obscure #'s of stats that was heavily favored for a specific class of people. i have yet to see them post up #'s from all the rapes, senseless violence and murders from the time blacks and Indians came in contact with with people.
i have yet to hear them talk about the Vikings, Celtics, Romans, Greeks and other savages and homo's of white descent that has been heavily recorded throughout history.
i have yet to hear them talk about how the Berber Moors civilized this countries to the point that it couldn't be ignored and great minds/leaders (Napoleon Bonaparte to name one) left documentation of how he never seen a civilization as flourishing or better (at the time) than the one the Moors established in Portuguese.
one more thing, if "Blacks" are so undesirable and haven't anything to contribute, why are sooo many others races trying to follow their culture despite the lack of intelligence, hostility and senseless killings?
I ain't acting like no porch monkey, son.
i think the thread title says it all . . . . and many choose to not argue with fools, kinda like when you are in down town seattle and the bum is screaming at a giant green trash container, their is not much that can be done if it aint obvious to the transient . . . . cognative reasopning aside any google search can/could prove these kids wrong or at least make them question the reality set forth in front of them that they force feed themselves

but oh well
I ain't acting like no porch monkey, son.
so you say, so you say.


i would bet my last dollar that you and your kids are doing the nigger thing at this very moment. quoting every word Lil Wayne, Michael Jackson, Jay Z and whatever rapper you listen to song. or trying to be like Mike, Magic, Lebron James, D Wade and the shit goes on and on.

sounds familiar? i bet you it does.

just to help you envision that i know, do you remember "Riding Dirty" by Chameleonaire? every white boy and girl was riding dirty for about 2 years after he made that multi million dollar record. don't believe me, go to youtube and see how many white people made Riding Dirty videos. mind you that is just one example of many.

haha, nice try my nigga/porch monkey. let the wife know that it aint no myth about the size (as if she doesn't know already) and don't have to feel ashamed about her sleeping with porch monkey for her personal satisfaction. those days of sneaking around with black men are long gone.
Stupidity at its best... bravo
(Americans take excessive butthurt from "racism", I merely (t)roll with it)

You "tolerant" Americans are the ones calling people "white people", "black people", "brown people".

Here we call people "people", yet somehow I'm the racist?

Look inwards America, you arrogant pricks.
Let alone all of those inventions took part from things done by other races not just blacks.

Yeah yeah I'm the racist for asking for proof of someone who said

fact of the matter is, "the blacks" has made more contribution to human society more than any other race in the world, no matter how much you may want or choose to ignore the facts.

Nothing racist about that at all. Hes not selling any race short. Hes just promoting racial pride. And that isn't racist as long as your not White.
haha, says who, you?

your post might have had validity to it if that's all i posted ( i see you neglected to leave out the rest of that post, lame), but being that you neglected to quote the rest of that specific post or any in regards to yours, you failed.

i think you need to go back and look at what you posted and the response to it, just to make sure you can keep up Fresh Jr.

the fact of the matter is, you asked what contributions has/have blacks contribute/contributed other 200 yrs of slavery (to be correct, more like 400-500 yrs. that we didn't ask for), and when provided with an answer, you come with this racial pride shit (the typical passive aggressive shit that goes on here). isn't what this thread is about (should young black man be afraid of white people) or are you on the wrong thread and don't realize it?

also racial pride and racial superiority is two different things, so don't know where you were going with that one. oh i get it, is it that you didn't think that others wouldn't know the difference between the two. or is it that you're trying to make it an issue, because you didn't/couldn't distinguish the two?

learn how to follow the context of a conversation/debate before you decide to make any contributions to such discussions.
haha, says who, you?

your post might have had validity to it if that's all i posted ( i see you neglected to leave out the rest of that post, lame), but being that you neglected to quote the rest of that specific post or any in regards to yours, you failed.

i think you need to go back and look at what you posted and the response to it, just to make sure you can keep up Fresh Jr.

the fact of the matter is, you asked what contributions has/have blacks contribute/contributed other 200 yrs of slavery (to be correct, more like 400-500 yrs. that we didn't ask for), and when provided with an answer, you come with this racial pride shit (the typical passive aggressive shit that goes on here). isn't what this thread is about (should young black man be afraid of white people) or are you on the wrong thread and don't realize it?

also racial pride and racial superiority is two different things, so don't know where you were going with that one. oh i get it, is it that you didn't think that others wouldn't know the difference between the two. or is it that you're trying to make it an issue, because you didn't/couldn't distinguish the two?

learn how to follow the context of a conversation/debate before you decide to make any contributions to such discussions.

So, what do you think, should young black men and boys be afraid of white people? That seems to be the message that Sharpton, et al, are sending. Note, I am not asking if black people should be afraid of cops, we should all be afraid of them, IMO.
i dont know or care if they are scared of white people.. Im scared of them. Fortunately its been recently confirmed that I can ventilate their asses if they get stupid.
i am actually thrilled that we coaxed this new piece of racism out of you today, hence why i am now holding it against you.

go ahead, spam some scantily clad women now. you know you want to.

Here you go, Buck:

tumblr_mpu7nuDpuA1qg7sdjo1_500.jpg you can at least keep up with those good ol niggers.

I may have said before, my Dad, AF, was one of 63 in a new rank of top dog Sargent, beholding only to the Base Commander. Main job. Integration of the Service in the 60s.

He would quote Kennedy this way, and they really meant it, and it worked.

"If you don't work with vim and vigor we will replace you with a nigger."
honestly, i don't think so. i have come in contact with plenty of good white people, but that doesn't mean i speak for the rest or all black people. just because i don't think so doesn't mean that white people in other states are as color blind as the ones in my area or are not actively forcing confrontation just to kill a black man.

as for Al and the rest, i don't think it will ever stop. you must remember in the constitution, us Blacks are only considered 3/5 of a person and to top it off, we have yet to get that 40 acres and a mule that was/is owed to us til this day. shit the Jews reaped rewards from their holocaust, what's the hold up on ours?

trust me, i am like those that don't get into the racial politics, but i also don't ignore the facts either. as of now, i think we're behind in times, because as of lately, it's been (for sometime) more of a social issue more so than just a race issue. the nwo is predicated on the have and the have nots, not the blacks vs spanish vs jew vs white. shit the way i see it, i believe in the very near future, if you're not very rich, color of skin will be the last thing anyone beneath being very rich will have to worry about.

just to be clear, no matter how i may have come off in my posts, i truly respect everyone that participated (whether you are a racist or not) in this thread. i truly believe debates such as this, when facts are provided, people can come together as one and accept one another once we weed through the facts and false info out there about any race or creed. debates such as this can serve as or better help as an understand as to why we as people do the things we do or feel the way we feel towards ourselves and others that are not from same ethnic background.

i believe i have said enough and enjoyed kicking it with all of you. much respect to you all, sincerely, Fresh.
Me and the kid are now playing video games and listening to 'The Trooper'. One of us is stoned...