USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth

Tell your people to stop coming here, we're fucking sick to death of your pathetic excuse for a Russian accent, you lazy money-grabbing Communist-educated retards.

If Poland is really so great, why the fuck are people high-tailing it out of there?

You're racist and I don't talk to racists. Not like this anyway, because you can speak all you like behind your little screen with no fear.

Go for it, show everyone here how cool you aren't.

they are paying it back with favours, don't forget all the black sites in Poland, without Russias toilet, you might have to keep the real monsters on US soil, which brings with it a host of issues that hinder interrogation....

Just so everyone knows: Echelon is a second Generation Australian (only 2 generations and the results speak for them selves!).

And Doer is from the USA.

My self, I was born in a country which no one here even know's of. I'm very multicultural minded, fair minded, and I try my best to be a good person who takes important things into consideration!
I'v lived in Poland for ONLY 5% of my life, and these guys think that talking shit about Poland will hurt my feelings as much as their feelings and PRIDE have obviously been hurt by the posting of this topic.


Well-Known Member
You're racist and I don't talk to racists. Not like this anyway, because you can speak all you like behind your little screen with no fear.

Go for it, show everyone here how cool you aren't.

Just so everyone knows: Echelon is a second Generation Australian (only 2 generations and the results speak for them selves!).

And Doer is from the USA.

My self, I was born in a country which no one here even know's of. I'm very multicultural minded, fair minded, and I try my best to be a good person who takes important things into consideration!
I'v lived in Poland for ONLY 5% of my life, and these guys think that talking shit about Poland will hurt my feelings as much as their feelings and PRIDE have obviously been hurt by the posting of this topic.
How the fuck am I being racist, retarded Polish man?

Can I be racist against white Europeans?



(See what I mean about the Communist education?!)


Well-Known Member
Lol harrekin your stupidity doesn't surprise me, unfortunately. Good bye. please stop talking to me, I don't like you! just fyi ;)
There's a ignore feature for a reason, should you feel like it then put me on it.

My point was your country is TOTALLY fucked up yet you come on here and talk negatively about the US?

Why won't your people return to their beautiful, prosperous country?


Well-Known Member
A little country no one has heard of...hmmmmm?

Burkina Faso

That is it for the UN recognized countries, that I've never heard of.
There's a ignore feature for a reason, should you feel like it then put me on it.

My point was your country is TOTALLY fucked up yet you come on here and talk negatively about the US?

Why won't your people return to their beautiful, prosperous country?

Why do you keep saying they are my people? lmao You're retarded. Ask them!! lmao seriously. Btw that picture is beautiful compared to some of the places in the city where I live, You don't even know the half of it.

You could have posted THIS!!!

Or this! o wait woops not this

and this!

Harrekin, what a clown.

I wouldn't say that I agree with ugly square condensed housing, but hey, at least this is a slight improvement to the GERMAN built buildings posted in the pics above.

Of course you didn't know they're German / communist built, did ya?



Active Member
The point is you came here purely to troll.

Im still looking for the why poland is the most f@#%$# up country post but i dont see it.

Its really as one member pointed out, very immature.

Besides you dont have your facts straight.


Well-Known Member
It thought there would be a lot of support for baby viewpoints. But, a Complete Lack of support of the, all that is left is to butt troll....until no one opens their pants.
The point is you came here purely to troll.

Im still looking for the why poland is the most f@#%$# up country post but i dont see it.

Its really as one member pointed out, very immature.

Besides you dont have your facts straight.

No I didn't. I came here to talk about the death and destruction that is being caused, and which HAS been caused by the USA for centuries now.
Your country deploys drones to kill suspects who aren't even terrorists. And even if they were "Terrorists" they are in other countries on the other side of the world.

Your country has, and IS committing genocide (Do you know what Genocide is? Look it the fuck up you fucking ignorant, naive cunt), so don't fucking come in here and say I am trolling when you don't know jack SHIT about your very own country.
Don't fucking come in here and tell me shit when I know more about the country you live in than you do, even though I have never even been to your country.

The whole world despises your country because so many people are fucking retards who are hungry for war. End of fucking story you sad excuse of a human, you, You and your friends here.
Don't say shit to me while probably YOU, and definitely people in the USA think that the actions of the US Army are righteous and beneficial to anyone. Cuzz I don't give a shit what such morons have to say.

Where's that little cum rag? the towel? Don't fucking tell me people don't agree with me when the opposing opinion is that USA is a great country, with their "Glorious Army" who send brainwashed troops to fight some war that they know nothing about.

If you go and fucking piss on somebodies face, of course they are going to fucking fly planes into the twin towers. I mean? are you stupid?

Do you ACTUALLY believe that 9/11 happened because some random Taliban members were all like "hey duuuuuude, wouldn't it be cool if we went and committed suicide while flying a plane into a building?".
"Yea man, that'd be RADICAL! What building should we pick?"
"aw man, I don't know, Those yanks are infidels, lets fly some planes into their buildings"


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep saying they are my people? lmao You're retarded. Ask them!! lmao seriously. Btw that picture is beautiful compared to some of the places in the city where I live, You don't even know the half of it.

You could have posted THIS!!!

Or this! o wait woops not this

and this!

Harrekin, what a clown.

I wouldn't say that I agree with ugly square condensed housing, but hey, at least this is a slight improvement to the GERMAN built buildings posted in the pics above.

Of course you didn't know they're German / communist built, did ya?

How does "German/communist built" work?

Germany was and still is extremely anti-Communism, how can they possibly be combined?

The Polish education system's failings are all too apparent again, no wonder your little bastard children are dumbing down our schools now.
How does "German/communist built" work?

Germany was and still is extremely anti-Communism, how can they possibly be combined?

The Polish education system's failings are all too apparent again, no wonder your little bastard children are dumbing down our schools now.

What's 1 + 1, trollstein?

seriously though, please stop talking. your stupidity which you're oblivious too, doesn't fascinate me one bit. honestly. I don't care if you're so dumb that you can't put 1 and 1 together. Don't talk to me. You have been a rude little egghead from the start, and I have no interest in educating you, considering that according to you, my education is worth shit.

Actually... ah fuck it who cares. go smoke a blunt and be happy with your self.