Why does the media obsess about missing white girls?

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Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
right so when romeny lost you didnt have a mental break down and go ape shit on the forum like a bi polar fuck tard

ok . . . . . . . .. .

i also seem to remember a incident last year where you went all bizzaro world(even for you) on us as well

. . i mean i thought you calmed down by picketing planned parent hoods but . . seems to me if you get all pissy over every word others write seems kinda counter productive to be apart of an action that sets you off . . . . .what do they call the thought process behind when you repeatedly do the same thing expecting a different result

(wait for it)

oh ya CRAZY


Well-Known Member
I have Asperger's. How many times do I have to tell you that? It's a sensory problem. Bipolar is a chemical imbalance, while Asperger the degree to which you percieve a stimulus depends on your current mood. If my mood doesn't match the environment, I get a conflict. Once I think a bit, I realize my error and become normal until too much of a change happens. By making plans and slowing down my thoughts, I can lessen sensory overloads. The reason bipolar is often mistaken for HFA is because the senses I'm overly sensitive to I have coping mechanisms for until I can no longer cope and become frustrated. While bipolar people snap when body chemicals reach a level at any time no matter their environment. Writing this post calms me, while someone with bipolar, it wouldn't.
aspberger's is not a diagnosis that any competent psychologist would make anymore because it doesn't exist.

you're on the autism spectrum.


Well-Known Member
you could always write him in.

it would be just as useful an action as you growing that plant looking thing, which is to say completely pointless and a waste of energy.
OK I have to see the pics of his plants.

Can you link the thread so I can laugh at him too?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
so that is who your claiming to be your wife? Who is the buck tooth fuck next to her?
is this your new claim to fame .. a picture of buck that you ridicule . . .. . impotent may have been the wrong word . . . id like to redact my previous statement and just refer to your defamation campaign as a castrated virgin , faking it till its cool



New Member
you owned me so hard when you posted an off topic video that had nothing to do with the OP and had already been talked about by admitted stormfront member shotgun420.

boy, is my face red!
why didn't you meet up with SGT? especially considering you "stand by my words and offer to meet any of these people in person"
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