I quit smoking cigarettes


Well-Known Member
However, I replaced them with ecigs which gives me the stimulant of nicotine but not all the added chemicals. I have been off regular cigs for three and half weeks now. I can breathe better and the smell of cigarette smoke is fucking repulsive now. Not to mention I no longer smell like cigarette smoke and chemicals. I started with 24mg nicotine and am now down to 18mg and once I finish this little bit I have of this I'll go down to 16mg and so on until I can quit all together.

I know this is whatever, but I'm proud of myself for doing this after smoking for nearly 20 years. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Awesome brother! I've tried the Blu e-cigs but they don't seem to cut it for me. I smoke a little over 2 packs a day now, and have been smoking for 24 years. I know I gotta quit soon for health reasons and the extra $480 per month savings...that a fucking nice car payment! Keep up the fight man, I know it isn't easy.


Active Member
All I would need to quit ciggs, is an infinite amount of bud. not really infinite just have loads and loads so i can smoke weed whenever i want a cigg. I figure id do that for about a month when i could have a month off work and ill be good.


Active Member
Right on! Good for you. I smoked for 10 years. Now you don't have to lay there at night wondering if you will die of lung cancer or heart attack. Your lungs will recover and you will feel even better. How do you like having a sense of smell again?


Active Member
awesome man

i dont smoke tabbaco unless i smoke herb, sad but true

soon i will cut out all tobac and also go to a vaporiser

i do wonder on the saftey of the ecigs though , i imagine the Chinese rip off stuff will do more harm than good

time will tell i suppose


Well-Known Member
I'm sure if I didn't smoke anymore my back would heal ten times faster. While I don't even smoke a pack a day I still find myself felling like shite from them.

not to mention they give me real bad anxiety too!


Well-Known Member
Best decision you ever made. Ive never smoked but I've watched the price go up over the years thinking nobody would ever pay those high prices. People dont seem to care what it cost in money. But then it takes a toll on their health and then its too late.


Well-Known Member
I quit that shit cold turkey. Haven't looked back since.

Smoked for 14 years.


Well-Known Member
Good Job man! Try to add small things to your day like quickly attacking a set of stairs, park further away from the grocery store for the extra steps so you can feel you lungs. For some people this is very helpful to have an acknowledgment through out their day that they are doing the right thing! When the urges pop up speak out loud to yourself. Find a mantra like "I don't need you" and say it over and over, out loud. This helps some people too. You'll notice a positive difference in your sex life too.


Well-Known Member
Good Job man! Try to add small things to your day like quickly attacking a set of stairs, park further away from the grocery store for the extra steps so you can feel you lungs. For some people this is very helpful to have an acknowledgment through out their day that they are doing the right thing! When the urges pop up speak out loud to yourself. Find a mantra like "I don't need you" and say it over and over, out loud. This helps some people too. You'll notice a positive difference in your sex life too.
I feel like the bolded part could lead to unwarranted attention. Maybe a big white van will pull beside you, several white lab coated laden men will escort you in and lead you off to a room with padded walls.



Well-Known Member
I've quit a lot of things far worse than cigs but this is by far the most annoying one(addiction) to still have lingering around.


Well-Known Member
Congrats M8,

The wife and I are working on our 4th year since we quit. I do puff on cigars from time to time, but no more cigs.
I found it much easier to quit, when I put a dollar figure on it. I was spending more a month on cigs, than my bass boat payment. Since we quit, I paid off the boat ( just traded it in for an upgrade, but 2 years and it's mine) and upgraded the golf cart at the lake house and most of all, built my grow room.

I sincerely hope you pull this off M8, I know your loved ones, your body and your billfold will thank you for sure.




Global Moderator
Staff member
Smoked those nasty coffin nails for 26 years ~ quit cold turkey13 years ago & absolutely hate the smell now.

Pussy even tastes better (as if that was even possible :-P).


Well-Known Member
Awesome brother! I've tried the Blu e-cigs but they don't seem to cut it for me. I smoke a little over 2 packs a day now, and have been smoking for 24 years. I know I gotta quit soon for health reasons and the extra $480 per month savings...that a fucking nice car payment! Keep up the fight man, I know it isn't easy.
I started with the blu ecigs and they wasn't what I was looking for, kept on smoking my reg cigs with it, so I got the kit. This is the kit that I have: http://www.4everecig.com/m8/200502--ego-u-electronic-cigarette-luxury-edition-starter-kit.html , I also found the right liquid for me which is cinnamon flavor and every time I take a puff of my cig it tastes like big red bubble gum. The way I have done this is always keep the ecig near by and when you need a puff take a couple puffs. Not to mention it is a hell of a lot cheaper than real cigs. I also have an ecig store in my city so it makes it real easy for me to get supplies and liquid.

Good job!
Now it's my turn to give a try to get of those Nasty things.
It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, once I found the ecig I'm using and decided that this is what is going to happen, I've stuck with it and not looked back.

Right on! Good for you. I smoked for 10 years. Now you don't have to lay there at night wondering if you will die of lung cancer or heart attack. Your lungs will recover and you will feel even better. How do you like having a sense of smell again?
I always justified smoking with "were all gonna die some day, at least I'll have a reason." :lol: But yea, the first couple weeks sucked as I was coughing up the access tar and shit in my lungs and the smell is great, except when I get around other smokers cause the shit stinks. I had to deep clean my truck cause the smell was embedded in the fabric.

Best decision you ever made. Ive never smoked but I've watched the price go up over the years thinking nobody would ever pay those high prices. People dont seem to care what it cost in money. But then it takes a toll on their health and then its too late.
It's an a bad addiction and people will find the money to buy them even if they have to dig in the couch cushions. I know its bad, but that's how it is. No more of that shit.
I quit that shit cold turkey. Haven't looked back since.

Smoked for 14 years.
I've tried cold turkey and it didn't work for me. This way I'm still getting the nicotine I need without all the other horrid chemicals.
Im also trying nicotine free ecigs ... it's a battle! Wishing u the best!!
Have you already went through the ones with nicotine in them? Or are you just trying keep the motion of smoking without any nicotine?
And thanks, good luck to you also.


Staff member
I used nictotine free ecigs was the best, cause when I was at the bar or in a social setting I got cravings lol


Well-Known Member
Good Job man! Try to add small things to your day like quickly attacking a set of stairs, park further away from the grocery store for the extra steps so you can feel you lungs. For some people this is very helpful to have an acknowledgment through out their day that they are doing the right thing! When the urges pop up speak out loud to yourself. Find a mantra like "I don't need you" and say it over and over, out loud. This helps some people too. You'll notice a positive difference in your sex life too.
I've always done simple things like this, and I work out quite a bit. My lung capacity had gotten better with exercising, but now it's just easier to breathe with no heavy feeling in my chest. Sex is better in the fact that I don't get winded as quick. :lol:
I feel like the bolded part could lead to unwarranted attention. Maybe a big white van will pull beside you, several white lab coated laden men will escort you in and lead you off to a room with padded walls.

I like padded walls. :lol: :wink:

Congrats M8,

The wife and I are working on our 4th year since we quit. I do puff on cigars from time to time, but no more cigs.
I found it much easier to quit, when I put a dollar figure on it. I was spending more a month on cigs, than my bass boat payment. Since we quit, I paid off the boat ( just traded it in for an upgrade, but 2 years and it's mine) and upgraded the golf cart at the lake house and most of all, built my grow room.

I sincerely hope you pull this off M8, I know your loved ones, your body and your billfold will thank you for sure.


I"m already noticing more money that I have, now I just need to put it toward something beneficial. I tried everything before the ecigs and nothing seemed to work and I just kept justifying the habit. Going very well so far.
Smoked those nasty coffin nails for 26 years ~ quit cold turkey13 years ago & absolutely hate the smell now.

Pussy even tastes better (as if that was even possible :-P).
I know what you mean, the smell is horrid and everyone in my family smokes (except for my fiancee).
And you would be correct, it doesn't taste better. Oh, that reminds me. I had apologized to my fiancee like over and over, because now I realize how bad it must have been for her to suck my dick after I had been touching it with my tar and chemical riddled fingers. The shit is disgusting. I felt so bad knowing that she was having to taste that. But she always did it with no complaints. Hmmm, this must be love. :lol: