Way more yellow leaves then normal

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Ok when I went to my plot this morning to top dress my bloom nutes on some of the ladies that are flowering, I notice that I have a lot more yellow leaves then normal since preflowers showed up. The leaves are going from the bottom up and some of the ones that are yellow on the bottom have little rust dots on them. Its happening to mostly the older giant fan leaves. Is it possible that my ladies used up all the Nitrogen they had left in the super soil? I haven't added any Nitrogen since I first dug the holes back in May when I put Bat Guano Mexican 10-1-1 and alfalfa meal 2-1-2 in them. Plants have always been healthy and nice and green. They still are just the yellowing leaves. BTW the girls are stretching like MAD. I top dress the ones that are Flowering with Kelp meal, Bat Guano Jamaican 1-10-1, Azomite and a little bit of dolomite lime. The ones that are not in flower yet I just top dress with a little Dolomite lime and Azomite.


Well-Known Member
My larger / older fan leaves are yellowing a little prematurely as well, I keep feeding them and it slows the yellowing a little but I'm coming to terms with the fact I'll lose them sooner than I want to. Feeding them 4L of 18-18-21 each twice a week, I'm afraid to give them any more than that.IMAG0256.jpg


Well-Known Member
It's some root uptake issue...most common ph...now, outdoors I've never ph'd, my tap is within parameters ..I'd try ph testing on your water and see where u are..nitrogen is absorbed best at a ph between 5.5 - 6.5...and most commonly yellowing of fan leaves is a N (nitrogen) deficiency..make sure u ph after adding nutes to your water..nutes will throw off ph....

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the late reply but yea I figured might be a ph problem and for the rust spots mag problem so that's why I top dress some dolomite lime. If its Nitrogen problem hopefully the little bit of N in the Bat guano Jamaican and Kelp meal will solve it. Also I've never water my plants rain always did it for me. Where I am at we get rain about every 5-7 days. The ladies never droop unless they are on there way to sleep.
It's some root uptake issue...most common ph...now, outdoors I've never ph'd, my tap is within parameters ..I'd try ph testing on your water and see where u are..nitrogen is absorbed best at a ph between 5.5 - 6.5...and most commonly yellowing of fan leaves is a N (nitrogen) deficiency..make sure u ph after adding nutes to your water..nutes will throw off ph....


Well-Known Member
Outdoor...I all organic...I use Alaskan Fish Fert....sold at homedepot...100% natural...won't burn...and can be feed every watering until yellowing stops....

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I'm in the ground, I've never been in pots. Like I said before it only started once preflowers kicked in. When I checked on them last week there was only like 2 yellow leaves now that they have been stretching like mad they are having more yellow leaves.
Transplant to a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the ground, I've never been in pots. Like I said before it only started once preflowers kicked in. When I checked on them last week there was only like 2 yellow leaves now that they have been stretching like mad they are having more yellow leaves.
i mistook the pic in the second post...my bad..


Well-Known Member
Now those lower older original fan leaves will yellow and die...it's the course of the plant in nature...and preflower is when that starts..so I'd say you're fine as long as its the bottom fan leaves...as the plant grows those leaves are blocked from the sun...they don't absorb light and die..


Well-Known Member
Ah, IC.... I was looking @ the second post. You don't have a Pic.
But, for the other guy ( 1sttimeguy) that does...get a BIGGER POT.:leaf:

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Yea its like the bottom 1/3 of the old growth. None above that 1/3 mark. Its the leaves that been on them for like 3 weeks to a month. Its just it looked so damn ugly yellow with brown spot leaves on them I started to panic. Got this far with some Beautiful healthy ladies don't want to screw up now.
Now those lower older original fan leaves will yellow and die...it's the course of the plant in nature...and preflower is when that starts..so I'd say you're fine as long as its the bottom fan leaves...as the plant grows those leaves are blocked from the sun...they don't absorb light and die..


Well-Known Member
Pull'm...so the plant doesn't waste energy trying to heal a dying leaf or leaves that aren't going to heal...