I quit smoking cigarettes


Well-Known Member
Good job man, keep it up. Soon you will tire of e cigs and be done with that shit all together.

June was 5 years no cigs for me. I was really lucky that my body just stopped enjoying cigs. Once I realized I was just socially smoking, then just bumming smokes, I decided that it was pointless.

Keep in mind I quit at 21, and only smoked for 5 years. Not the same length of addiction, but addiction none the less.

Good luck, and keep it up!


Well-Known Member
I don't even enjoy smoking a cig anymore, it tastes so gross to me now and second hand smoke is even worse. I like how you were able to look at socially smoking and bumming cigs as pointless. Im gonna try that because that is the last hump I have to get over before i quit entirely.


Active Member
Well done, I have tried many times and I need to try again :/

i heard an interesting study done recently, think I heard it on coast to coast am.
they (can't remember who exactly) did a study on people who smoked just cigi's, people who smoked just mj, and people who smoked both. Interestingly people who smoked both had lower rates of cancer then people who smoked only cigarettes.

another thing I read awhile ago talked about the low rates of cancer in the 50's and 60's compared to now (per capita) strangely a way larger % of people smoked then than they do now, and people in those days rarely ate chicken compared to now.
my grand dad always said "never eat chicken, their bones are riddled with cancer.

not trying to condone cigs, they are bad and unhealthy. But there are so many other things that we should also be weary off.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I got gifted a box of Cubans yesterday. Nothing like cigarettes at all, opening the box the smell was actually pretty amazing. Made a PROPA blunt instantly. Probably one of the most expensive blunts of all time. Felt like royalty lol, even opened a bottle of fine single malt to go with it, something I usually save for special occasions.
Got so hammered I slept right where I was sitting. Normally an insomniac of note too.

I know the stuff is bad for you but that blunt was GOOOOOOOD.


Well-Known Member
i am really trying to quit smoking as well...its fucking hard.
Its very hard. Im a little surprised though. Given your views on the government and such. Think about the control you allowing someone to have over you in order for their gains. Smoking robs you of a more fullfilling life. Good luck you can do it!!


Well-Known Member
Last time I quit, it was here on RIU. I just had to be more stubborn than the boss lady. This time, I'm not quitting. I'm vaping nicotine. Soon, I'll start making juice with all my weed, and will be 100% smoke free, while still getting my needed cannabinoids, and desired nicotine.

OP, good job, and it gets easier. That hate for the heavy lung feeling, and the nasty fuckin' smell... That and your e-cig will get you through. Watch your use of any 11Mg+ vap. juice. Nicotine can kill you.

First time I quit, it was for a year... About 2 months after I quit, I had to go back out to Boston to do some work. Dude, downtown, and China town stink like fuck! So does the secure side at Logan.


Well-Known Member
Last time I quit, it was here on RIU. I just had to be more stubborn than the boss lady. This time, I'm not quitting. I'm vaping nicotine. Soon, I'll start making juice with all my weed, and will be 100% smoke free, while still getting my needed cannabinoids, and desired nicotine.

OP, good job, and it gets easier. That hate for the heavy lung feeling, and the nasty fuckin' smell... That and your e-cig will get you through. Watch your use of any 11Mg+ vap. juice. Nicotine can kill you.

First time I quit, it was for a year... About 2 months after I quit, I had to go back out to Boston to do some work. Dude, downtown, and China town stink like fuck! So does the secure side at Logan.
My lung function has improved greatly and I can smell the complete nastiness of reg tobacco burning cigs. I swear cigs now smell like they did when you find old cigs marinating in water for a long time.

I'm am gradually going down in nicotine level and will be down to 16mg in a couple days. I used to be a heavy full flavor menthol smoker of at least a pack and a half a day, so I was getting prob around 26-28mg a day. I think I'm doing pretty well. Hopefully I'll get to completely quit before to long.


Well-Known Member
I tried a few of these different e-cigs i bought for when i would run out of smokes (used to live out in the middle of nowhere.) the ones i got really weren't different from a cigarette. Is the blu the only interchangeable one with higher to lower dose cartridges?


Well-Known Member
I tried a few of these different e-cigs i bought for when i would run out of smokes (used to live out in the middle of nowhere.) the ones i got really weren't different from a cigarette. Is the blu the only interchangeable one with higher to lower dose cartridges?
Vap. pen.. You buy the juice and add it to the vape reservoir. I use 25Mg/Ml and I have a mix of great flavors, including a Kentucky applewood, peppermint, clove, and menthol. I paid a bit extra for the vap chamber (the boss lady did...) It can be cleaned out. I also got a spare battery. If you're in a trigger situation, you'll be sucking on it like that girl in the video was sucking on... Anyway, yeah, if you have an ecig store around you, they even sell no nicotine juice. Ours will mix nicotine to request (within reason.) And, you can mix flavors, to create other flavors (like applewood+a couple drops of clove, and a couple drops of menthol gives a nice cider/pie flavor.)