What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

LMFAO dude u can ask me anything, well i'm gonna say about 95% of guys ive been with have been cut, the few who were not were always from larger imigrated families (portugal, Iran, lebanese i think lo)l damn keg parties lol . But i tend to date white country boys, well have so most are catholic and have it done after birth.
you most have different catholic's in canada no irish catholic gets it done
ok, so i always see this other thread that makes me think of this subect and i've always wanted to get some other peoples thoughts on it...
the thread i always see is called the choice i never made myself, and when i see it, my brain automatically goes to being circumsized, which i am, but never was once asked if i would have liked to be before a dr took his scapel to my foreskin, not sure about any of the other people out there..
i have to admit, that i think an uncut penis is rather odd looking, and i don't really like the way it looks for one thing, but i just think this comes from my being used to seeing more pix of uncut vs cut in porno's and the like more than anything really.. but then i read about how much more sensitive an uncut penis is to a cut one, and i wonder what i'm missing out on...
so, let's hear it from some people who are both, cut or uncut, and what choice would you have made if it were left up to you?
and i'd like to hear it from some girls.. what do you prefer, uncut or cut, and for what reasons??
ok, so i know that this is an odd topic obviously, but who can't say that they've never thought of it at least once or twice in their lifes how their sex lives would be different if you would have had a choice in your circumsisions (sp?)..

I believe it should be a personal choice not the choice of parents or gaurdians. It's your penis not anyone elses.
I am irish and native :) and i'm sure that almost all males in my family have had it done at birth.

Really? I dont think i know anyone that has been chopped at birth, one or two that had to get the snip due to medical reasons. I don't think its very common on this side of the pond.
I like the look of cut... problably cause all the uncut ones I saw looked fucking nasty.

and, honestly, it makes a guy look bigger if he's cut...

there ya go, everyone is entitled to their own opinion,
and ladies doesnt it last longer much longer like Duracell ? ;)
now snipping the females ones, is quite absurd for me :shock:
Damn right i do!!! mmmm big fat crypt dick!! ;) Anytime buddy the "troll wagon's" wheels are always lubbed and ready to go!!! bahahahah

Really? I dont think i know anyone that has been chopped at birth, one or two that had to get the snip due to medical reasons. I don't think its very common on this side of the pond.
Every male baby in the USA that was born in a Hospital is automatically circumcised, thats just how we do... Unless the parents specifically tell the doctors, Nah we want that bitch dirty, i mean hella dirty grimey even, i want that fucker to hafta clean that shit all damn day, foreskinpalooza up in that bitchj.. in that case they keep it..... and in the case of a Jewish newborn where they wait a couple days then have a circumcision at a Brit-Milah.... Either way 70% of all newborns in USA get cut......(so if your here on vacation and are pregnant and have a baby and forget to tell the doc you dont want a circumcision, guess hwhat the li' guy is gettin snipped... hahahah)
Just had to bump this because of the hilarious ignorance in America when it comes to the foreskin. You'd think for how much we Americans love sex we'd love the foreskin just as much, I mean a foreskin is to sex as water is to a plant IMO...

and as for what I would have chose for myself, it would have been uncut. Too bad I didn't have the choice, now I'm doing foreskin restoration to make up for that.
Lol what is the best of the cut world? Lack of sensitivity and rough and painful sex for women?
Cant say ive ever had any issues with sensitivity. And most of the women ive slept with I have on more than one occasion and have yet to have any complaints about it being an uncomfortable experience. As far as rough goes, some women like it rough and if that's how you want it that's how youre going to get it. This one chick used to always try to choke me. Not my cup of tea but I let her do it anyways for fun and laughs afterwards.
Lol what is the best of the cut world? Lack of sensitivity and rough and painful sex for women?

I've had sex with both circumcised and non-circumcised guys. It wasn't painful for me and they seemed pretty happy with the process. So I don't understand precisely what you seem to be attempting to imply? Clarify maybe?
I've had sex with both circumcised and non-circumcised guys. It wasn't painful for me and they seemed pretty happy with the process. So I don't understand precisely what you seem to be attempting to imply? Clarify maybe?

Idk curious, maybe he's referring to the shmega cheese from an uncleaned uncut penis is better for lubrication than a non shmega covered cut penis?
Idk, only thing I could think of... :)
I've had sex with both circumcised and non-circumcised guys. It wasn't painful for me and they seemed pretty happy with the process. So I don't understand precisely what you seem to be attempting to imply? Clarify maybe?

As a woman Annie , do you have preference either way? As a man, I'd rather have been left au'natural for sensitivity reasons, but I admit I like d looks of a cut penis better simply based on looks..
As a woman Annie , do you have preference either way? As a man, I'd rather have been left au'natural for sensitivity reasons, but I admit I like d looks of a cut penis better simply based on looks..

As a woman no. For me it's much more about the man it's attached to. Look you can have trophy trouser trout and if you aren't creative, generous and clever at using it it's worthless to me. I guess that's what's so sad some of the men with the nicest dicks are simply worthless at the act.