What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

As a woman no. For me it's much more about the man it's attached to. Look you can have trophy trouser trout and if you aren't creative, generous and clever at using it it's worthless to me. I guess that's what's so sad some of the men with the nicest dicks are simply worthless at the act.

So what you're trying to politely not say is that some of the men with the nicest dicks happened to be the biggest dicks?? Lol..
The whole cut vs uncut thing is such a stupid argument IMHO. I've had sex with both, and I can't make a single generalization about either one. Guys that are cut will be super defensive, saying uncircumcised dicks are gross, look weird, aren't clean, don't look as big, etc. Guys that aren't cut are going to be as equally defensive that the sex is better and it increases sensitivity.

The fact of the matter is, it has a lot more to do with the guy behind said penis or the actual penis itself than whether or not a little flap of skin happens to be there or not. Lol. Use a condom and I promise neither party will feel the difference... Good sex for me has nothing to do with foreskin... just sayin!
Just had to bump this because of the hilarious ignorance in America when it comes to the foreskin. You'd think for how much we Americans love sex we'd love the foreskin just as much, I mean a foreskin is to sex as water is to a plant IMO...

and as for what I would have chose for myself, it would have been uncut. Too bad I didn't have the choice, now I'm doing foreskin restoration to make up for that.
what were you searching to find this thread lol
I have been married for over 30 years of my adult life, and honestly, have never had this conversation with my wife or any adult for that matter.

Can't really say it is actually is worth talking about, unless you are one of the parties having to deal with or without it...lol


I'm cut, because I was 4 years old when it happened. Not much you can do when you are 4 years old to prevent anything from happening to you, except maybe pooping your pants. And even then..
The whole cut vs uncut thing is such a stupid argument IMHO. I've had sex with both, and I can't make a single generalization about either one. Guys that are cut will be super defensive, saying uncircumcised dicks are gross, look weird, aren't clean, don't look as big, etc. Guys that aren't cut are going to be as equally defensive that the sex is better and it increases sensitivity.

The fact of the matter is, it has a lot more to do with the guy behind said penis or the actual penis itself than whether or not a little flap of skin happens to be there or not. Lol. Use a condom and I promise neither party will feel the difference... Good sex for me has nothing to do with foreskin... just sayin!

I'm thinking we should test this theory. Inquiring minds will want to know, and after our experiment, we can tell the community together, how it went. Just a thought. Throwin it out there.
I'm cut, because I was 4 years old when it happened. Not much you can do when you are 4 years old to prevent anything from happening to you, except maybe pooping your pants. And even then..

4 wow who did you piss off? I left my son intact because it didn't seem like it was right of me to impose any particular western medical bias upon him since we mostly have hot and cold running water and soap these days. He's happy or so he reports.

I'm thinking we should test this theory. Inquiring minds will want to know, and after our experiment, we can tell the community together, how it went. Just a thought. Throwin it out there.

Pics or we won't believe it happened, *IF* it happens LOL (just warning you ahead of time so you can be prepared!)
4 wow who did you piss off? I left my son intact because it didn't seem like it was right of me to impose any particular western medical bias upon him since we mostly have hot and cold running water and soap these days. He's happy or so he reports.

Pics or we won't believe it happened, *IF* it happens LOL (just warning you ahead of time so you can be prepared!)

i have some ill send you :) hahahahahhahahahhahaha just kidding...