First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
Oh I ended up just moving the ballast to the other room outside the closest. Was quick and easy I just didn't know about the ballast being a problem in the grow area. Too be honest I could of just left it in there, or like you said put it somewhere cool, and got away with it with no issues, but it's nice not having it bulking up the grow area. I like clean looks but I don't try very hard, notice the old red carpet and blue colored brick walls. My bedroom and different tones of grey and black, modern look, with wood floors, but the closest stayed haha.


Well-Known Member
I started in a closet 5'x2' 3 years ago.....I'm FINALLY buying a tent. I never had the room for it so then I moved(and the place sucked) and now I just moved again and FINALLY have the room and lights for what I want. It's a cheapo EBAY tent 8'x4'x6' for 145. free shipping. haha CHEAP. I'm just wasting SO MUCH LIGHT without walls. I just got a $100 400w mh/hps setup off ebay too to add to my current 400w hps. so i'll be glowing bright soon. What you got going right now?? I'm working with HSO Blue Dream, Green House Seeds Trainwreck, DinaFem Blue Thai, Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy, and 4 Black Creek Gardens SPYDER auto(reg). gonna store some pollen for future breeding..... and all the non auto's will be mothers(they are babies right now, blue dream is about ready.)


Well-Known Member
I started in a closet 5'x2' 3 years ago.....I'm FINALLY buying a tent. I never had the room for it so then I moved(and the place sucked) and now I just moved again and FINALLY have the room and lights for what I want. It's a cheapo EBAY tent 8'x4'x6' for 145. free shipping. haha CHEAP. I'm just wasting SO MUCH LIGHT without walls. I just got a $100 400w mh/hps setup off ebay too to add to my current 400w hps. so i'll be glowing bright soon. What you got going right now?? I'm working with HSO Blue Dream, Green House Seeds Trainwreck, DinaFem Blue Thai, Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy, and 4 Black Creek Gardens SPYDER auto(reg). gonna store some pollen for future breeding..... and all the non auto's will be mothers(they are babies right now, blue dream is about ready.)
I started very small, trying to hide it from my parents in a 2x2 foot area growing bagseed 12/12 from seed, progressively got bigger but plants never did, just got more of em. Always did 12/12 from seed, always bag seed. Got my chance with a real seed, Green Poison from Sweet seeds, super dank plant, but it was in horrible conditions. Finally I got the area so I can al least veg and flower in an area that has about 5-6feet in usable height and a few feet and depth and about 5-6 feet in length, my closest lol. :::: I currently am running a 600w hps for the first time running two bagseed plants, one completely unknown and the other called "plato." Been vegging one for little over 2 weeks and the other little over 3 weeks, trying to start 4 more "plato" seeds since I notice decent genetics. I'm hoping to get seeds from SOS in the next couple months to start getting some real stuff going. I'm doing everything right besides intake and good beans to start with. I got everything else, compare to my CFL grows I should blow this out of the water, it's always been potent I've just always had trouble with odd structure genetics in seeds and small yields.


Well-Known Member
in the end it is worth the money to buy seeds. better qualities and yields. just better genetics in general. I still got a couple dozen SXI(unknown sativa x unknown indica bag seed) that I plan to grow a few with each NEW grow. once I decide what I want to clone and keep around and what I don't i'll know if I have any room for them. I JUST got a MH 400w, I've used CFL for veg for 3 years now. just stretchy growth issues. nothing much more than that. now i'm short stacked with the 400w so I should get some bushes going pretty soon. once I get the tent in the next week or so, i'll be running MH and HPS. with the reflectors being so lite i'm thinking i'll rotate them every other day or so to get and even flow of lights and growth.


Well-Known Member
Great, that's what I'm hoping. I need some green asap. Yeah I'm waiting for that day that they just start booming. I'll make sure to give them a good spray down after the lights go out!
Follow my thread in the outdoor section man, I'm fighting the constant rain here.
Luckily I haven't needed to feed nearly as much as when they were vegging.


Well-Known Member
in the end it is worth the money to buy seeds. better qualities and yields. just better genetics in general. I still got a couple dozen SXI(unknown sativa x unknown indica bag seed) that I plan to grow a few with each NEW grow. once I decide what I want to clone and keep around and what I don't i'll know if I have any room for them. I JUST got a MH 400w, I've used CFL for veg for 3 years now. just stretchy growth issues. nothing much more than that. now i'm short stacked with the 400w so I should get some bushes going pretty soon. once I get the tent in the next week or so, i'll be running MH and HPS. with the reflectors being so lite i'm thinking i'll rotate them every other day or so to get and even flow of lights and growth.
I kinda agree, but kinda don't.........
Try some bagseed, and get your general technique down, THEN buy a couple seeds, and do them one by one.
That's my suggestion.;-)


Well-Known Member
I kinda agree, but kinda don't.........
Try some bagseed, and get your general technique down, THEN buy a couple seeds, and do them one by one.
That's my suggestion.;-)
oh for sure.... I actually did bag seed and then bag seed and then bag seed and then bought a single clone to try "true" genetics
then I made my first purchase on the tude, but only bought 1 of each thing I wanted. that way I could try a bunch of different sativa, indica, hybrids.Personally I don't think I will grow any more sativa dom unless it's auto(too stretchy, although I was using CFL)


Well-Known Member
Just off topic of my grow. This buddy of mine brings his friend over, he has a huge fit about the exact about we are smoking each first of all. So I'm so like ok whatever it's cool I'm feeling good already so I don't care. Then they tell me they have been fking up all day because they are on Xanax, which I don't appreciate. So I mention to my friend and his buddy "hey be careful with this piece we are using because it cost me over $400" and his friend was just like blah blah wtf I'll be careful. Then after he took a few hits he stood up with a bunch of cat hair on the bottom of his shorts. I'm use to this I grew up with cats my whole life it's cat hair. He flips and is like "dude these are $60 American eagle shorts. And saying how I take my cannabis too seriously and how he should kick my cat" for him sitting in her spot and she obviously sheds. I'm just thinking "Why the fk is my friend hanging out with this city boy kid that's obviously barely out of high school. Plus I wasted a bunch of my smoke that I rarely get and savor when I have it and I don't harvest till estimated mid to late October. I'm just really pissed and anxiety risen by this whole thing. From this one stupid little kid. Having a stern talking to my "friend" tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
there's a sign above my front door. "If you want to bitch, Don't fucking come in." my family loves it. hahahaha


Well-Known Member
I keep mine screwed to the window sill under my AC. it's got an internal fan and seems to stay ALOT cooler there.
Is it a Window A/C?
If so hope it dont freeze up or the drain gets stopped up,Might get wet if it does........


Well-Known Member
Just off topic of my grow. This buddy of mine brings his friend over, he has a huge fit about the exact about we are smoking each first of all. So I'm so like ok whatever it's cool I'm feeling good already so I don't care. Then they tell me they have been fking up all day because they are on Xanax, which I don't appreciate. So I mention to my friend and his buddy "hey be careful with this piece we are using because it cost me over $400" and his friend was just like blah blah wtf I'll be careful. Then after he took a few hits he stood up with a bunch of cat hair on the bottom of his shorts. I'm use to this I grew up with cats my whole life it's cat hair. He flips and is like "dude these are $60 American eagle shorts. And saying how I take my cannabis too seriously and how he should kick my cat" for him sitting in her spot and she obviously sheds. I'm just thinking "Why the fk is my friend hanging out with this city boy kid that's obviously barely out of high school. Plus I wasted a bunch of my smoke that I rarely get and savor when I have it and I don't harvest till estimated mid to late October. I'm just really pissed and anxiety risen by this whole thing. From this one stupid little kid. Having a stern talking to my "friend" tomorrow.
Damn,You broke rule 1 No one for sure Kids need to know your growing.Ie. Kid gets popped with the Xanax,Tells on you gets lesser charge,He's out now and your IN.


Well-Known Member
Friends of friends are the worst :) I have been in this situation, granted it was before I was growing thank god. I don't hold back though, my house is my house if you act like an ass I'll throw your ass out, manners don't exist for me in my own house, but others better have a bunch of em ;), you piss me off you know.

The best is the shocked face, apparently people think it's OK to go to others houses and act a fool, and apparently they don't get called out on it very much cause when you do call em out on being a punk and a little shit disturber they get all 5 year old kid on your ass with puppy dog eyes.


Well-Known Member
Damn,You broke rule 1 No one for sure Kids need to know your growing.Ie. Kid gets popped with the Xanax,Tells on you gets lesser charge,He's out now and your IN.
Oh don't worry we were smoking in our spare bedroom, that growing is in my room, they have as much idea as my neighbor :lol: I just know after last night how his friend was acting and him himself, I won't be seeing much of them anymore. Don't worry no rule breaking I'm pretty cautious about letting people over, we never go in my room, or it's when lights are off. I never liked people are on them or trying to get high off Xanax, zombies.... it's stupid. I've lost a lot of friends from them damn scripts.


Well-Known Member
I know right, it's like "How does someone I hang out with hang out with some like that?" I'm just glad they don't know about my grow, because his friend looked like a kid that would pull that sneaky shit and flipping me, but now he's out of my life and he didn't see a thing :finger: Oh and when they calm down and realize how stupid they were and still is just like "No I'm still pissed." Like c'mon? :wall:
Friends of friends are the worst :) I have been in this situation, granted it was before I was growing thank god. I don't hold back though, my house is my house if you act like an ass I'll throw your ass out, manners don't exist for me in my own house, but others better have a bunch of em ;), you piss me off you know.

The best is the shocked face, apparently people think it's OK to go to others houses and act a fool, and apparently they don't get called out on it very much cause when you do call em out on being a punk and a little shit disturber they get all 5 year old kid on your ass with puppy dog eyes.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone!! Well to get back on topic after my rant. I planted 4 "Plato" seeds about two days ago and three have popped, not sure what's up with the forth. So day 1 for those, hopefully they turn out like the Plato plant I got going now. I'll be posting pictures a bit later of everyone , they're doing great. Need to get my wake n bake in first though! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Here are the new Plato babies, they all are sprouted now, day 1. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pictures are of Unknown #1, the last two are pictures of the original Plato plant.


Well-Known Member
Is it a Window A/C?
If so hope it dont freeze up or the drain gets stopped up,Might get wet if it does........
yes beech window AC however the blower shoots air UP and it's below the AC. so it is not in direct contact with cold air. also it's the teeny tiny 5000 for my small ass 18" window. I have a towel wrapped around it(I'm too cheap for AC Foam) to block any escaping air but also to prevent any wetness from getting to the ballast. Appreciate the concern there good sir. I may now move it, and screw it to the wall directly below another window NEAR the AC hahaha