light cycle


hello guys 5 days ago i swiched light cycle from 18\6 to12\12.its any1 knows wen should i start use my base nuts for the end of this week?any tips?thank u


Well-Known Member
No no. You don't want to feed them longer then four weeks into flower. You won't get fade or taste like you should. I start bloom nutes at flip. How are you growing?


Well-Known Member
yes and no, depending what your feeding them. I feed them the same in veg and flower, 15/45/15 right until flush. but some stupid flowering nuts does not have nitro in it. so if you stop feeding veg they might get a problem, some flower nutes are example 0 55 20. and no more green plants. if this is your case mix the veg and flower proper amounts


New Member
No no. You don't want to feed them longer then four weeks into flower. You won't get fade or taste like you should. I start bloom nutes at flip. How are you growing?
HUH! I run 3 part nutrients, grow, bloom, and micro, I use all 3 equally throughout flower. My plants stay healthy and green right to the end. If you stop feeding to early you will not see full potential of the girls. 7-10 before harvest is when you should ramp down your nutes and begin flushing.


Well-Known Member
No no. You don't want to feed them longer then four weeks into flower. You won't get fade or taste like you should. I start bloom nutes at flip. How are you growing?
don't ever listen to this guy. he must be where the whole supply of schwag comes from.


Well-Known Member
agree, dont cut the nitrogen completely before last week maybe, and the first 2-3 weeks of flowering (the stretch) is actually where the plant use the most nitrogen, if it don't get enough here you will see a effect on the final result


Well-Known Member
If you are worried about the nutrients and which/when to use.
What are your plants saying?
have there been any problems with the veg nutes? deficiencies? no? mix them at 50/50 with your flowering nutrients approximately 5-7 days after flowering any defs? problems? no? continue. keeping some vegetative nutrients while in the flowering process is okay and can be beneficial. Its all about the plant in the end though. What is it not achieving? is it lacking in anyway? no? your doing good.
Flush it with plain water 7-14 days if soil, 7-10 days if hydro.
For the last 48 hours of the plants life, keep it in the dark so it will use up all the remaining (if any) nutrients.
the leaves will all be yellow or fallen off.
If you are going to re-vegetate the plant this might change so please inquire.


well i m growing on soil.i did use growing formula from AN but i add Voodoojuice on this feeding.all good so far with my girls no ef problems.
karousing that u said about mixing grow/flower formulas at 50% its working did u try it before?
i m using sensigrow for base nut and some b 52 booster and i m going t use connoisure base for flowering with some voodoo juice for couple of weeks should i mix flower/veg bases next feeding?and do the same for the first 2-3 weeks from swiching lights?sry i m newbi this is first grow no fotos avail athm but i m gonna add some soon.thank you


Well-Known Member
well i m growing on soil.i did use growing formula from AN but i add Voodoojuice on this feeding.all good so far with my girls no ef problems.
karousing that u said about mixing grow/flower formulas at 50% its working did u try it before?
i m using sensigrow for base nut and some b 52 booster and i m going t use connoisure base for flowering with some voodoo juice for couple of weeks should i mix flower/veg bases next feeding?and do the same for the first 2-3 weeks from swiching lights?sry i m newbi this is first grow no fotos avail athm but i m gonna add some soon.thank you
i personally use AN sensi, b52, voodoo, bud candy, and some produits jurassic soluables.

the 50/50 mix was good on my autoflowers last grow.
this grow i tried something different to see. did not mix 50/50 and they did not switch over into flower as quickly and did not have the same growth spurts as the others did. (this might be the autoflower and photo period genetics though. i will have more details from in about 2 weeks when the next set go in and i do the 50/50 mix)
i find its just like going from cold to hot water. ease it in. if you jump you could burn them.
only problems i had were due to ph flux and nute lockout.
i fixed this problem by adding more ph up (potassium silicate) 1.5-2 tablespoons per 5 gallons. instead of 1. this created a more stable base ph level and the fluxuations stopped. instead of -1 ph a day it is now about -0.1
i use a hydro setup btw.

i am now only using flowering nutes with some produits jurassic soluables. (got a couple free kits)
have not noticed any defs, growth is good, bud production is good. and especially on small plant use less then they prescribe. 2ml/L should really be around 1ml/L. but you can ramp it up bit by bit

i was using the left over nutes from my bluewidow which was given 3 weeks veg on my other res of 2 cheesedogs 12/12 from seed. they are happy, no defs, hit flower and have been growing perfect. they just received fresh non recycled nutes. i only use the PJ soluables for a lttle extra at almost 1/5 of the amount prescribed


Well-Known Member
oh and you might want to consider Herb IQ. i have been using it and it helps with keeping track. (i am a little tent grower but it is still worth the input to retain valuable knowledge)