“Trayvon Protection Act”

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Is it weird that when I read your comments I imagine the lucky charms guy?
Wanna know something funny?

We don't even get Lucky Charms breakfast cereal here, it's a purely American thing.

Youre racist for assuming we look like Leprechans btw, they're a distinct species of little people and should be allowed their rights too.
Racist or funny? Can it be both? I laughed. Does that make me a racist or do I simply have a good sense of humor? Am I really here?
I'm not calling you a racist Harrekin. I said it was simplified. In general... rule of thumb. I don't know you.
Some of what I say probably seems racist to a country who sees nothing but racism, but the rest of the world don't give a fuck really ;)

Most of the Africans Iv met make SHOCKING jokes about black people stereotypes to the point it can be scary even to laugh along with him/her but maybe they're just more "easy going" about it than African Americans?

Can anyone theorise why Americans are so obessed with racism?
Wanna know something funny?

We don't even get Lucky Charms breakfast cereal here, it's a purely American thing.

Youre racist for assuming we look like Leprechans btw, they're a distinct species of little people and should be allowed their rights too.

That is so wrong... Lucky charms are magically delicious and everyone should be able to have them for breakfast, lunch, munchy time.... That makes me sad.

But.....I imagined you sounding like a leprechaun, not looking like one. I know all Irish people where kilts with a tall boy of ale in their mitt. Psshhhh. The leprechaun is wearing pants for love of Taranis, so he couldn't possibly be Irish anyway. Must be a poser American with a funny accent. :grin:
That is so wrong... Lucky charms are magically delicious and everyone should be able to have them for breakfast, lunch, munchy time.... That makes me sad.

But.....I imagined you sounding like a leprechaun, not looking like one. I know all Irish people where kilts with a tall boy of ale in their mitt. Psshhhh. The leprechaun is wearing pants for love of Taranis, so he couldn't possibly be Irish anyway. Must be a poser American with a funny accent. :grin:
I dunno if I even have an Irish accent tbh, I suppose it wouldn't sound Irish to me... Just, normal?

Lacking the gingerness and lily white skin too...I know, Im sorry for destroying your worldview ;)
I dunno if I even have an Irish accent tbh, I suppose it wouldn't sound Irish to me... Just, normal?

Lacking the gingerness and lily white skin too...I know, Im sorry for destroying your worldview ;)

But anywhoooooo..... I would do unspeakable things to Anna Friel... I love her voice also..
Yuck. I liked them as a kid for some reason but tried them as an adult and it was gross.

I love me some lucky charms. Especially the marshmallows. Their not my main choice of cereal though. I would take count chocula over them any day, but they are really hard to find before all hallows eve.
Wanna know something funny?

We don't even get Lucky Charms breakfast cereal here, it's a purely American thing.

Youre racist for assuming we look like Leprechans btw, they're a distinct species of little people and should be allowed their rights too.
This made my day! LOL....You guys crack me up...
Explain what you mean by obsessed. I'll take a guess..
It's in LITERALLY everything.

Can't even mention KFC, white sheets, some types of melon, curry, non-alcoholic wine, etc...

This Trayvon case really takes the fucking cake tho...it's clearly NOTHING to do with race.
I'm probably the least racist person here, we don't have "hate crimes" here, they're just plain old crimes.

Its Americans who seem to be the most racist, seeming as there's laws protecting certain named races and the like.

Certain words get certain uppity liberals all worked into a tizzy tho, it could be called "implied racism" or you could call it by it's other name "Trolling Libtards".

And for the record, my nation were basically slaves of the British for 700+ years...so given that my great great granddad was a slave you should just BACK OFF!!

That is the "guilty white-American" logic, right?

(I generalise when I say Americans, but there's something about racism that yous TOTALLY obsess over...)

I find Irish men SEXSAAAAAAY!..accent and all:wink:
It's in LITERALLY everything.

Can't even mention KFC, white sheets, some types of melon, curry, non-alcoholic wine, etc...

This Trayvon case really takes the fucking cake tho...it's clearly NOTHING to do with race.

Well, look how this one played out...

The police would not have even arrested Zimmerman if not for the national outcry

Non alcoholic wine? I don't know that one... what do you mean? Can't mention curry?
You can talk about KFC and watermelon,,, what are you talking about ?

Damn... I haven't had friend chicken in a long time. Not going to do KFC, but damn, that sounds good.
Racist or funny? Can it be both? I laughed. Does that make me a racist or do I simply have a good sense of humor? Am I really here?

Um, yes.

rac·ism (r
m)n.1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

adj. & n.
If what you meant by "being obsessed" is that you can't talk about melon, KFC, cury or non alcoholic wine then I can't answer your question as I don't really understand what you are getting at. It sounds like you are making some kind of assumption that is not true.

Sure,,, draw up a cartoon of black guy throwing buckets of KFC in the air and slipping on watermelon and put a "I luuuuv fry chicken"... then yeah, that's racist. It's offensive to many Americans. It's,, degrading?
Well, look how this one played out...

The police would not have even arrested Zimmerman if not for the national outcry

Non alcoholic wine? I don't know that one... what do you mean? Can't mention curry?
You can talk about KFC and watermelon,,, what are you talking about ?

Damn... I haven't had friend chicken in a long time. Not going to do KFC, but damn, that sounds good.

I've never had a friend chicken. Must be nice.
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