First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
k. sometime soon the taller one will start to show sex. look at the THIRD node from the top, maybe the second. but that is usually where ALL of mine have started. they will progressively pop out everywhere but the first few will show up near the top of the plant before they do on the bottom.


Well-Known Member
yes beech window AC however the blower shoots air UP and it's below the AC. so it is not in direct contact with cold air. also it's the teeny tiny 5000 for my small ass 18" window. I have a towel wrapped around it(I'm too cheap for AC Foam) to block any escaping air but also to prevent any wetness from getting to the ballast. Appreciate the concern there good sir. I may now move it, and screw it to the wall directly below another window NEAR the AC hahaha
If it does freeze there's really no way to tell where the condensation is gonna go,If you could, I would still move it off to oneside.
Mine froze up, and if I would had it directly under it,the ballast.... It woulda or coulda Fried it.
Iv'e since got one on wheels the kind that has the dryer vent hose for the heat from the condenser coil 24kBTUs =2 tons. Rule of thumb on A/C and sizing is 400sqft per ton,a ton is 12kBTUs,on a well insulated space.Cheaper,also to run a 220v vs a 110v the 110s draw more current.


Well-Known Member
k. sometime soon the taller one will start to show sex. look at the THIRD node from the top, maybe the second. but that is usually where ALL of mine have started. they will progressively pop out everywhere but the first few will show up near the top of the plant before they do on the bottom.
Alright, sounds good. I'll be looking out. My plan was to veg them till 2ft but it is just taking them forever to get to that point.


Well-Known Member

If this is a F id be willing to bet its gonna be some fire.
Id take a cut from it now and clone it...... 7-10 Days it should be rooted,then put under a small CFL on 12/12.
In 2 weeks should show signs of sex.

Has good characteristics of a indica,tight nodes,and close branching.
Wish I had a plato bean I really like he way its growing!!

Im not a fan of the put the hole plant on 12/12 then back to your veggin hrs,IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Alright, sounds good. I'll be looking out. My plan was to veg them till 2ft but it is just taking them forever to get to that point.
Damn, you need to work on your patience LOL,It should be growing 1/2 to 1" a day,Soon!

Seems to doing great how old now?And the RH of the room.Bet the RH is low.See little signs of Transperation.Not that bad tho.


Well-Known Member

If this is a F id be willing to bet its gonna be some fire.
Id take a cut from it now and clone it...... 7-10 Days it should be rooted,then put under a small CFL on 12/12.
In 2 weeks should show signs of sex.

Has good characteristics of a indica,tight nodes,and close branching.
Wish I had a plato bean I really like he way its growing!!

Im not a fan of the put the hole plant on 12/12 then back to your veggin hrs,IMHO.
Well that's good to hear. I'll look around and see what I can use for a clone chamber, and where I can setup a 12/12 area. I already got the cubes and rooting compound. Yeah I love how that Plato plant is growing, but the secondary growth on the Unknown one is making me hope for a lot of good tops. Glad to see you still want to help. :)


Well-Known Member
If it does freeze there's really no way to tell where the condensation is gonna go,If you could, I would still move it off to oneside.
Mine froze up, and if I would had it directly under it,the ballast.... It woulda or coulda Fried it.
Iv'e since got one on wheels the kind that has the dryer vent hose for the heat from the condenser coil 24kBTUs =2 tons. Rule of thumb on A/C and sizing is 400sqft per ton,a ton is 12kBTUs,on a well insulated space.Cheaper,also to run a 220v vs a 110v the 110s draw more current.
220v for the ballast or the ac? I got both on separate breakers in the same room currently both are 120v grounded. I knew the smaller AC's cost more to run and that's why that one is on a lower setting it's a small mini window 5k. was just put in actually because I had 2 weeks of 90+ outside. also another question on the AC sizing you refer to. is that so high because of the heat lights and other equipment put off? it's fairly cool in that room outside of the actual grow space I have an osc fan blowing across the tops and towards the bulb to keep it cool. it's around 80 at grow level WITHIN the lit area. I bought a tent today online. basically to REDUCE rapid air temp differences. i'll keep the main room cool with hot air exhausting DIRECTLY outside and cool air pulling in from the bottom. I'm not worried about the smell currently because of my area.(lots of skunks, dumpsters, and skunky smelling plants in the neighborhood behind me.) once I think it is becoming STRONG i'll invest in carbon and intake/exhaust fans instead of just a couple blowers.

ADT- top them before flower. I don't have the lights you do and only had one 400 before I got the new set up I was practicing with FIMing and well it worked a little TOO well for me. they really grow a hell of a lot faster(well mine did anyway) they took 3 months to get to 3' tall in 3gallon grow bags of CocoGro. but they were FULL. I took 60+ cuts from them(I fuckin sucked at cloning since only 1 survived without stem rot) and they were still huge. maybe you want to try that? or look into it.


Well-Known Member
Damn, you need to work on your patience LOL,It should be growing 1/2 to 1" a day,Soon!

Seems to doing great how old now?And the RH of the room.Bet the RH is low.See little signs of Transperation.Not that bad tho.
Yeah I'm a little impatient haha. That one in the picture "Unknown" is on week 3 hitting week 4 in a few days, and Plato, the smaller, bushy one is on week 2 hitting week 3 in a few days. The rH is 53% right now, normally is around mid to high 50s. Says lowest is 43 and highest is 64.


Well-Known Member
ADT- top them before flower. I don't have the lights you do and only had one 400 before I got the new set up I was practicing with FIMing and well it worked a little TOO well for me. they really grow a hell of a lot faster(well mine did anyway) they took 3 months to get to 3' tall in 3gallon grow bags of CocoGro. but they were FULL. I took 60+ cuts from them(I fuckin sucked at cloning since only 1 survived without stem rot) and they were still huge. maybe you want to try that? or look into it.
Yeah I've read up on topping and fimming before. I might look into it, see what my options are. I just don't want to do anything that will set them back too long.


Well-Known Member
You could start with some LSTn now,to help with the growth of the bottom shoots.
With that tight of nodes and some LST you could flower IMO in a 3-5 weeks.

Why.... To me its so imporatant to have a Clone station,Vegg,Flower.
The only reason for the clone station is its so critical on temps and RH,For a good clone ratio.
Ive got a 60 site Ez cloner,and still use a small closet cause its so stable, temperature-Rh are easy to control and can get roots in 7 days,on most strains.
Hey Baka when you read this,Dont lol to hard ive been using this new MG stuff made just for cuts and seeds,with 100percent so far on cuts.Went 30 for 30 on last batch of cuts!!


Well-Known Member
You could start with some LSTn now,to help with the growth of the bottom shoots.
With that tight of nodes and some LST you could flower IMO in a 3-5 weeks.

Why.... To me its so imporatant to have a Clone station,Vegg,Flower.
The only reason for the clone station is its so critical on temps and RH,For a good clone ratio.
Ive got a 60 site Ez cloner,and still use a small closet cause its so stable, temperature-Rh are easy to control and can get roots in 7 days,on most strains.
Hey Baka when you read this,Dont lol to hard ive been using this new MG stuff made just for cuts and seeds,with 100percent so far on cuts.Went 30 for 30 on last batch of cuts!!
I have a place I probably could clone, but what should I be trying to keep the rH and temps at? I had heat issues with my 68w CFL bulbs having no exhaust for the box.


Well-Known Member
220v for the ballast or the ac? I got both on separate breakers in the same room currently both are 120v grounded. I knew the smaller AC's cost more to run and that's why that one is on a lower setting it's a small mini window 5k. was just put in actually because I had 2 weeks of 90+ outside. also another question on the AC sizing you refer to. is that so high because of the heat lights and other equipment put off? it's fairly cool in that room outside of the actual grow space I have an osc fan blowing across the tops and towards the bulb to keep it cool. it's around 80 at grow level WITHIN the lit area. I bought a tent today online. basically to REDUCE rapid air temp differences. i'll keep the main room cool with hot air exhausting DIRECTLY outside and cool air pulling in from the bottom. I'm not worried about the smell currently because of my area.(lots of skunks, dumpsters, and skunky smelling plants in the neighborhood behind me.) once I think it is becoming STRONG i'll invest in carbon and intake/exhaust fans instead of just a couple blowers.

ADT- top them before flower. I don't have the lights you do and only had one 400 before I got the new set up I was practicing with FIMing and well it worked a little TOO well for me. they really grow a hell of a lot faster(well mine did anyway) they took 3 months to get to 3' tall in 3gallon grow bags of CocoGro. but they were FULL. I took 60+ cuts from them(I fuckin sucked at cloning since only 1 survived without stem rot) and they were still huge. maybe you want to try that? or look into it.
Ballast or A/C both cost less on 220v.
The sizing I stated does not include heat loads,Its for res.houses.
Thats not high 400-500sqft per ton on a well insulated structure.


Well-Known Member

This is Reffs,But mine is just like it.
I spry the inside down real good with water to keep the RH up to 70-90
Temps stay in the low 80s,open box a few times a day to spray and to allow air exchange.
Ive upgraded it now, where i have a little pc fan and leave the top off a little to oneside.


Well-Known Member
Started the LSTing on Unknown #1, just one tie down, let that new growth stretch. Lets see how fast it turns around. Few pics....


Well-Known Member

This is Reffs,But mine is just like it.
I spry the inside down real good with water to keep the RH up to 70-90
Temps stay in the low 80s,open box a few times a day to spray and to allow air exchange.
Ive upgraded it now, where i have a little pc fan and leave the top off a little to oneside.
How much CFL watts you suggest for clones?


Well-Known Member
Just x2 23 watts=100w eqv.per light fixture on this setup is what I got the 100percent.
You said cubes,I hate using grodan cubes,hope you have rapid rooter cubes.

That MG stuff was only 5bucks and enough for 100cuts easy,I use 16oz solo cups.
Cut a hole in the bottom pencil size and a few slits about 1" from the bottom of cup!
ps.Daylite spectrum.Blue emitter.


Well-Known Member
Just x2 23 watts=100w eqv.per light fixture on this setup is what I got the 100percent.
You said cubes,I hate using grodan cubes,hope you have rapid rooter cubes.

That MG stuff was only 5bucks and enough for 100cuts easy,I use 16oz solo cups.
Cut a hole in the bottom pencil size and a few slits about 1" from the bottom of cup!
Sounds simple enough, might have those lights on hand. Yeah it's just rockwool cubes I don't think they are anything special. Then I got some type of rooting compound not positive what it is would have to look.


Well-Known Member

Good job,that will let the shoots get alot more light now,Don't cut any Fans off just bend them over if there blocking light to the shoots.