Heavy yielding fast flowers,outdoor strains only please.

wow at least you realize your being a dick

No. I have to be a dick, because people do not know how to read. I already know the all the stuff you guys are saying about auto's and outdoor grows. I'm not interested in your two cents.
I just am looking for people that HAVE grown outdoors in the midwest, and what strains they had that finished earliest with a good yield. Not people trying to tell me stuff I already know. I can read product descriptions too.
I'm not looking for people's Two cents as I originally posted. I know what is possible, I've seen plants finish end of july with half pound harvest, but I have no idea what the genetics were since it was a local strain passed down for generations. So please save your comments for someone who asked you your opinion. Thanks, and sorry to be a dick but I stated in original post I'm looking for accounts, not opinions.

and before anyone chimes in I'm not planning on this year as it is already to late, I know......

Outdoor plants finishing by end of July?...not in the northern hemisphere. I'm in the Midwest, and run early finishing indicas in-ground.

If there were a suitable strain that was actually worth growing, can withstand the harsh and sometimes very wet Falls, yet finished in September...I would have found it by now.

Good luck!
I have heard Timewarp is great fast finishing heavy strain. I have grown early skunk from bcseedking and they finished September 18th which is the earliest I have had and yielded a quarter pound from a plant put out mid June. I haven't tried it but have heard and seen alot of great threads with Dr. Green thumbs Irinian Autoflower, it's clonable as it's not a true autoflower but flowers anything under 20 hours of light.

I have some Iranian Chemdawg growing right now and they started flowering last week so I expect them to be finished at the end of september.
Outdoor plants finishing by end of July?...not in the northern hemisphere. I'm in the Midwest, and run early finishing indicas in-ground.

If there were a suitable strain that was actually worth growing, can withstand the harsh and sometimes very wet Falls, yet finished in September...I would have found it by now.

Good luck!

Obviously not! Both the strains I've tried from canadian breeder, Lethal Purple and manitoba poison finished in sept, so there goes that idea.

I don't know what is so hard about reading. I already have access to a strain that is done in time frame stated, with proper veg time before it goes outside(usually two three months) the girl just starts to bud after another month outside, regardless of your opinion to the matter. This is a guarded family heirloom and no one else has it outside the family. I'm just trying to find something that has the possibility to compliment her speed and quality.
I just want to hear about first hand accounts of people's fastest outdoor strain. Not an indoor strain grown outside, not people telling me what can and can't happen.
Obviously not! Both the strains I've tried from canadian breeder, Lethal Purple and manitoba poison finished in sept, so there goes that idea.

I don't know what is so hard about reading. I already have access to a strain that is done in time frame stated, with proper veg time before it goes outside(usually two three months) the girl just starts to bud after another month outside, regardless of your opinion to the matter. This is a guarded family heirloom and no one else has it outside the family. I'm just trying to find something that has the possibility to compliment her speed and quality.
I just want to hear about first hand accounts of people's fastest outdoor strain. Not an indoor strain grown outside, not people telling me what can and can't happen.

You stated 1/2 lb yield outdoors finished by end of July, I say it's unusual for any strain to even begin flowering by end of July let alone finish...outside of the obvious autos.

I just spent an entire year growing strains/isolating desired phenos to find the perfect one for Midwest in-ground. The best I found and currently using is 7 week flowering done around 10/5. There are C99 phenos that finish even sooner, which is unusual for a sativa dom...but their overall plant structure and susceptibility to mold had me cross off using them outdoors.

As for the particular indica strain I am using, you've been such a pompous ass on this thread I refuse to help you any further.
You stated 1/2 lb yield outdoors finished by end of July, I say it's unusual for any strain to even begin flowering by end of July let alone finish...outside of the obvious autos.

I just spent an entire year growing strains/isolating desired phenos to find the perfect one for Midwest in-ground. The best I found and currently using is 7 week flowering done around 10/5. There are C99 phenos that finish even sooner, which is unusual for a sativa dom...but their overall plant structure and susceptibility to mold had me cross off using them outdoors.

As for the particular indica strain I am using, you've been such a pompous ass on this thread I refuse to help you any further.

Pompous, no. Specific yes. I'm really not interested in your indica or anything else you got to say to me. Keep trying indoor strains outside in the north really works good.
Well, I figured this thread would get off topic. Again I really just want a thread where people could share there experience with strains in shitty climates that turn rainy by mid-late sept. Did you have one strain that blew you away with how faster it flowered, or the quality and weight.

What I mean about "people's two cents", is someone from california telling me that an indoor flowered fast for them. Since I'm not in cali my results will not be anywhere near that.
I have already read most breeder's descriptions and I know where to find the beans, thanks though.
No indoor strains, I found them not to perform as well as quality breed canadian breeder's seed and other outdoor bred seed.

So what would be cool is to hear about accounts with sensi's ruderalis indica, ruderalis skunk, texas timewarp crosses, and strains similar. Marc Emery used to have the best collection of outdoor beans with some other good names, Hell the old KC brains mango was another fast and fat flower. So along those lines.
Let's chill on the trying to tell me what is and isn't possible, what is and isn't quality, etc..... I've been around the block a time or two, so I'm good on tips. Just want to hear others sharing their best fast flower for the unfriendly northern us.

Again if I come off smug, it's just the pursuit of knowledge is often blocked by the will of men. Everyone's opinion is relevant in correct context. If you have northern midwest experience then by all means this is the correct context.
I'd like to suggest to you early grizzly by kootenay mountain seed company. You can get them on sale for $40 for ten right now on sale at hempdepot.ca. I have grown them outdoors and they finished in late august and were planted on June 1. I got a half pound dried from each plant. I highly recomend them.
Light Dep or Autoflower

Autos only yield around 1 ounce each but they only take about 70 days from seed to harvest. THC is slightly less (up to 19-20%) than photoperiods (up to 26%). I have only grown 1 auto so far (advanced seeds auto skunk mass) and it turned out to be around 15 grams of some sticky skunky funkiness. Very quality smoke.

You will have to spend more on seeds to get any substantial yields with autos.

Dont know what the hell you did but I just finished 2 autos & they both gave me over 2oz dry!
dude nothing will be ready to harvest in the end of july! lol unless u do some type of light control! everywhere in the U.S is still over 14hr of light nothing will flower unless its an auto. u say u know shit then y the hell dont u know that? u really sound like a stupid freshmen! lol
Kootenay mountain seed company is one I was trying to remember. thanks mate. Early grizzly sounds killer. There used to be great white north seed company as well, but I haven't ran across them in a while. Also there used to be a strain called mighty mite, but I haven't seen it around for a while either.
dude nothing will be ready to harvest in the end of july! lol unless u do some type of light control! everywhere in the U.S is still over 14hr of light nothing will flower unless its an auto. u say u know shit then y the hell dont u know that? u really sound like a stupid freshmen! lol

You're the second guy to say this dumb shit. I know exactly what I'm talking about. I have the f***ng strain. It flowers out with any reduction in the light phase and once she starts flowering she don't stop.
So why don't you tell me some more shit that I don't know.
Typically she is done 2nd week of august, but if you veg out a monster and put her out when the hours are still short she'll just keep flowering throughout the summer. The only problem with that is taking out 4 foot plants to transfer. And when you guerilla that shit ain't easy to transport.
So I reiterate, Assholes are like opinions every bodies got one, but I don't want to see it.

And No, I'd sound like a stupid freshman if I was trying to assault people verbally over the internet, kid. After you been at it for a decade, chime back.

Nothing flowers out under 14 hours of light but auto's and you're calling me the freshman. Easy Sativa:female seeds, the ruderalis crosses from sensi seeds, Iranian crosses, just to name a few. Glad to know nothing flowers out under 14 hours but auto.
For the THIRD time. People really need to stop telling me what is possible.
I said I've seen shit done by end of july, does that mean every plant can or will do this, NO. Out of ten years of hunting for another like it my search has only turned up auto's and the ruderalis crosses by people like sensi, these have done ok, but quality and taste are lacking compare to the OAK(the strain you guys keep telling me ain't possible).
The family that has the strain has been doing outdoor since the sixties, so I really doubt there are many people on RIU that have more years at midwest guerilla style shows.

All I know is you guys can come here and post stupid shit all you want, but if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass when they jumped.
For the THIRD time. People really need to stop telling me what is possible.
I said I've seen shit done by end of july, does that mean every plant can or will do this, NO. Out of ten years of hunting for another like it my search has only turned up auto's and the ruderalis crosses by people like sensi, these have done ok, but quality and taste are lacking compare to the OAK(the strain you guys keep telling me ain't possible).
The family that has the strain has been doing outdoor since the sixties, so I really doubt there are many people on RIU that have more years at midwest guerilla style shows.

All I know is you guys can come here and post stupid shit all you want, but if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass when they jumped.

You're FOS, no non-autos finish under 15 hours of daylight...doesn't happen and never will.
Why are you still on this thread. I already heard your two cents. I'm not concerned with what you think, guy.
We could sit here all fudging day with this dumb shit.

Why the hell would I have a reason to make shit up. I'm cool I'm just post shit out of my ass, because I have nothing better to do.

Learn to read troll. Easy sativa is just one of many that are not "autoflower" strain.

Why are you hauling 4 footers out grower ? I could chop a 4 footer down to just product in ten minutes on site ? Finish and grade later after transport.