“Trayvon Protection Act”

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Some of what I say probably seems racist to a country who sees nothing but racism, but the rest of the world don't give a fuck really ;)

Most of the Africans Iv met make SHOCKING jokes about black people stereotypes to the point it can be scary even to laugh along with him/her but maybe they're just more "easy going" about it than African Americans?

Can anyone theorise why Americans are so obessed with racism?

Its our state controlled media, they shove it down our throats and MAKE an issue out of it even the tarded president gets in on it, we have become idocracy.
This Trayvon case really takes the fucking cake tho...it's clearly NOTHING to do with race.

there's race embedded all throughout the case, but the real interesting part of the case, i.e. should you really be allowed to shoot your way out of a fight that you yourself started based on a tiny little scratch smaller than what a cat might give you...well, that has nothing to do with race and is the most interesting part of the case as far as i'm concerned.
uncle buck, yous a bitch, and ur mama sucks my cock, racist bastard.

what an eloquent reply.

i imagine you attended the finest universities and impressed a bevy of highly-regarded english and literature professors during your salad days.

however, it now appears that you have been reduced to auto-erotic asphyxiation while pleasuring your hind section with a vibrating toothbrush, and composing rejoinders on rollitup during said process.

my, how the mighty do fall.
Seems to me GZ just wanted to shoot somebody and in my opinion would have done so eventually regardless.
Some of the phone calls he made to 911 were just idiotic, "kids playing in the street causing a disturbance", "woman yelling at other passengers in the car" etc .
Why bother making those kind of calls to 911 in the first place.
TM on the other hand doesn't sound any worse than any other American kid that age, wannabe gangstas don't just come in one flavour, perhaps he would have turned out to be a habitual criminal but one can only speculate.
Seems to me GZ just wanted to shoot somebody and in my opinion would have done so eventually regardless.
Some of the phone calls he made to 911 were just idiotic, "kids playing in the street causing a disturbance", "woman yelling at other passengers in the car" etc .
Why bother making those kind of calls to 911 in the first place.
TM on the other hand doesn't sound any worse than any other American kid that age, wannabe gangstas don't just come in one flavour, perhaps he would have turned out to be a habitual criminal but one can only speculate.
Opinions are like assholes... Everybody's got one.
You sure you're not American?
I'd have a MMJ card if I was American, and undoubtably be far higher on far better shit (smoking "dealer weed ATM :( ) and I dont have an assault rifle under my bed.

So no, sadly (in some respects) Im not American.
I'd have a MMJ card if I was American, and undoubtably be far higher on far better shit (smoking "dealer weed ATM :( ) and I dont have an assault rifle under my bed.

So no, sadly (in some respects) Im not American.

Fair enough.
I hear ya on the crappy overpriced weed.
I swore I'd smoke no more of the sprayed shit circulating here and so far I haven't.
Opinions are like assholes... Everybody's got one.


[h=1]Chinese man born with no anus, doctor created a hole so he squeezed faeces out with hands[/h]Submitted by Anonymous on February 27, 2011 4:01:00 PM PST - Source:*themorningstarr.co.uk
A 55-year-old farmer from the Hubei Province of China has spent his entire life with no anus bumhole.

The farmer, named only as Wu, was born with a condition known as anal atresia, where there is no real anus and the large intestine connects to the urethra. When Wu was an infant doctors surgically created a small hole for him near his urethra where he squeezed faeces out with his hands.

Despite this clearly nasty condition, it didn’t prevent Wu from getting married and starting a family.

Now, at the age of 55 Wu has saved up enough money to pay for treatment at the Wuhan Hospital. Dr Li Zhibiao from the hospital examined Wu and began treatment in January. Wu was fitted with an artificial anus, and three days later it was reported that he could excrete like a normal person.

Chinese man born with no anus, doctor created a hole so he squeezed faeces out with hands

Submitted by Anonymous on February 27, 2011 4:01:00 PM PST - Source:*themorningstarr.co.uk
A 55-year-old farmer from the Hubei Province of China has spent his entire life with no anus bumhole.

The farmer, named only as Wu, was born with a condition known as anal atresia, where there is no real anus and the large intestine connects to the urethra. When Wu was an infant doctors surgically created a small hole for him near his urethra where he squeezed faeces out with his hands.

Despite this clearly nasty condition, it didn’t prevent Wu from getting married and starting a family.

Now, at the age of 55 Wu has saved up enough money to pay for treatment at the Wuhan Hospital. Dr Li Zhibiao from the hospital examined Wu and began treatment in January. Wu was fitted with an artificial anus, and three days later it was reported that he could excrete like a normal person.

I'll think of this tmrw morning and feel very grateful for having an asshole.

Chinese man born with no anus, doctor created a hole so he squeezed faeces out with hands

Submitted by Anonymous on February 27, 2011 4:01:00 PM PST - Source:*themorningstarr.co.uk
A 55-year-old farmer from the Hubei Province of China has spent his entire life with no anus bumhole.

The farmer, named only as Wu, was born with a condition known as anal atresia, where there is no real anus and the large intestine connects to the urethra. When Wu was an infant doctors surgically created a small hole for him near his urethra where he squeezed faeces out with his hands.

Despite this clearly nasty condition, it didn’t prevent Wu from getting married and starting a family.

Now, at the age of 55 Wu has saved up enough money to pay for treatment at the Wuhan Hospital. Dr Li Zhibiao from the hospital examined Wu and began treatment in January. Wu was fitted with an artificial anus, and three days later it was reported that he could excrete like a normal person.
Holy shit....

Chinese man born with no anus, doctor created a hole so he squeezed faeces out with hands

Submitted by Anonymous on February 27, 2011 4:01:00 PM PST - Source:*themorningstarr.co.uk
A 55-year-old farmer from the Hubei Province of China has spent his entire life with no anus bumhole.

The farmer, named only as Wu, was born with a condition known as anal atresia, where there is no real anus and the large intestine connects to the urethra. When Wu was an infant doctors surgically created a small hole for him near his urethra where he squeezed faeces out with his hands.

Despite this clearly nasty condition, it didn’t prevent Wu from getting married and starting a family.

Now, at the age of 55 Wu has saved up enough money to pay for treatment at the Wuhan Hospital. Dr Li Zhibiao from the hospital examined Wu and began treatment in January. Wu was fitted with an artificial anus, and three days later it was reported that he could excrete like a normal person.

Now tell us how your anus is connected to your mouth.
The influx of race discussions, depositions, articles, etc has been a glimpse into the mind of the racist that I had not really seen in the past.
One thing I've found interesting is that so many racists are sort of clueless to the fact that a statement they make is racist/offensive/hilarious (says the ____ guy).
Paula Deen asking her lead chef, the woman who was crucial to her success, to walk out in front of the restaurant when they opened at 11 am to ring a bell and yell "COME AND GET IT!".

It's terrible that I find that funny, but I do. I understand if anyone thinks that makes me a bad person. I don't know what it is... probably a combination of many things. But anyone who finds it offensive, no questions.. you have a very good reason to be offended. Jesus.. She wanted the same woman to dress up in an Aunt Jemima-like outfit while people watched her make potato pancakes. You can't even make that shit up. Too good.

I'm terrible... But I'm not a racist.

My point, I guess, you can't fix most racist people. They don't even understand what they are doing wrong. They don't get it. Clueless.

For the record... I wasn't there when GZ shit TM. So, I don't know what happened... If I had to make a guess (doesn't mean shit)... some cop wanna be shot a black kid because the black kid did not like being followed and then started talking shit. GZ didn't want to take the shit talking, so he pushed it further.
Like often happens when one person starts talking shit, the other side starts talking shit... Like often happens when two people start talking shit, a fight started. One of them had a gun, some fucked up laws are in place, the rest is history.

The Stand Your Ground law is fucked up. That is for sure. Too vague.
I'm all for the concealed carry permits but not being able to shoot someone because you got yourself into a fist fight.
If GZ followed TM, then GZ was being a dumbass and got himself in a fight that he couldn't handle without his gun, apparently. Coward. Followed a kid, couldn't back up his flex, then shot him. What a loser, imo.

ANother thing that is for sure... GZ profiled him and followed him. Fucking stupid and fucking racist.

I consider myself non-racist and I believe you can tell this from my posts. After the presidents speech, I truly felt ashamed..I too, have been guilty of locking my car doors when a person of color approaches. The sound must be deafening. Think about it.
Wanna know something funny?

We don't even get Lucky Charms breakfast cereal here, it's a purely American thing.

Youre racist for assuming we look like Leprechans btw, they're a distinct species of little people and should be allowed their rights too.

Post a safe addy and I'll send you some:wink:
Seems to me GZ just wanted to shoot somebody and in my opinion would have done so eventually regardless.
Some of the phone calls he made to 911 were just idiotic, "kids playing in the street causing a disturbance", "woman yelling at other passengers in the car" etc .
Why bother making those kind of calls to 911 in the first place.
TM on the other hand doesn't sound any worse than any other American kid that age, wannabe gangstas don't just come in one flavour, perhaps he would have turned out to be a habitual criminal but one can only speculate.

Couch Cop, Wannabe Warrior..GZ JUDGED someone based upon what he looked like an how he was dressed..if you ARE qualified to become a LEO in the State of Florida..poor credit will NOT stand in the way..think about it..and you can take that to the bank:wink:
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