“Trayvon Protection Act”

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I'd have a MMJ card if I was American, and undoubtably be far higher on far better shit (smoking "dealer weed ATM :( ) and I dont have an assault rifle under my bed.

So no, sadly (in some respects) Im not American.

What is dealer weed? I've never heard of this.
People are asking why this country is so preoccupied with race? What is the glitch? Here goes.....I think we ought to look to the two bloodiest wars we, as a nation, went out and fought in awhile. The Civil War, and WW2. These were undoubtedly fights against multiple agendas but the public knew them as righteous, tolerant, and essential acts against institutional oppression and genocide. America, brands itself based upon these events and has yet to think and discuss the matter without a pathological sensitivity or a downright bias. I hear a lot of people saying "but I am not a racist" for anything said relating to cultures, skin color, even religion.....this drives me crazy. Humans forget that our reactions to such things are based on partial-truths, learned behavior, and fear. Americans fear racism to a point where honesty and humor become inappropriate and thus the mechanics of real forward motion are halted. I know it sounds odd, but we need to drop our guard for a moment and let out stereotypical anecdotes, have a little fun with each other, and perhaps lighten up while thickening your skin simultaneously. The media uses a polarizing issue to draw out a story that inspires outrage, hostility, and questions about racial progress at this day in age. It is a simple formula that keeps important news off the radar.....we are being distracted...our reaction wedges us into somewhere without any room to know or act against other crimes. Let your truth be heard and ask for it from others.....we are all racist at a point and instead of feeling ashamed maybe think about cultural stereotypes....why are they funny? why are they racist? are they true? and can they be beneficial? I am not preoccupied by race nor indifferent to it, they are products of evolution and make us better survivors....quirks included. The hybrid human will swallow up the gene pool eventually. We will all become homogeneous, if we survive as a species, giving us diversity in our genome and better humans. We will be glad these events transpired, passed, and gifted us with sobering or hilarious new ways of deflating this.
Couch Cop, Wannabe Warrior..GZ JUDGED someone based upon what he looked like an how he was dressed..if you ARE qualified to become a LEO in the State of Florida..poor credit will NOT stand in the way..think about it..and you can take that to the bank:wink:

I'm not from the US so I don't understand the connection between poor credit and becoming a LEO:)
To our Irish friends:

1. NO Travellers
2. NO Irish Need Apply

Get it?

I'm Irish and lived in London for over six years and never seen such signs, the old timers often spoke of the signs on boarding houses from the 50's that said "No dogs, No blacks, No Irish" but one of the areas I lived in was predominantly black and the teenagers hanging around the streets would be calling white residents racist names.The majority of the people though were good decent folk. I was stabbed during a mugging by black kids, the police woman who took my statement was black and basically said to me that I must take some responsibility for living there, I also mentioned they were calling me names like snow flake, chalky and blood clot etc and she became angry and said it was unlikely.
It's off topic I know but it relates to racism and racism is unfortunately ingrained in the human psyche regardless of colour.

I said the mafia is also one of those organizations that doesn't let people out once they "join". That was a reference to the USA Federal policy of holding people (states) in their organization with the use and / or threat of force. The previous post from Samwell referenced that Texas had tired to "succeed". I believe he meant secede.

Reading between the lines.....the USA and the Mafia use similar tactics.
I'm not from the US so I don't understand the connection between poor credit and becoming a LEO:)

Poor credit is supposedly a sign that you can't be trusted to manage your job..if you can't manage your household expenses, how can you handle the WONDERFUL job they want you to do? However, they do not factor in:

1. ex-spouse with an axe to grind
2. stolen identity
3. errors on your credit report

Many, not all, US employers use this as a tool..additionally, if you have more than 12 months of career gap on your resume..they won't even consider interviewing you. That's actually the latest thing employers do here that is discriminatory.
Poor credit is supposedly a sign that you can't be trusted to manage your job..if you can't manage your household expenses, how can you handle the WONDERFUL job they want you to do? However, they do not factor in:

1. ex-spouse with an axe to grind
2. stolen identity
3. errors on your credit report

Many, not all, US employers use this as a tool..additionally, if you have more than 12 months of career gap on your resume..they won't even consider interviewing you. That's actually the latest thing employers do here that is discriminatory.

Very very true! Do you really think it's discriminatory? I don't think an employer that wants to review a possible candidates history whether it be financial, criminal is. Is it discriminatory that you search a potential babysitters history before you leave them with your kids?
I'm Irish and lived in London for over six years and never seen such signs, the old timers often spoke of the signs on boarding houses from the 50's that said "No dogs, No blacks, No Irish" but one of the areas I lived in was predominantly black and the teenagers hanging around the streets would be calling white residents racist names.The majority of the people though were good decent folk. I was stabbed during a mugging by black kids, the police woman who took my statement was black and basically said to me that I must take some responsibility for living there, I also mentioned they were calling me names like snow flake, chalky and blood clot etc and she became angry and said it was unlikely.
It's off topic I know but it relates to racism and racism is unfortunately ingrained in the human psyche regardless of colour.

Ahhhhh, but those signs existed here in America especially during the influx of Irish in 1845.
I said the mafia is also one of those organizations that doesn't let people out once they "join". That was a reference to the USA Federal policy of holding people (states) in their organization with the use and / or threat of force. The previous post from Samwell referenced that Texas had tired to "succeed". I believe he meant secede.

Reading between the lines.....the USA and the Mafia use similar tactics.

This is a Trayvon Martin thread..I'm not sure how the mafia comes into play.
Very very true! Do you really think it's discriminatory? I don't think an employer that wants to review a possible candidates history whether it be financial, criminal is. Is it discriminatory that you search a potential babysitters history before you leave them with your kids?

I feel it is discriminatory to deny employment based upon employees credit rating and 12 month gap in employment. There are many legitimate reasons why this is poor hiring practices.
Very very true! Do you really think it's discriminatory? I don't think an employer that wants to review a possible candidates history whether it be financial, criminal is. Is it discriminatory that you search a potential babysitters history before you leave them with your kids?

lol, weren't you just talking about how easy it should be to just 'get a job' in another thread? and then i reminded you of the cycle of poverty, and here you are supporting this practice which makes it a much tougher and longer process to break that same cycle of poverty?

and all this after denying that there is no correlation between poverty and crime, and wildly throwing around racial stereotypes?

yeah, you're a piece of work. stupid lives on in this country.
I know what you mean although the only time I was discriminated against for being Irish was when the IRA were bombing the Brits, everyone seemed to think if you were Irish you were in the IRA.

The same thing goes on here RE: employment, with very high unemployment here employers are reluctant to hire anyone with large gaps in their employment history, the Govt. has set up a scheme whereby they will pay employers to take on the long term unemployed( long term = 12 mths or more)
I know what you mean although the only time I was discriminated against for being Irish was when the IRA were bombing the Brits, everyone seemed to think if you were Irish you were in the IRA.

The same thing goes on here RE: employment, with very high unemployment here employers are reluctant to hire anyone with large gaps in their employment history, the Govt. has set up a scheme whereby they will pay employers to take on the long term unemployed( long term = 12 mths or more)

You mean you are not IRA??? Awwwwwww why did you tell me that?..part of the Irish fantasy..guys into danger, thrill seekers ROFL
Yes, we have employer incentives as well. Typically, you can receive tax credits on your business tax return for hiring ex-cons, those on welfare or food stamps etc.
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