You know you love growing outdoor when...,

the russian man

Active Member
when you sit there by your ladies and it feels like home, sitting on soil bags and smoking observing every sound you hear
when the last 5$ you have goes towards buying molasses
when you think of where you are going to be drying
when you think about how you will do things differently next year and what strains to grow
when you would rather go visit your garden instead of hanging out with friends

the russian man

Active Member
all the household tool you never found useful much because suddenly useful in your garden, starting from spoons to clothes hangers..


Active Member

you want to scream to the world that cannabis isn't addictive... but growing cannabis outdoors is...

It's a thing of beauty.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
when every time you are driving and pass a potential untouched spot and think how many could be fit in there, sun exposure, surrounding vegetation, entry way, drop off point & pickup, closest water supply, water table.. in ground or pots, human traffic around that area, how tall could they get without being totally exposed.. early plant? mid-summer? late run?

Silly String

Well-Known Member
You find yourself pampering your tomatoes (almost) as much as your weed because they are your suburban cover crop, thinking that the taller they get, the taller the ladies can get. (Quickly realizing that you've never actually seen an 8 foot tomato plant, and oh holy shit, how am I going to conceal these babies???)


Well-Known Member
When you have eight night vision motion detection cameras and nobody is allowed to stop by without an invite, when you have to figure out new ways to utilize last years crop that sits in 50 gallon totes, when you have to hold back a smirk when you see other growers plants because yours are so much friggin bigger.... when you replace your house lights with green lights so you don't disturb the photo period out back , when you receive calls at all hours from fellow growers asking for tips and tricks for their crops, when you build furniture from your plants dried frame. when you receive 48 inches of rain a year and still collect rain water and run the hose to keep at peak growth.
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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
When a bird shits on a nug and u just chop it off and go about ur day with no worries.or when u have backup nutrients for the backup nutrients!and u buy more nutrients to back up those.


Well-Known Member
when every time you are driving and pass a potential untouched spot and think how many could be fit in there, sun exposure, surrounding vegetation, entry way, drop off point & pickup, closest water supply, water table.. in ground or pots, human traffic around that area, how tall could they get without being totally exposed.. early plant? mid-summer? late run?
When you have eight night vision motion detection cameras and nobody is allowed to stop by without an invite, when you have to figure out new ways to utilize last years crop that sits in 50 gallon totes, when you have to hold back a smirk when you see other growers plants because yours are so much friggin bigger.... when you replace your house lights with green lights so you don't disturb the photo period out back , when you receive calls at all hours from fellow growers asking for tips and tricks for their crops, when you build furniture from your plants dried frame. when you receive 48 inches of rain a year and still collect rain water and run the hose to keep at peak growth.
So True and im guilty of the green lights. :shock:


Well-Known Member
When you live in the country and you take your morning walks with a shovel and feed sack to collect cow and horse shit for your compost pile :)

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
When you often pick up the smell of pot growing when going for a walk or bike ride...but maybe there is that many people growing


Well-Known Member
when the sucker branches you snip off the bottom of your plant are the size of mature indoor plants