Medical Grade
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lol only 74 votes left
I think There's over 450,000 unemployed here in a population of 4 million.
The employer is paid 75 euro a week for two years if the employee is there that long.
Considering the wages for all new jobs are so low anyway I'm not sure how much of an incentive it is.
There was also a internship scheme here but it was being abused by asshole bosses who were firing people and replacing them with free interns.
I'm not sure I'd want to be King of anything.There hasn't been an Irish King in a millennium and if I could I would leave here in a heartbeat but it's not possible right now.Yeah, we have ways of not allowing employers abuse the system by exactly, re-hire..for those tax credits.What would you do if you WERE king? and would that be Ireland? Kings no longer exist there..
I think what happened to Treyvon is no surprise. He was shot in the U.S. that is all. Our laws protect gun owners and this is the cost. The story seems to pull at us and we become preoccupied with more bullshit instead of actual news. This, is an agenda to distract, misrepresent, and obfuscate the truth about the real issues. I see people outraged for the first time about this and it bothers me because the media allows this. The worlds problems are of no concern, phonies tiptoe around the race issue with oversensitivity that is the problem. We americans brand ourselves as tolerant and that equates to having honest discussions be racist. I don't care the facts of the case......he killed someone, he pays for it. This story brings out the worst in terms of perceptions. Statistically, crime is down, homicide is down, racial issues are less than ever but the picture we see is far different. Protect yourself from the media bullshit, pay attention to "less important" stories, and if you don't like the spin they already got you. Tragic yes......unusual no.
Except Trayvon attacked Zimmerman...Very well put and very accurate.
Except Trayvon attacked Zimmerman...
How do people keep letting this fact slip away?
If you were to attack me, bounce my head off the kerb and bloody my'd want to pray the ambulance has a good response time that night.
GZ killed an unarmed minor for giving him a bloody nose, why do people keep letting this fact slip away.
Except Trayvon attacked Zimmerman...
How do people keep letting this fact slip away?
Ok, say that's true. Zimmerman followed him. I would think that if you're not a black kid in the south you wouldn't understand why being followed like that is extremely threatening.
Do you think that voice screaming for help was zimmerman's?
If I had to guess... I think those final seconds were some cold blooded shit. I think Zimmerman was on top of TM, with the gun, telling him he was going to shoot him. What else would make someone cry for help like that? Especially this wild gangsta fight starting thug you all are so convinced he was.
hell,as a white adult in the north, if someone followed me like zimm followed martin, i would be changing my thoughts on carrying a gun.
if someone followed me like zimm followed martin, i would have that gun drawn before they got within 50 feet of me.
and the screaming...yeah. it just doesn't fit with zimmy's odd and evolving account of what happened. first of all, you can't scream like that if you're being suffocated, which zimmy claims was the case. and if you suffocate someone with a bloody nose and lip, you get blood on your hand. but martin had none on his hands or cuffs or fingernails at all.
i'm guessing martin was winning the fight when goode went in, then zimmy pulled his gun and martin started screaming, zimmy still decided to pull the trigger anyway, screaming stops the second the shot is fired. zimmy would have stopped screaming sometime around when he unholstered the weapon or when he gained full wrist control.
Self-defense is really not a plausible defense to kill a minor without a lethal weapon. It is an argument I am sure you are prepared to make. Grave is the only argument a lawyer could make, and regardless it used a lot but rarely works. Something does not fit. I think a bullet in the foot would suffice. I call bullshit......GZ belongs in a cell.Except Trayvon attacked Zimmerman... How do people keep letting this fact slip away? If you were to attack me, bounce my head off the kerb and bloody my'd want to pray the ambulance has a good response time that night.
Self-defense is really not a plausible defense to kill a minor without a lethal weapon. It is an argument I am sure you are prepared to make. Grave is the only argument a lawyer could make, and regardless it used a lot but rarely works. Something does not fit. I think a bullet in the foot would suffice. I call bullshit......GZ belongs in a cell.
Cervini was a minor and didn't have a gun either. Yet Scott, a 42 year old man, shot a minor dead and the jury acquitted him. Since Cervini was white, I think he should've been shot in the groin so his racist cracker ass couldn't pollute the gene pool.
why are you trying to even compare the two cases? it just backfires on you.
scott identified hiimself, said he was armed, told the thieves the police were on their way, and told them to freeze. zimm did none of that.
cervini, unlike martin, was actually stealing stuff, and witnesses said he charged scott saying "i'm gonna get you" while scott had his weapon out and aimed already.
if zimm had done everything scott did and martin did everything cervini did, the racist accusations of "wannabe gangster thug" might hold true against martin, and the accusations of "wannabe cop vigilante" would ring hollow against zimmy.