walking on water jesus christ

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proof ! that jesus Christ did and does walk on water you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45yabrnryXk

I cant literally walk on water like as described in the Bible.

BUT I could walk on water if I was underwater, like on an underwater bridge.

AND I used to walk underwater on the ocean floor as a scuba diver for quahogs.

I noticed you replied to one of My youtube videos 420IAMthatIAM.

I cant literally walk on water like as described in the Bible.

BUT I could walk on water if I was underwater, like on an underwater bridge.

AND I used to walk underwater on the ocean floor as a scuba diver for quahogs.

I noticed you replied to one of My youtube videos 420IAMthatIAM.


There there, are you confusing 'in' and 'on'?

On a side note, I quahog too, but I use a pitchfork, an intertube, and an onion bag.... lol Wait for low tide and hit the knee deep water. They're delicious if you soak them in vinegar and beat them with a mallet. They're tough little bastards. LOL
There there, are you confusing 'in' and 'on'?

On a side note, I quahog too, but I use a pitchfork, an intertube, and an onion bag.... lol Wait for low tide and hit the knee deep water. They're delicious if you soak them in vinegar and beat them with a mallet. They're tough little bastards. LOL

You must live near the coast.

It was My job to go quahoging. I used to be a commercial scuba diver for quahogs.

I used to collect about 700 pounds a day of quahogs. I used to sell them to a wholesale company.

I like to eat them raw with tabasco and cocktail sauce.

I never heard of soaking them in vinegar.

That's funny Beef, I bet I would collect much more than you though.

You must live near the coast.

It was My job to go quahoging. I used to be a commercial scuba diver for quahogs.

I used to collect about 700 pounds a day of quahogs. I used to sell them to a wholesale company.

I like to eat them raw with tabasco and cocktail sauce.

I never heard of soaking them in vinegar.

That's funny Beef, I bet I would collect much more than you though.


Yeah, we never got that many - we'd fill 2-3, 5 gallon buckets up though! Never tried them raw, I wouldn't have thought they would taste good because they're so fucking chewy. That's why we'd soften them up with a mallet, and soak them in a vinegar solution. It softens them up even more. Dip them in garlic butter.... mmmmm.....
Yeah, we never got that many - we'd fill 2-3, 5 gallon buckets up though! Never tried them raw, I wouldn't have thought they would taste good because they're so fucking chewy. That's why we'd soften them up with a mallet, and soak them in a vinegar solution. It softens them up even more. Dip them in garlic butter.... mmmmm.....

You got to try them raw. Its the best way to eat them in My opinion.

You need a very sharp knife and you need to open them up carefully, not to cut yourself. They are not chewy raw, but they are chewy when cooked.

I don't go scuba diving for quahogs anymore but maybe I'll pick some quahogs up at the store some time in the future.

You got to try them raw with some tabasco and maybe cocktail sauce. Mmmmm.....

Blasphemy! The true Lord will eat that scaly heathen and turn him into holy doggy doodoo

The Lord is my shepherd.

You got to try them raw. Its the best way to eat them in My opinion.

You need a very sharp knife and you need to open them up carefully, not to cut yourself. They are not chewy raw, but they are chewy when cooked.

I don't go scuba diving for quahogs anymore but maybe I'll pick some quahogs up at the store some time in the future.

You got to try them raw with some tabasco and maybe cocktail sauce. Mmmmm.....


There's a 'bag' that we'd always tear off, because it has sand in it. I assume when eating them raw you do the same, or do you just slurp them down with some 'insert sauce here'? I'd probably use this jalapeno sauce I have with them....
There's a 'bag' that we'd always tear off, because it has sand in it. I assume when eating them raw you do the same, or do you just slurp them down with some 'insert sauce here'? I'd probably use this jalapeno sauce I have with them....

I don't know the "bag" that your talking about to get rid of the sand. You don't need to tear anything off when eating them raw. There is no sand in them when you eat them raw. You just need to open them carefully with a sharp knife, which might be the most difficult part. Than you scrape the muscles off the shell. Than you eat them in the half shell with a little sauce of your liking. I would saw use tabasco sauce, cocktail sauce and lime juice.

They are great raw. That's My favorite way to eat the quahogs.

Bo apatite!

EDIT- You want to eat the smaller ones raw and don't bother eating the bigger ones raw because they are chewy. The biggest quahog that you want to eat raw is the cherry stone sized ones. The little necks are the smallest size that you can legally harvest and they are delicious raw because they are not chewy like the bigger ones.

I'm going to go get some right now! HAHA!

I just got back from the fish market and I picked up a pound of small quahogs. I split them in half and eat them raw on the half shell with tabasco sauce.

Boy, they are delicious. I'm going to have to go get some more later. They are a little chewy raw but very tender and the sauce just makes them taste that much better. It doesn't get more seafoody than raw quahogs on the half shell with some spicy sauce to go with it.

I'm glad I picked them up from the store. Yummy!

Have you ever had people over but not enough quahogs to go around, then pray over them, and have the quahogs magically multiply to feed everyone?
Have you ever had people over but not enough quahogs to go around, then pray over them, and have the quahogs magically multiply to feed everyone?

That would certainly be something that the son of god could do.

BTW - when cooked, we'd always remove the gill because it contains sand.... a trick though; if you soak them in freshwater for a couple hours they spit all their sand out into the bottom of the bucket! It'd probably work really well when eating them raw too.

If you don't mind a little bit of grit, then don't worry about it!
Have you ever had people over but not enough quahogs to go around, then pray over them, and have the quahogs magically multiply to feed everyone?

I used to scuba dive for quahogs, it was My job. I would collect about 600 pounds a day or more. That surely would be enough quahogs for the biggest party.

A way to produce more quahogs would be to dig ocean canals all across the continents of the world. Maybe the ocean canals could be 1 mile wide and thousands of miles long. There could be an ocean canal every 100 miles or so, so that you never have to drive for more than an hour to get to the beach, no matter where you are on the globe. These ocean canals would be perfect habitat for the quahogs if I'm not mistaken. There would be enough quahogs in these canals to feed all the armies of the world. So don't think I don't know how to multiply resources. That's all I would do if I was the King of the world, I would just be multiplying resources. But NO, I'm NO magician and I cant perform any miracles that are not scientifically possible.

But when am I ever going to get the chance to prove Myself? I would have to be the King of the world to do what I want to do because how else would I have the power to build to the "heavens"?

That would certainly be something that the son of god could do.

I'm 100% human, just like all of you guys. That's something that a fictional Jesus, from the Bible, could do. Not the real Son of God. The real Son of God can only do things that are scientifically possible. I cant do the supernatural, but who can?

You guys are missing the point. Its not about the miracles that no one can do, its about the real things that I can do. If I were the King of the world, I would set up paradise for you all to enjoy. I would make it so that everyone could afford to have 20 kids and still be rich. I would build as many mansions as are scientifically possible. I would be continually blessing My people so that they prosper. It would be like living the dream.

I could do way more than Jesus ever did. I cant feed 5,000 people with a few loaves and some fish, but I could feed the whole world by making farms so big that food would be like given away it would be so cheap. I cant heal the sick by touching them, but I would have a free health care system that would sufficiently heal all of their illnesses. I cant do any of the miracles that Jesus did, but I can do the natural superbly.

BTW - when cooked, we'd always remove the gill because it contains sand.... a trick though; if you soak them in freshwater for a couple hours they spit all their sand out into the bottom of the bucket! It'd probably work really well when eating them raw too.

If you don't mind a little bit of grit, then don't worry about it!

Steamers are sandy but not quahogs. Are you sure your talking about quahogs? They are not sandy unless you don't wash the shell, but if the shell is clean than there should be no sand inside the quahog.

Are you sure your getting quahogs and not steamers? Because I believe steamers are sandy but not quahogs.

I used to scuba dive for quahogs, it was My job. I would collect about 600 pounds a day or more. That surely would be enough quahogs for the biggest party.

A way to produce more quahogs would be to dig ocean canals all across the continents of the world. Maybe the ocean canals could be 1 mile wide and thousands of miles long. There could be an ocean canal every 100 miles or so, so that you never have to drive for more than an hour to get to the beach, no matter where you are on the globe. These ocean canals would be perfect habitat for the quahogs if I'm not mistaken. There would be enough quahogs in these canals to feed all the armies of the world. So don't think I don't know how to multiply resources. That's all I would do if I was the King of the world, I would just be multiplying resources. But NO, I'm NO magician and I cant perform any miracles that are not scientifically possible.

But when am I ever going to get the chance to prove Myself? I would have to be the King of the world to do what I want to do because how else would I have the power to build to the "heavens"?

I'm 100% human, just like all of you guys. That's something that a fictional Jesus, from the Bible, could do. Not the real Son of God. The real Son of God can only do things that are scientifically possible. I cant do the supernatural, but who can?

You guys are missing the point. Its not about the miracles that no one can do, its about the real things that I can do. If I were the King of the world, I would set up paradise for you all to enjoy. I would make it so that everyone could afford to have 20 kids and still be rich. I would build as many mansions as are scientifically possible. I would be continually blessing My people so that they prosper. It would be like living the dream.

I could do way more than Jesus ever did. I cant feed 5,000 people with a few loaves and some fish, but I could feed the whole world by making farms so big that food would be like given away it would be so cheap. I cant heal the sick by touching them, but I would have a free health care system that would sufficiently heal all of their illnesses. I cant do any of the miracles that Jesus did, but I can do the natural superbly.

Steamers are sandy but not quahogs. Are you sure your talking about quahogs? They are not sandy unless you don't wash the shell, but if the shell is clean than there should be no sand inside the quahog.

Are you sure your getting quahogs and not steamers? Because I believe steamers are sandy but not quahogs.

I'm sure. lol They live in the sand/mud, and filter water through themselves. They end up getting some sand stuck inside them.
I'm sure. lol They live in the sand/mud, and filter water through themselves. They end up getting some sand stuck inside them.

I ate some raw yesterday and I didn't notice one piece of sand.

When is the next time you are going to dig quahogs? Let Me know because I bet you wont eat any sand if you eat them raw.

Beef, I was thinking... Why do you beat them with a mallet after they are cooked? They should open right up after they are fully cooked. beating the shell would certainly put hard debris in with the meat. All the quahogs that I've ever had, they open up when fully cooked and you don't need to beat them up to take the meat out. Busting the shell open with a type of hammer or whatever you use would put the hard shell (that seems like sand) in with the meat.

Your doing something wrong.

That would certainly be something that the son of god could do.

BTW - when cooked, we'd always remove the gill because it contains sand.... a trick though; if you soak them in freshwater for a couple hours they spit all their sand out into the bottom of the bucket! It'd probably work really well when eating them raw too.

If you don't mind a little bit of grit, then don't worry about it!
there is only one problem with that...I don't have any sons...so you will have go to the store or catch your own , enjoy:blsmoke:
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