Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
it's cool, I wondered about that

RIU is screwing up bad tonight. I clicked like on your comment about 10 times before it finally took. I wish they would fix this soon!!


Well-Known Member
NEW PICS UP IN MY THREAD/JOURNAL!!!! Check it out, post some comments...... Help me get famous like DANK. hahahaha:cool: ;)


Well-Known Member
morning folks. well the new babies will get their first rain today, it has already sprinkled this morning, and it looks like more for the day. even out in the sun light they stretched a little, so i will add some more soil later. hope everyone has a great day.


Well-Known Member
when you're drunk, don't talk to old black people. They ramble on for hours on end and won't shut the fuck up :mad:
you you you kids these days got no respect, no respect for anything, thems damned i things and all these fancy pansy hoo haa's. Spoiled. You kids these days are spoiled i tell ya. Back in my day i had to run from the other school kids in their pickup trucks chasin me down on the way to the school house.
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