Nuggs - did you autopsy that soil the grapefruit was in? I wonder if you raised yer ph gradually to toxic levels. I read somewhere recently about somebody who (eventually) killed one of their huge ass plants by adding too much mycos - like once a week - and they didn't check their soil ph til she died - and it was running at 9!. I'm no soil scientist and don't understand the mechanics of how ph fluctuates but I do know people always harp on how important it is to be in the right range
Hey Nuggs how did the clone and the grapefruit turn out? Did they pull out of it or did they just die?

grapefruit is dead for sure .I dug her up and it was root rot for sure but i'm still wondering why. going to get a soil test kit this morning and see where the ph is at just for the heck of it. the clone is still the same stalled and all the tips are brown . everything else is doing great. thanks for the visit last week I enjoyed your company.
Nuggs - did you autopsy that soil the grapefruit was in? I wonder if you raised yer ph gradually to toxic levels. I read somewhere recently about somebody who (eventually) killed one of their huge ass plants by adding too much mycos - like once a week - and they didn't check their soil ph til she died - and it was running at 9!. I'm no soil scientist and don't understand the mechanics of how ph fluctuates but I do know people always harp on how important it is to be in the right range
good Idea Hoonry I'm going to do that today.
hey was great to see you :) Can you do me a favor and text me? Lost my one same number though.
I wish I knew what that was on the clone Nuggs. I should have snapped a pic of the leaf to post here and see if anyone has any info. I can't believe that it's just stalled now. That would make 2 weeks even after a feeding?
good Idea Hoonry I'm going to do that today.
sorry it took so long to answer ,my computer had issues and was in the shop. I did the PH and it's 6.5 same as the water. drainage problem going to have to change out my soil next season. I'm going really light on the water now hoping to not lose anymore. I'll be bumming smoke if not careful.
I wish I knew what that was on the clone Nuggs. I should have snapped a pic of the leaf to post here and see if anyone has any info. I can't believe that it's just stalled now. That would make 2 weeks even after a feeding?
the clone came out of it and is going into flower now . seems to be ok.
aww man, yer ph is in range - I was hoping it was out of whack! so you think you watered her to death? I can hear garden boss in the background going, "smart pots! smart pots!".
I agree on the smart pots Nuggs......never have root rot........they work!!...................................P.S. you know you would never have to bum smoke from me brother..........