male or female, pics tomorrow

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I know these arent the best pics but there are no lower branches left really at all. I took pic if the branch I retaped today it doesnt have any leaves so idk if it'll live or not. Also I toiok some pics to try to find out if its showing its sex??? Lemme know what to do I need help. I have about a half a dozen or so I just started from seeds 6-26 there about 5-6 inches. I'll put them up tomorrow, Idk if I should just leave them outside til Halloweedn or so or grow them to about 20 inches them put on 12/12 for 8 wks or til there ready. Any and all input is greatly appreciated. P.S. Sorry I didnt rotate pics

Sincerilly yours, Struggling newbie whose had alotta bullshit happen this year
I still can't get over how much damage was done by whatever critter got to it. It looked great just 6 days ago and now I don't know if will even be worth growing. Hopefully the ones I just started on 6-26 take off, I might keep a cpl inside and flower with the cfl kinda like a stealth LST in a homemade box maybe I can still get a ok harvest unbelieveable thought this one would be a 10 footer :shock:


Well-Known Member
well petey if the branch has no leafs snip it off, it'll heal the rest of the pix are too fuzzy to see anything for you have deer in your area/ whatever might be eating it will come back, you need to protect it somehow......when you look at a plant stop a second and look at it as a whole, from the roots to the tips, a lot of upper damage can be handled if you have a healthy root system......keep going bud, it's a hard road sometimes but after you have a few grows and get some harvests your stubbornness will pay off.
Ya there are deer around but I dont think its deer it was only like 1o ft from my house and they usually never come in that close. I moved it this after noon so I dont have to worry about the rest of the plant. I'm going to put up more pics at the end or the wk, so should I just cit it flush with the main stalk? Het I wish I could but right now I dont have a place to have that big of a plant inside.


Well-Known Member
yeah leave a lil nubbin some people like to coat the spot with stuff but i never have and they heal fine
So if the branch I'm holding in pic thats broke in 2 spots w/o any leaves on it I should cut it off, or leave it go for a wk and see if anything grows out of it? Pics to come in a cpl days I'll see what a cpl days in new area did for her.
Well I think this is a good sign of the chewed up busted up branch, I didn't snip it yet... And this morning I went to check on it and the branch with the blue tape got a small cluster of leaves coming out of the tip. Also all the nodes look healthy still so it may survive (that branch I mean) the plant is pretty healthy in my opinion. Pics to come soon
No luck with the busted up/chewed up and snapped branch, but it's def at least 7 ft tall and it's starting to show some what I think to be female hairs. I will post some pics in the morning, fingers and toes are crossed. It's been one bad thing after another. I somehow killed 3 12" plants that I started on 6-26 they were looking great until I transplanted them and it must have shocked them and I think the nuts I used maybe were tooo strong and withered them up with in 2 days they were toast. I'll post a pic of the few that are still alive plus the one that got burnt up alil I guess from the nuts that's the only thing I can think of that could cause this. So tomorrow I'll have a few pics most impotent is the big one needs sexed thanks
Sorry to be bugging anyone who reads this but I started another thread asking about a dust to dawn light if it can mess with a couple plants I have outside along my house the light is probably 12 ft above it and 15 ft away from it. I thought I've read somewhere before that not having complete darkness can possibly turn your plant into a hermaphrodite? I've always had darkness so this is a question I've never ran into. Any info is helpful thanks


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Staff member
Sorry to be bugging anyone who reads this but I started another thread asking about a dust to dawn light if it can mess with a couple plants I have outside along my house the light is probably 12 ft above it and 15 ft away from it. I thought I've read somewhere before that not having complete darkness can possibly turn your plant into a hermaphrodite? I've always had darkness so this is a question I've never ran into. Any info is helpful thanks
Interrupted night cycle will cause flowering issues and possibly stress it/them enough to cause hermaphroditic tenancies.
Even if it's like 15" up on the building and about 15-20 " away? I guess I'll just move them I have them in camouflaged pots, I was wondering if I put like a box over Them or even aback trash bag over them if that would do the job of complete darkness? Lemme know thanks


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Staff member
Even if it's like 15" up on the building and about 15-20 " away? I guess I'll just move them I have them in camouflaged pots, I was wondering if I put like a box over Them or even aback trash bag over them if that would do the job of complete darkness? Lemme know thanks
Every night at the same time ?
The condensation inside a trash bag will probably be a mold invitation as well.

Can you just unscrew the light for a couple of months with out anyone getting curious or pissed ?
Ya its the same time every night, no I can't unscrew it but I can prob put them somewhere that is complete darkness, I can prob even put them in a garage that's dark. During the veg it's fine though? Just can't be like that when flowering ?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ya its the same time every night, no I can't unscrew it but I can prob put them somewhere that is complete darkness, I can prob even put them in a garage that's dark. During the veg it's fine though? Just can't be like that when flowering ?
Fine in veg, but flowering will likely become a problem.
K I'll just move them when that time comes, thanks. Also my big girl I'm going to take some pics tomorrow I've been having some personal issues and haven't had much time to do much. I'm pretty sure it's a girl not seeing any balls yet and I know that that's a good thing. It's about 7 ft tall so I tied it down to about 5 1/2 ft so not to draw any attention from snoopy neighbors. It has 2 main branches that are about the same size and 2 shorter ones I wonder what type of yield it could produce if it in fact is female. I'm sure pics will help you guys give me a better est, I lost 3-4 nice branches to whatever the hell munched on it. Just happy I was able to salvage it. Pics tomorrow
also I just took some pics and some of my leaves have the little holes in them I think spider mites are to blame do any other mites or spiders do this to plants? The only reason I ask is because while I was out there I found a spider that I looked up and it said it was a orb weaver spider or something, it had a shell on it like a seashell almost. i took pics od the damaged leaves and of the spider, I think I may have saw something similar to this thing but the things I saw before jumped kinda but looked like a moth almost? Any input is helpful pics will go up when I get home where my cord for my camera is thanks
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Here are the latest pics I hope there are some female traits that some of you guys see also the spider I took the pic of I don't know if that put the holes in the leaves or if thats from spide mites. Any input is helpful