Amazing how we F up the planet. Trying to teach my kids to respect the world around us. Recycle, use less resources, be aware of the choices we can make. I know I'm leaving my future grandchildren a shitty place to live
yea the great benefits of capitalism, that make every body focus on the bottom-line/profit " like tis was the only true God in this world"
even more after this economic crises, tired of looking at company`s that don't give a **** as long as the profit is good
one example and maybe my favorite is Nestle, make like 50 billion a year in profit selling all our favorite products and more is coming in, as there only real investments area is buying good house hold brands and making them in to a profit like our local ice cream truck, in 20 years it have been delivering ice cream to the kids and the rest of us

making profit and paying millions in tax every year, then Nestle buy it, and vupti they make no profit, so no tax
actually Nestle have been in my country for like 50 years or so and up until now they have paid (drums) 0 .. zip .. zero .. nothing in tax .. ever !!!!
hope they enjoy our free roads and our free health care and all the rest of the benefits they harvest here wile making millions
millions on stuff like coco nut`s they of corse also have 8-15 YO kids harvesting with big machetes, and do one loose a finger etc. they can just trafficking more from the poor neighbor country`s
last time they showed up in the news with this they did promise to build schools aso and not let kids work, but Im sure it hard to finish a 40K $ school on a 50 billion budget, 10 years later its still not finish, well I think half of it is, in some way and Kids still work as Im sure its hard for the farmeres to survive on the money Nestle pay em for there coco beans if they have to employ "real" farmers
so they leave the poor African countries in a even worse state in there hunt for the absolute cheapest raw materials
wile they cheat us from our tax money buying stuff from there "sister" companies for over prices in countries that have next to no business tax
using our road`s and man power and make a profit on us selling there crap products to use, made on factories where they of course also treat there workers like the rest of there product machine and very few people get a few more zero`s in there bank accounts (in Bahamas)
I stopped long ago to buy there products, same with Coca-Cola, Ikea, Q8, McD and a "few" others Im no fanatic, but I can easily find other ways to get good healthy products that I like (I just buy less and trow nothing out) and don't exploited every things around em
as it seem`s like the bottomline/profit is the only thing they actually have some respect for, this seem´s to be the only way to make em understand, every things started in the small
and I gave up a long time ago on our Politicians they jump when the big corporations tell em to