Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
Well get busy ! I need to get off my butt/back and off RIU and go get some stuff to kill some rats and go to the Hydro store for a few things.


Well-Known Member
I know man. Im on the fence about getting a gun but don't want to go down with that rap if something was to happen on a search warrant . You never know how a knock & talk goes with the way things are. Even when in full compliance as I am. I would never shoot anyone in my backyard but Im afraid of someone coming in the house and being unprotected. Your not gonna steel my plants very fast to where I want see or hear a ripper. They are to big and tied the fuck down. They're enclosed in wire fence with a locked door. You would have to occupy my household to take them. I don't like being unprotected to follow the laws. On the other hand if I was to get a bad rap I wouldn't be able to own a gun anyways so what's it matter ? food for thought. If something was to happen would you call 911 for help ?
better to be caught with it than without it trust me.. i got a major heat. 75 round drums the whole 9 yards. fuck getting shot ima shoot you first

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Been reading about everyone's problems w/caterpillars from cabbage moths. I'm in So Cal 10 miles inland. So far, I've had no problems. I have an Amnesia, Skywalker and Maui Diesel growing. I see the moths once in a while but usually they almost land on the marigolds around my girls but then fly away when they smell them. I also have spearmint, peppermint and nasturtiums planted at the base of the plants to keep away pests.
I have pulled off a couple cocoons from the underside of leaves and stabbed the green fuckers inside. The cocoons were fluffy white and you could see the worm inside through the cocoon. Are those from cabbage moths? Do you think cabbage moths will still be a problem for me? What should I look for?

Nice garden!

I had them last year.

By the time there is anything to look for, it's too late. They're laying eggs now. They'll hatch after the buds form and eat them from the center outward. Shitting everywhere as they go. You'll be looking at your your beautiful colas and say "huh, that cola has a couple dead fan leaves on it, I'd better pull them off" or "huh, that cola looks a little brownish" then you'll find a mushy cola full of shit and mold. It sucks.

Spray now. Spray often. Kill every little white butterfly you see. Kill every moth you see. I hate them so much. Can you tell? Hehehe.


Well-Known Member
No pic here. But out in the garden this morn and saw a weird lookn ferret type animal. After hours of research I found out its called a ringtail cat. Any1 ever see one know much bout them? Pretty cool lil dude


Well-Known Member
tangerine dream.jpgahh, my poor tangerine dream. the only plant in my garden that gets SMALLER every week because I'm culling off all the unhealthy growth and theres so much of it. I would have had put this bitch to rest by july 1st and replaced her if my wife had let me. sigh.


Well-Known Member
zzjuly 27 - Copy (3).jpgzzjuly 27 - Copy.jpgGDP and Blue Dream. I can't seem to keep these two out of my garden. I don't have them because they're easy to grow, I have them because they're hard not to!


Active Member
i seen one crunchy dead spot so i was forced to top my plant, but i found one more new bud site that has a little tiny bit of damage but i let it alone after picking in it and fucking shit up, but do you think im to late even after putting up a netting and now starting tonight spraying safer caterpillar killer? ive seen the little fuckes ive killed about 5 in the past week but there veerrrryy little and green and i mean fucking small, they camoflauge in


Active Member
when should i do my next foliar spray after my 1st, and how much should i use per gal if its a small infestation


Well-Known Member
zzjuly 27 (3) - Copy.jpgzzjuly 27 (2) - Copy.jpgthis is my kc brains brains damage plant. it's not the biggest plant I've grown, but could be the biggest stalk. it is a seed plant, and seed plants usually seem to me to have girthier trunks. Indagrow - yes I use the hay as a mulch to retain water. It's the first year I have and I'm a big fan. not only does it slow down the rate your plant uses water, it protects that top layer in the soil from the sizzling sun where many valuable feeder roots live. if you pull the hay back, you can see a myriad of fuzzy white roots on the surface that would not be there if it wasn't protected. more root = more fruit.
3 lemon skunks on a deck used happy frog spouted in hampton estates soil after 2 weeks or so into happy frog then after about a month a added plantone. Now I'm using an iguana juice organic with mollasess. Having a problem with black flies so I'm going to use peroxide and maybe some pm and I saw a spider mites yesterday and there's always aphids. This is about 9 weeks from germ. I will post more pics later. My first grow. The middle is falling over looks close to 5 feet.
it's greenhouse, I ordered it by mistake lol. i wanted dna


Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2752419View attachment 2752420this is my kc brains brains damage plant. it's not the biggest plant I've grown, but could be the biggest stalk. it is a seed plant, and seed plants usually seem to me to have girthier trunks. Indagrow - yes I use the hay as a mulch to retain water. It's the first year I have and I'm a big fan. not only does it slow down the rate your plant uses water, it protects that top layer in the soil from the sizzling sun where many valuable feeder roots live. if you pull the hay back, you can see a myriad of fuzzy white roots on the surface that would not be there if it wasn't protected. more root = more fruit.
Have you tried growing KC Mango? I heard she is a big girl.


Well-Known Member
haven't run the mango yet - but it sounds good - kc has a bunch of flavs I'd love to run next year - his beans are cheap too


Well-Known Member
Should be about 2 or 3 weeks more and flowering time. TWS this is a pic from behind, you can see my neighbors house and the view they get of my grow. Although those are the neighbors that know I grow, its the ones behind me I dont trust or know. I did grow outdoor here last year and didnt have problems but nothing was as large as this. I dont even know how big its going to get after flowering stretch, I never grew a plant this large before, oh well live and learn!

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