Good point, to be safe some paper towels leave fibrous little strands... A micro fiber cloth would be best....wipe it down with rubbing alcohol and a 100% cotton shirt. paper towel will leave little paper specs, the 100% cotton won't.
Dayumm, I'm really dabbed the fuck out..Dabs go make a thread for your grow so we don't clog this thread..... Sorry I overlooked your initial post and didn't see some of your pics so my advice was kinda all ver the place.... See you there....
my apologies for stopping by with some legitimate advice.Nah don't mind me im just sad that a troll worse than fin is amongst us. Grats on your score can't wait to see that gear pumping out fatties in the garage.
Extra bucks reward!! Lolmy apologies for stopping by with some legitimate advice.
hopefully this helps.
hey SahTiva, tell me again, who was right, and who was not only wrong, but embarrassingly wrong?
As I said, gtfo troll you seriously embarrass yourself time and time again.
hey man, i just came here to help and was attacked for it. so i fired back.Oh brother! Politics? Not over here Buck...