First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
If ya wanna see the bottom shoots really take off,now would be a good time to FIM it!
They will really grow if you top or fim, which id suggest doing at'least onetime.

If I were You, Id do a 2-3 plant Scrog,and lstn-n-top the the hell out of em.
The better the root system = bigger and better growth.
Your wanting to smoke fast,off these which IMO is gonna cost you in the end.
I would take my time and really let them get a good root system on 3 plants
and add a screen and pull the shoots up thru the screen to where i had atleast
20plus shoots coming thru the screen,Then at harvest you could be looking at
anywhere from 6-8ozs,strain dependent of course.

If I dont get atleast 2-2.5ozs per plant i Failed!
I grow alot different then most so theres times when 2ozs
is fine,cause I can grow alot more plants.

Its all about where my stations are at when the 12/12cycle is over.
Sometime I go from a clone 7-10days then to vegg for a few weeks then Flower.
Because of pure laziness and not needing,I get laxed in the summer time.


Well-Known Member
If ya wanna see the bottom shoots really take off,now would be a good time to FIM it!
They will really grow if you top or fim, which id suggest doing at'least onetime.

If I were You, Id do a 2-3 plant Scrog,and lstn-n-top the the hell out of em.
The better the root system = bigger and better growth.
Your wanting to smoke fast,off these which IMO is gonna cost you in the end.
I would take my time and really let them get a good root system on 3 plants
and add a screen and pull the shoots up thru the screen to where i had atleast
20plus shoots coming thru the screen,Then at harvest you could be looking at
anywhere from 6-8ozs,strain dependent of course.

If I dont get atleast 2-2.5ozs per plant i Failed!
I grow alot different then most so theres times when 2ozs
is fine,cause I can grow alot more plants.

Its all about where my stations are at when the 12/12cycle is over.
Sometime I go from a clone 7-10days then to vegg for a few weeks then Flower.
Because of pure laziness and not needing,I get laxed in the summer time.
Yeah I'm wanting to smoke but I would much rather wait and get a better yield. It's pretty much the same plan as we discussed except for the screen and fimming. Like you said better root system, bigger and better plants. I am looking to get that 5-6oz per plant goal if I have 3 plants going, only got two right now but maybe I can get some of those Plato seedlings caught up or work something out. Should I wait for the bushy plant to stretch out a bit or get older to top or fim or should I go ahead and do them both, one is about a week behind the other. And then the screen goes on before I switch them to 12/12 right?


Well-Known Member
5-6ozs better learn Hydro fast......DWC Takes me 6-7 weeks of veggin,then 7-8 of F,So a total of 15 weeks.
In Soil takes me 8-10 weeks veggin,then 7-8 F total 18 weeks.

From my doing hydro ive learned that the Roots is where its all at as far as Yield,and nutes of course, and a big learning curve for most.
First grow, your better off not seting goals that high,2-3 would be Awesome.
Dont really know your skills,Seen alot of people come and go over my yrs here,mainly due to not getting what people who have been doing this
Along time get.

Learning how to get the best from your set up takes time.
Keeping Soil in mint condition by adding simple stuff from AACTs
Im rambling jsut hit some SLH or SSH didn't really look just saw the haze on jar.LOL


Well-Known Member
5-6ozs better learn Hydro fast......DWC Takes me 6-7 weeks of veggin,then 7-8 of F,So a total of 15 weeks.
In Soil takes me 8-10 weeks veggin,then 7-8 F total 18 weeks.

From my doing hydro ive learned that the Roots is where its all at as far as Yield,and nutes of course, and a big learning curve for most.
First grow, your better off not seting goals that high,2-3 would be Awesome.
Dont really know your skills,Seen alot of people come and go over my yrs here,mainly due to not getting what people who have been doing this
Along time get.

Learning how to get the best from your set up takes time.
Keeping Soil in mint condition by adding simple stuff from AACTs
Im rambling jsut hit some SLH or SSH didn't really look just saw the haze on jar.LOL
Alright. Well damn... I got to do some thinking.


Well-Known Member
If it was easy,everyone would be doing it.
It took me a few grows before i could even get
2ozs per plant.

I started listing to others, and stop doing chit to cut corners ie.buying cheap soil,and really hitting the boards
diggin for info on how and why i wasnt getting better yields.

I found the organics thread and started learning how to improve my soil,keep it healthy and how things worked under the
soil.It started to all click and started getting better yields.
I recommend reading Teaming with Microbes.


Well-Known Member
If it was easy,everyone would be doing it.
It took me a few grows before i could even get
2ozs per plant.

I started listing to others, and stop doing chit to cut corners ie.buying cheap soil,and really hitting the boards
diggin for info on how and why i wasnt getting better yields.

I found the organics thread and started learning how to improve my soil,keep it healthy and how things worked under the
soil.It started to all click and started getting better yields.
I recommend reading Teaming with Microbes.
I think I just had false expectations for myself, not the actual plants. Pretty much this entire grow I've been doing pretty much whatever people tell me, don't do much on my own, trying to get it down and learn, besides the couple batches of my homemade mixes or using FFOF. Trying not to cut any corners, just doing what I can with what I got and get as close to my goal as possible. I've been doing a lot of research, and I ran into that organic soil stuff last night and that really helped. I think I just need to slow down. Take things step by step, and first step is mastering soil.


Well-Known Member
On the good news, the plant I LST'd last night is already back running straight, but seemed to have already blocked some lower growth. It was just a quick look earlier, I didn't get down and actually look at them.


Well-Known Member
BEECH gave you some good advice. Get a couple grows under your belt AllDay and then you can start forecasting your yields, well kinda. As soon as you think you know what you're doing, Mother Nature will step in a F your plan up.

One of my buddy's SlipOn taught me a trick. Throw an auto flower in with your regular plants. That way you can have an early harvest. It will help keep your hands off your maturing crop. Everyone chops too soon because they get impatient. Auto flowers can curve the urge.

One more thing...Anything over zero grams is a win!


Well-Known Member
BEECH gave you some good advice. Get a couple grows under your belt AllDay and then you can start forecasting your yields, well kinda. As soon as you think you know what you're doing, Mother Nature will step in a F your plan up.

One of my buddy's SlipOn taught me a trick. Throw an auto flower in with your regular plants. That way you can have an early harvest. It will help keep your hands off your maturing crop. Everyone chops too soon because they get impatient. Auto flowers can curve the urge.

One more thing...Anything over zero grams is a win!
Yeah he is a very good man. Yeah I just need to slow down a bit, get an idea of individual parts instead of just thinking I can pull crazy amounts or even worrying about the amount. Yeah I'm hoping to be able to get some actual seeds soon so they normally throw in a few autos, which I could defiantly use within my grow right now to get some hold me over smoke. Like you said anything over nothing is a win. Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
Good stuff Beech.

I find that as I get more experience that I am becoming much
more reasonable in my expectations.

One example is the number of plants that I am growing.

I have gone from a 6X6 array of 2 gallon smart pots, to a 3X3 array
of 5 gallon buckets, and I am thinking that my tent is really
best suited to a 2X2 array of four plants that have been well vegged.

....but I have soooo many new breeds going (Kosher/Sour/Skywalker/OG Kush, etc)
that I will do another 3X3 for my next crop.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Good stuff Beech.

I find that as I get more experience that I am becoming much
more reasonable in my expectations.

One example is the number of plants that I am growing.

I have gone from a 6X6 array of 2 gallon smart pots, to a 3X3 array
of 5 gallon buckets, and I am thinking that my tent is really
best suited to a 2X2 array of four plants that have been well vegged.

....but I have soooo many new breeds going (Kosher/Sour/Skywalker/OG Kush, etc)
that I will do another 3X3 for my next crop.

Good luck,

Thanks JD....I find still theres always a way to increase yields.

  • I have gone from a 6X6 array of 2 gallon smart pots, to a 3X3 array
    of 5 gallon buckets, and I am thinking that my tent is really
    best suited to a 2X2 array of four plants that have been well vegged.

    It takes a few grows to just to get your setup dialed in,Then like the above paste of your post,I could not agree with you anymore,these are the things that have to be learned from doing,and learning.Great post!!



Well-Known Member
So the plants are doing great. I can't post pictures because my phones screen broke so I am waiting on my new phone. I gave them a good watering today from one of my aquariums. I figured all the bio and decaying plants and such would have benefits over normal water. I also did my first attempt at fimming on both of them, so we'll have to see how that plays out. I think if I can get 2oz off each I'd be happy. I really need order some good seeds but I'm going to have to be spending money on dirt and perlite soon, plus more AACT stuff when I transplant these guys. So I don't know I'll be able to get some good genetic seeds. That's pretty much it, I also have 4 "Plato" seedlings all sprouted been growing for a few days now.


Well-Known Member
Well yesterday I was just sitting around and I hear my duct fan shut off. Go check it out, and it crapped out on me. I checked my brakers, tried different outlets, took the whole thing apart and cleaned up the parts and put it back together, double checked the wiring, and still nothing. So for now I'm leaving my closest doors open so it doesn't get too hot, and I have a buddy running over a new fan sometime today, hoping sooner then later. Won't be getting my phone till tomorrow or Wednesday, so still no pictures. My see if we still got a digital camera around here just to snap some quick shots, plants are doing great to my looks, but rather have your guys professional opinions lol. Besides that everything is going decently smooth.


Well-Known Member
That sucks...but I am glad that you were there to hear it happen.

We had a power outage yesterday, but I was lucky as it started
and ended during my "night".

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
That sucks...but I am glad that you were there to hear it happen.

We had a power outage yesterday, but I was lucky as it started
and ended during my "night".

Good luck,

Thanks, yeah I was pretty bummed but it was a quick fix to be able to leave the doors open. Damn that's crazy lucky, I don't know what I'd do during a power outage!


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd make a small brew since I have worm castings. Made some worm tea, used about a 1/2 cup of worm castings with a 1/4 to 1/3 cup molasses. It's all in a 1 gallon jug, I have a dual output air pump for large aquariums with air stones on each of them, so it's a brewin'. I just water them yesterday I think so they'll be fed next watering. Plus the seedlings will get a little bit too.


Well-Known Member
You know....I bought a generator earlier this year.

The outage lasted just long enough to get me thinking about
what I would power. I was thinking the fridge, one computer,
and the internet/phone/media connection. Now I am thinking
that this list would be different if it had been "day".

LOL, with all the gadgets I had thought to add to my tent, including
a humidistat and humidifier, I had not considered an uninterruptable
power supply.

I hope that the new fan works out well. I recommend the Whisperline
if noise is a problem.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Figured I'd make a small brew since I have worm castings. Made some worm tea, used about a 1/2 cup of worm castings with a 1/4 to 1/3 cup molasses. It's all in a 1 gallon jug, I have a dual output air pump for large aquariums with air stones on each of them, so it's a brewin'. I just water them yesterday I think so they'll be fed next watering. Plus the seedlings will get a little bit too.
Let me know how that works for you. I use 1 cup of EWC but only about 2Tbsp of molasses per gallon, I also toss a couple handfuls of compost in for "flavor" ;)

Make sure you give your airstones a good washing afterwords, they can get gunked up quick