the chitown sourkush thread

today is the 29th of july... if Illinois house bill 1 is not vetoed by august 4th {in a few days} Illinois house bill 1 will be Illinois law the next day august 5th... thus making Illinois the 19th state to have mmj !!! the 4 year {and very poorly and bogously wrote pilot} will go into effect the very beginning of next year... the bill DOES NOT ALLOW PATIANTS TO GROW THERE OWN!!!!! that is bullshit.... hopefully some lawsuits are filed and that's overturned... hopefully im not the only one who intends to ignore that bilil bit of the current rule... cuzz man I don't have 300 bux or more to keep grabbing ounces from the dispenseries of weed I mmay or may not like.. but somehow I will have the 1000 bux a month to cover my light bill :p
im in a medical MJ state with the worst set of laws in the U S of A cant grow, min amout sucks, must be half dead to get ok'd for card
Jersey laws the shittiest i have seen lookin at colorodo after wife retires in 4 yrs
im in a medical MJ state with the worst set of laws in the U S of A cant grow, min amout sucks, must be half dead to get ok'd for card
Jersey laws the shittiest i have seen lookin at colorodo after wife retires in 4 yrs
they tryna do same shit here... limit on 2.5 oz every 2 weeks also
bit of bad news... my outdoor gorilla plants are small has hell :[ ima go peep them out in a couple days... I think im done growing outdoors... its always some shit.. bugs, mold, mildew, wind, hail, floods, rippers, cops, wasteing time finding spots, hauling water, digging holes in the middle of the night.. fuck all that!!!
Are you growing from clones or beans outdoor?? If they are clones I LST them til they're like 2-3 ft if they where not tied down. Also I plant for summer grows aimed for sept harvest around the end of May. I do both seed and clone.

Guerilla growing ain't for the faint of heart. But when you do it right you get some big harvest. Try vegging them for longer before you place em outside. Water polymers work wonders!!
Are you growing from clones or beans outdoor?? If they are clones I LST them til they're like 2-3 ft if they where not tied down. Also I plant for summer grows aimed for sept harvest around the end of May. I do both seed and clone.

Guerilla growing ain't for the faint of heart. But when you do it right you get some big harvest. Try vegging them for longer before you place em outside. Water polymers work wonders!!

im just salty im not gonna get the `15 pound atleast harvest I was planning on.. and that's not asking for much I pulled like double that last year in socal... shitty mood
I thought I saw somewere that even this dude who writes articles for high times even pays 600 an ounce for high grade bud.... it was on an episodes of drugs inc I think.. 4500 a pound still good....
that shit is probably soooo outdated or someone saw him coming lol. $4500 is the most right now that I've seen. Probably more outside the city.
today is the 29th of july... if Illinois house bill 1 is not vetoed by august 4th {in a few days} Illinois house bill 1 will be Illinois law the next day august 5th... thus making Illinois the 19th state to have mmj !!! the 4 year {and very poorly and bogously wrote pilot} will go into effect the very beginning of next year... the bill DOES NOT ALLOW PATIANTS TO GROW THERE OWN!!!!! that is bullshit.... hopefully some lawsuits are filed and that's overturned... hopefully im not the only one who intends to ignore that bilil bit of the current rule... cuzz man I don't have 300 bux or more to keep grabbing ounces from the dispenseries of weed I mmay or may not like.. but somehow I will have the 1000 bux a month to cover my light bill :p
The greedy fat cats are to blame. They are trying to make money off it. Just like they did to alcohol. You have to get some expensive ass license pay a shit ton of taxes. Total bull shit. I think once its legal in Yer state. Sue for violation of civil rights.

Dispensaries won't create meds catered to specific ailments. That could be the basis of your arguement. They will sell what they want for ridiculously outrageous prices. When it comes down to it. All its bout is squeezing as much taxes possible from the common man.

I see another revolution on the horizon. This time its gonna be on American soil. I know for a fact that this countries founding Fathers are turning in their graves.
watch that bro
dude coming from d.r. lmao

and to top it off that shit he paid 600 a zip looks like outdoor.. lol
I did.
1 thing I want to mention the whole "pot courier" thing was not all NYC it was just Manhattan. So I can see why the prices are like that. Nothing but users in the city that's the most expensive place in nyc to live ATM. The shit he paid 600 for he prob got from someone who got it from someone else and added the $ to make money off it.
dude coming from d.r. lmao

I did.
1 thing I want to mention the whole "pot courier" thing was not all NYC it was just Manhattan. So I can see why the prices are like that. Nothing but users in the city that's the most expensive place in nyc to live ATM. The shit he paid 600 for he prob got from someone who got it from someone else and added the $ to make money off it.

im just sayin.. for 600 a zip nigga ill send that shit to his door in 2 days no matter where im at in these here united states jo