Want your plants to take N from the air around it? NEW DISCOVERY


Well-Known Member
i gotta run to the store baby is shitting too much. gotta get diapers..

and yes i see the irony. be back in a bit lol


Well-Known Member
its cool il sleep good tonight knowing i tried to pass on good knowledge

you get to TRY to sleep knowing the fact that your ego kept you from embracing and possibly passing on good knowledge.

you sir are what is wrong with the entire world in a nutshell. whether its people who hold onto their religious zealotry or their "pissing on their own plants" zealotry

old sciences will always be replaced with new ones. ALWAYS. nothing is set is stone. NOTHING is KNOWN.

Huh! I was just thinking the other day that the world could use more good peeps like Rrog.

Perspective is a funny thing


Well-Known Member
It's all good. If we were all around the campfire with a bong... Can't we all get a bong?


No offense, but re-programming bacteria to feed a plant through its leaves isn't the future any more than oil-based fertilizer was.
None taken, you've obviously not read the article. No sense in me arguing my point when yours is based on your opinion.
I'll say good day, sir.


Well-Known Member
Huh! I was just thinking the other day that the world could use more good peeps like Rrog.

Perspective is a funny thing

your correct about us needing more ppl like Rrog. intelligence is lacking terribly now a days.

i was probably a little harsh with that. i started it with "you sir" so it was definitely the troll in me showing his teeth.

I still stand behind it probably being the biggest discovery in the plant world I've had the privilege of seeing take place. now mind you I'm only 27 (OMG REALLY!?!?!) so that doesn't mean a whole lot but I'm also not your average 27 err wait i might be 28 who cares tho whatever you get my point lol.

i love plants! I've been reading my entire life the struggle we as a race have had to bring nitrogen to plants. wether it be having to put dead fish in the soil or grow certain crops or having to pump petrol into the ground or having to feed bacteria and urine (what every dairy farmer in america does) or whatever we have to go through to get the plant nitrogen.

I can't help but think it would be a lot easier if we didn't have to worry about it. think of the places that really need food. think of a corn farmer. HOLY FUCK. for a corn farmer this is intense. corn eats 90% nitrogen. I'm sure thats not a perfect statement but I've been told that most corns diet is almost entirely nitrogen. (thats why there isn't a lot of nutrients in most corn)

it just being a seed treatment gives me a lot of hope for it being an actual breakthrough that will help. from what I've read its a discovery that came from a good genuine place. it definitely means higher profit but actually i think it means lower prices in the long run.

just think if i could treat my beans before i planted them and that cut would forever be N-fixed that would be amazing.

Gonna have to watch out for N-fixed clones. i wonder if it would get nitro poisoning if you fed and N-fixed clone without knowing it was fixed.

idk it seems like its a pretty fuckin cool discovery to me. i might just be too sleep deprived cause of this damn newborn but it really seems like it has a lot of potential.


Well-Known Member
A newborn! Worth the investment, IMHO. Kids are great. If you play your cards right, they'll be around to wipe your ass.


Well-Known Member
ya thats my plan. she was born on the 4th of july this year so she's just figuring out how too really scream lol.

whats RSO?

Very nice sig by the way bahzooka, I'm gonna check out some pollan when i get a chance. the name sounds familiar. is he from henry david thoreau's group or was he darwins buddy?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Im trying. basically I'm just going full blown head first off the cliff. just never gonna let that little girl be unhappy.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
You can't replace what a plant is or what it wants to be. You can complicate things, and that can be a fun distraction, but I don't think I'll deviate from what works when the world is stacked with man-made failures. If you don't see that, stick around for a few more decades like some of us.
Nothing to do with the topic at hand, I just really liked this...


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Im trying. basically I'm just going full blown head first off the cliff. just never gonna let that little girl be unhappy.
You'll be fine because you're smart and you care. The little girl is fortunate.


Well-Known Member
found some serious data on this. its gonna take me all day but i found the guys actual papers that he's published. detailed beyond belief. heres a link to the free one i found. other one (latest it seems) is $40 bucks. i might order it depending on if this free one rings my bell or not.


heres the link to his person University of Nottingham page that has the names of some of his other papers if case someone else feels compelled to go look
