Obama ignores marijuana states rights in Washington.

2 part system ftw, right guys?

Actually the USA political system is more like a 1 party system with a second "mock" party to give people an illusion of choice.

The two "main" parties get all the prime time media attention (no doubt) and the "mock party" is ALWAYS made to look like the wrong party to vote for. And then the party that wins carries on with USA's never ending war agenda. (Americans are clearly war mongers!!!!)

*retard voice* USA FOR THE WIN!!! AhaAheah GOD BLEZS ASMERICA!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I want to be a DEA agent so I can raid and take all that free weed home.
My last interface with jail. Oh, sorry. Not PC enough. My last involvement with the Criminal Justice System.... Highway Patrol. I'm in the cuffs, he is all, "nothing to stick me, right?" "anything in here?" ..... "Oh. silly sauce."

I glanced back to see an 1/8th disappear into his pocket!!! OK, frisk over.

I'm in the back now, on the way the hoose, for another Breath test. I'm not drunk, but I can tell he missed something. I should say I'm not impaired, because my sweet cousin is in her little brown vial, up in my jeans watch pocket. You know the place... and vial. So, this a problem, linked behind the back.

Yet, if there ever was a time and place, to chew off a limb, for this cat, this was it. It can't happen. Well, you know that thing where you dislocate a shoulder? I didn't have to get, quite to there, but almost, seriously. My right hand was weirdly numb for a month, and my left shoulder has never been the same. Ah! Finally, slippery, little Devil...Stay COOL.. But now I only have it in my hand and I can't reach my nose. :)

Patience, grasshopper. Savor one win at a time. OK, maybe I was pretty tipsy.

We get there and the one cop, thankfully, goes to help me out, and says "Hey, Relax!" Hmmm...for the still clueless, the Ruse is...re-born.

....just s-scared, officer. boo boo. What Ruse?

I swear, I yet, don't know. Still it is something. But, not enough, in handcuffs with a 1/2 gram of blow in my right hand. Got to walk up the drive into the door....hang back a bit and ghost whimper? sure...I got nothing....."relaaaax," he say.

OK, D-Day. Against the wall, spread for cuffs off. Fists in cuffs. That is my only idea. :) Not good.

I can't.
Open your hands!
I can't. (oh shit...I am not struggling, understand, just clinching)
Suit yourself... watching too much TV. It will just hurt. (!!!!!!!!!yow) See?
sorry, sorry, <pant, pant>

OK, now I'm in a Booking full of people with 6 Cops now keyed to the code words, "watching too much TV." I am holdiiiinnnngggg. One last chance.

As I approach the booking desk, I angle toward the wall side. Maybe I can do something with that corner. Thank the Ganja Gods!!!

There is a Snickers wrapper in the corner.....but carefully unfolded and smoothed. Very weird. Probably writing on the other side, I guessed. No time for thinking, now. In a move I can only credit to the grace shed on fools and drunks, I tried to drop the 1 inch long tube on the floor discretely, so I could nudge it under the wrapper with my foot.

But, my SELF, in full control of all time and space, said no. I fumbled it at the last second and dropped the vial on my left foot that was coming forward, instead of the floor. Chaos! I saw in my fear, it smacking the wall and careening into the middle of the room.

No, SELF wants nothing but net. The vial kicked gently forward off the edge of my boot and to the left side. yesssssss???? And spun the 6'' under that candy wrapper without a rustle or a sound. Ruh?? What just happened?

"What's your problem, TV?"
No, Sir. No problems with me now.

The Ganja Gods will never give me pot again, if a word of this is false.....unlike the Portland story. :)


Well-Known Member
2 part system ftw, right guys?

Actually the USA political system is more like a 1 party system with a second "mock" party to give people an illusion of choice.

The two "main" parties get all the prime time media attention (no doubt) and the "mock party" is ALWAYS made to look like the wrong party to vote for. And then the party that wins carries on with USA's never ending war agenda. (Americans are clearly war mongers!!!!)

*retard voice* USA FOR THE WIN!!! AhaAheah GOD BLEZS ASMERICA!
That's the smartest thing Highlowski has ever said. I approve.


New Member
Obama Administration Has Spent Nearly $300 Million Cracking Down On Medical Marijuana: Report

In the middle of sequestration and rising debt, obama and his cartel arming goon squads should stay out of the MJ game altogether and leave it to the states, unless they want to get on board and spearhead and fast-track federal legalisation. MJ could help aleviate some of the debt and honestly spending $300m, in the current financial climate is a waste of taxpayers money...


If you have a look at the above pdf, the last pages will graph spending breakdowns by the last three administrations on anti-MMJ relatated activities, from raids, arrests, trial costs etc...

Since obama took office the numbers skyrocket compared to the early bush years. Obama wouldn't be copping nearly as much slack if he had just said "i'm gonna get tought on pot, it's illegal at the federal level and that's my stance on the issue"


Well-Known Member
If you have a look at the above pdf, the last pages will graph spending breakdowns by the last three administrations on anti-MMJ relatated activities, from raids, arrests, trial costs etc...

tell me how many states even had MMJ under clinton or earlier bush.

what a horrible comparison that is. of course no one spent money on MMJ before it even existed.

Obama wouldn't be copping nearly as much slack if he had just said "i'm gonna get tought on pot, it's illegal at the federal level and that's my stance on the issue"
"...we will not tolerate drug traffickers who hide behind claims of compliance with state law to mask activities that are clearly illegal."

those were the words the AG used. yet another claim of yours has been busted as a lie.

if you thought obama and holder flew the white flag, it is because you reading compensation has failed you?

lrn2read, aussie.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Time magazine name Hitler man of the year. I guess the best man won. Gotta love Buck logic. Just don't fuck with wigger Jew boy!


New Member

tell me how many states even had MMJ under clinton or earlier bush.

what a horrible comparison that is. of course no one spent money on MMJ before it even existed.
sorry BUCK*, you've been caught yet again, in another lie - http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000881

California 1996, Oregon & Alaska 1998, Maine 1998, Navada/Hawaii/Colorado 2000 enacted state MMJ laws under Clinton, so clearly the FEDs were spending money on counter MJ operations.
Thought you'd know all about democrat adiministrations... :dunce:

"...we will not tolerate drug traffickers who hide behind claims of compliance with state law to mask activities that are clearly illegal."

those were the words the AG used. yet another claim of yours has been busted as a lie.

if you thought obama and holder flew the white flag, it is because you reading compensation has failed you?

lrn2read, aussie.
If you want to talk about what "officials" have to say on MJ lets start with all the bullshit from Obama

"I don't think that should be a top priority of us, raiding people who are using ... medical marijuana. With all the things we've got to worry about, and our Justice Department should be doing, that probably shouldn't be a high priority." (June 2, 2007, town hall meeting in Laconia, New Hampshire)
"The Justice Department going after sick individuals using [marijuana] as a palliative instead of going after serious criminals makes no sense." (July 21, 2007, town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire)
"You know, it's really not a good use of Justice Department resources." (responding to whether the federal government should stop medical marijuana raids, August 13, 2007, town hall meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire)
"I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana users. It's not a good use of our resources." (August 21, 2007, event in Nashua, New Hampshire)
"My attitude is if the science and the doctors suggest that the best palliative care and the way to relieve pain and suffering is medical marijuana then that's something I'm open to because there's no difference between that and morphine when it comes to just giving people relief from pain. But I want to do it under strict guidelines. I want it prescribed in the same way that other painkillers or palliative drugs are prescribed." (November 24, 2007 town hall meeting in Iowa)
In a Barbara Walters interview airing Friday on ABC (Dec 2012) Obama is asked whether he supports making pot legal. He says - quote - "I wouldn't go that far."

But the president won't pursue the issue in the states where voters legalized the use of marijuana in the November elections. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law.Obama says - quote - "It does not make sense from a prioritization point of view" to focus on drug use in states where it is now legal.
Obama and Holder only fly their white flag for illegals, terrorists and cartels... You were saying he was going to get serious in his second term, his above statement has ruled that out entirely.

Unless you've got some insider knowledge or know a fly on the wall in the WH, stick to what you know best... BBW...


Well-Known Member
Ironic that Choomboy still demonises people for pot, I wonder who he bought his off as a kid?

Uncle Buck would still suck farts from the same guy who'd lock him up tho, it's sad.


New Member
Ironic that Choomboy still demonises people for pot, I wonder who he bought his off as a kid?

Uncle Buck would still suck farts from the same guy who'd lock him up tho, it's sad.
His parents worked for the Ford Foundation while he was growing up, known CIA front at that time :-) probably getting the good shit from the hindu kush and we all know hawaii has some awesome gear, no brainer as to why he moved there...

He's probably got a bong under his desk in the oval office, i mean really if you're gonna have a choof anywhere - i couldn't think of a safer place...;)


bud bootlegger
the states arent under obama dipshit, hes a federal official, the states make their own laws in their own congress, obama is on a different field, thats why the feds bust the mmj dispensary and not state police
I'd think they're being raided by the feds and not the state boys for the simple fact that marijuana in any form is against federal laws and legal on the state level in Washington , so of course it's the feds up holding federal law and not state police because they're not breaking any Washington state laws..


Well-Known Member
His parents worked for the Ford Foundation while he was growing up, known CIA front at that time :-) probably getting the good shit from the hindu kush and we all know hawaii has some awesome gear, no brainer as to why he moved there...

He's probably got a bong under his desk in the oval office, i mean really if you're gonna have a choof anywhere - i couldn't think of a safer place...;)
That's why the "secret service" are there...

Its all so clear now.


Well-Known Member
that the city of tacoma itself wanted these dispensaries shut down years before the feds did?

You keep citing irrelevant news from 2010, If Tacoma really wanted them shut down all they had to do was call local law enforcement and cancel their business permits. Don't need a full on DEA raid.


New Member
That's why the "secret service" are there...

Its all so clear now.
sercret service has a division specifically for POTUS... PPD - Presidential Party Directors... Thye organise all presidential parties, from strippers to drugs, catering to accomodation, anywhere in the world at anytime... I think kennedy started it... :lol:


Well-Known Member
sercret service has a division specifically for POTUS... PPD - Presidential Party Directors... Thye organise all presidential parties, from strippers to drugs, catering to accomodation, anywhere in the world at anytime... I think kennedy started it... :lol:
That's probably why the US has so many bases around the world...the President might want cheech from anywhere in the world...pronto!


Well-Known Member
That's probably why the US has so many bases around the world...the President might want cheech from anywhere in the world...pronto!
If it is not all about sampling Strange, what is the use of being a Leader?