Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
That's a sweet as hell set up there! Why didn't I think of that? brilliant!
He ran 40 Spyder's per grow with a single 400w MH on 24/7. 60 days start to finish. CRAZY purple strain...... Growing 6 now myself. 3 are just breaking surface today(for the auto solo cup contest) and another 3 in 8" pots right now.. rosey- I switched to ReadyGro this grow for the perlite addition to my medium. I used CocoGro but it seems to COMPACT a lot and I think poor aeration of the root-zone caused many of my stunting problems with the last grow...Both are Botanicare. Sunshine Mix #4 is supposed to be one of the best soilless mixes out there. haven't tried it myself because of the cost. same reason I haven't tried Recipe for success. Once this grow is well under way I may have some loose change by then just lying around for them both. :)


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA inside the ashtray makes it look smaller than the lighter next to it! :) I got CLEAR cups for my solo entry. i'll be taking pictures of the roots as they develop and probably STRETCH the cup out


Well-Known Member
Well, it looks like nute burn to me. But that can't be bc you said you've yet to feed her. It also could be to much water, or a ph issue. Do you ph your water :??:

Me honestly, the ONLY reason I ph mine is bc my nutes drop my ph down to far, so I have to add back tap to the nutes, then ph.
It's well water, straight to tap, pH of 6.5 like clockwork. I check it once a week and it's always the same ;)
Which is great considering all the rain caused my well to swell LOL...had some slightly murky water for a couple of weeks. That was maybe two months ago? been free and clear for a while now.

I've done all I can for it right now. She's outside. Trying to get some good direct light at that center. The spray and water seemed to help. Some of the leaves crumbled in my fingers.

Most of it is still there though, I didn't pull them off because I was hoping to get that extra energy going to the new growth where I topped it.:neutral:


Well-Known Member
It's well water, straight to tap, pH of 6.5 like clockwork. I check it once a week and it's always the same ;)
Which is great considering all the rain caused my well to swell LOL...had some slightly murky water for a couple of weeks. That was maybe two months ago? been free and clear for a while now.

I've done all I can for it right now. She's outside. Trying to get some good direct light at that center. The spray and water seemed to help. Some of the leaves crumbled in my fingers.

Most of it is still there though, I didn't pull them off because I was hoping to get that extra energy going to the new growth where I topped it.:neutral:
Just checked on my Blue Thai. NEW GROWTH. :) I squeezed the crumbled leaves to break em off. but I got new green growth. so HOPEFULLY she won't end up as stunted as I thought she would. I figured i'd lose her all together.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! How's everyone doing :??: good I hope. Sorry, I'm alittle late, but still here.. ;)

Just wanted to let you guys know, as of now 5 of the 6 Blueberry Yum Yum's have popped up to say hello. :mrgreen: 1 of the PTW has also surfaced.

* speaking of perlite.. 4 some reason I decieded to use more perlite then I have used past grows. Thought I would give it a try & packed the jiffy cups plumb full of the perlite to less then half a spoon full of organic soil.

Seems to be working out well. Been dosing the babes with a light mixture of bioroots, with a drop of superthrive per 600ml spray bottle.

Ps. Here is a few better pics of the Purple Voodoo's. As you can see, the 1 in the brown container is a lot different then the other 2. To me, it honestly doesn't look like even the same strain!
Either that, or the taller and light green 1 is a "male".. :??:

Any thoughts guys :??:



Well-Known Member
It's well water, straight to tap, pH of 6.5 like clockwork. I check it once a week and it's always the same ;)
Which is great considering all the rain caused my well to swell LOL...had some slightly murky water for a couple of weeks. That was maybe two months ago? been free and clear for a while now.

I've done all I can for it right now. She's outside. Trying to get some good direct light at that center. The spray and water seemed to help. Some of the leaves crumbled in my fingers.

Most of it is still there though, I didn't pull them off because I was hoping to get that extra energy going to the new growth where I topped it.:neutral:
Well your ph is spot on. Did you harden her off b4 placing outdoors :??:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! How's everyone doing :??: good I hope. Sorry, I'm alittle late, but still here.. ;)

Just wanted to let you guys know, as of now 5 of the 6 Blueberry Yum Yum's have popped up to say hello. :mrgreen: 1 of the PTW has also surfaced.

* speaking of perlite.. 4 some reason I decieded to use more perlite then I have used past grows. Thought I would give it a try & packed the jiffy cups plumb full of the perlite to less then half a spoon full of organic soil.

Seems to be working out well. Been dosing the babes with a light mixture of bioroots, with a drop of superthrive per 600ml spray bottle.

Ps. Here is a few better pics of the Purple Voodoo's. As you can see, the 1 in the brown container is a lot different then the other 2. To me, it honestly doesn't look like even the same strain!
Either that, or the taller and light green 1 is a "male".. :??:

Any thoughts guys :??:
1: Awsome the yum yum is going good.
3: my initial thoughts last night WERE it's male. but I didn't say anything. lol :) it just has that stickly look to it. while the other 2 are like STACKED


Well-Known Member
Just checked on my Blue Thai. NEW GROWTH. :) I squeezed the crumbled leaves to break em off. but I got new green growth. so HOPEFULLY she won't end up as stunted as I thought she would. I figured i'd lose her all together.
awesome news!!! maybe there's hope for her (my diesel) after all ;)
I'll update around 5 pm with her status


Well-Known Member
1: Awsome the yum yum is going good.
3: my initial thoughts last night WERE it's male. but I didn't say anything. lol :) it just has that stickly look to it. while the other 2 are like STACKED
Yeah, I have been thinking it was a male 2. Its all good, just more pollen to add to the collection. ;)
Most of the time, when you have a plant that grows a hell of a lot faster, of is taller then most of your other plants, more then likely its a male. But its always good to wait till they show sex b4 ripping them up, or placing in another room to flower out. :mrgreen:
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