Obama ignores marijuana states rights in Washington.


Well-Known Member
I thought you liberals were all for criminal rights. You putting the foot up the ass? Have you changed your voter registration to Republican yet?
that liberals are usually more friendly to "criminal rights" does not change michigan law about felons growing, nor does it make 154 plants a personal use thing, nor does it change what obama said about not busting mere users rather than felons trying to grow 154 plants.

i may vote republican next time if christie keeps ragging on racist rend paw; but it is not likely.


New Member

750,000 in california.

259 busts according to you.

the chances of catching a case for medical cannabis in california is about 1 in 3000.

that's the same likelihood as being struck by lightning.


i've noticed a marked change in the number of dispensaries and number of medical cannabis states, and even a couple of recreationally legal states.

it's certainly better than any change we would have seen under ritt momney, and about all you could hope for out of any administration.

i'll take my chances with lightning* rather than ritt momney.
The states voting on ballot measures is in no way a reflection of obamas policies or the obvious double standards he flaunts.

For you to even liken that state ballots leading the way for dispensaries are in some way related to Obama or his maniacal lapdogs is the bullshit we've all come to EXPECT from you.

I though you were tight with O'dogz... Why don't you ask your in-laws to put in the good word on behalf of ALL us choom boys....

*The thing about lightning is it never strikes the people who deserve it, case in point, for if it did you would've been struck thousands of times by now and even then there's not enough voltage to shock intellect or sense into you...


New Member
that liberals are usually more friendly to "criminal rights" does not change michigan law about felons growing, nor does it make 154 plants a personal use thing, nor does it change what obama said about not busting mere users rather than felons trying to grow 154 plants.

i may vote republican next time if christie keeps ragging on racist rend paw; but it is not likely.
In the case of Duval, Michigan law allows a medical*marijuana*caregiver to grow up to 72 plants for five registered patients. Duval had two greenhouses on his property, where exactly 174 plants were seized, according to federal court filings. Those greenhouses were run not by Duval, but by his children, Jeremy and Ashley Duval, who were registered as caregivers and served five patients each. Their father was one patient.
reading compensation bucky... Don't forget liberals are the most friendly to liars....


Well-Known Member

another link where he makes claims that the dea has better things to do in 2009 when he took office, and how many have been raided since he took office....
those appear to be facts....
What is the ratio between Dispensaries that remain open and those that have been raided? How come Michigan doesnt seem to make the news with dispensaries being raided? What about Colorado?
In these dispensary raids. What was confiscated overall? What was being claimed they were doing? What was the result? How many personal grows in legal states has the DEA raided?


New Member
Just because we're quoting stuff...
Didn't seem like that state went after him, or if they did they relinquished their role in favour of federal indictment... Either way he doesn't deserved to be locked up with mass murderers, i'm sure the federal prison system can cater to low-security inmates with a host of medical conditions that require daily attention.


Well-Known Member
Didn't seem like that state went after him, or if they did they relinquished their role in favour of federal indictment... Either way he doesn't deserved to be locked up with mass murderers, i'm sure the federal prison system can cater to low-security inmates with a host of medical conditions that require daily attention.
I though mass murderers weren't part of the general population.


New Member
I though mass murderers weren't part of the general population.
regardless, a man as sick as him, is not security threat and in no way deserving of a high security designation. If he was in violation of state law, why not prosecute him in Michigan?


Well-Known Member
Obama (BSBO) like all Presidents after JFK ( and pretty much most before) do not make policy. They are told what to do and when to do it

If you want change fight back by not voting, not believing in a 2 party system, and stop buying into their MSM propaganda


Well-Known Member
how does burying your head in the sand help change ?
How did voting for the Kenyan help promote change?

He doubled up on Bush's policies, and you fan-boys just keep gargling the man's balls...

Most transparent administration in modern history, yet they fuck whistleblowers harder than they do "terrorists" ?


Well-Known Member
How did voting for the Kenyan help promote change?

He doubled up on Bush's policies, and you fan-boys just keep gargling the man's balls...

Most transparent administration in modern history, yet they fuck whistleblowers harder than they do "terrorists" ?
WAIT A MINUTE!! He never promised the changes would be for the good.

As the Anit-Con, he is doing very well with Fundamental Change toward an intellectual elitist class in fact with the Medical changes.

Elitism leads to Revolution. Revolution is Anti-Con by Definition.A New Constitution will arise for the ashes. It is a dirty game, but it seems too REAL to me.

It is so insidious, that everyone will say, Ruh?, that can't do that, can they? Nah, (the throw away line) they WOULDN'T do they. Yo crazy, Man. Stop blocking the TV. (That's how they get cha, right?...the long con)

You can see one attempt after the next to keep the economy driven down instead of up and it is a working CHANGE.

Gas is UP. Debt is UP.
Lack of Confidence is UP.
Fraud, Waste and Elitism in Govt is UP.
Union Bailouts are UP.
Phony mis-directions and Lies are UP.
Disrespect for the People is UP.
Executive Power in EPA, etc is UP.
Un-employment is UP.
Taxes are UP.
Terrorism is UP.

Fundamental Change for the Worse is the Agenda. It is working. Double dipping the worlds recession. Coming to you in 2014. BLAME the PUBS is UP.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA! i remember when all the marijuana advocates where dick riding obama, that is what you get, is all i have to say...

and no i didnt vote for this cock sucker but i am sure alot of yall did....
I did and I'm kinda sorry for it but the alternative was Romney. You know, the asswiper of the rich? The mofo that pays half in taxes that I pay? No, I fucked up voting for the liar but didn't go down douche bag lane with Rmoney.


Well-Known Member
I did and I'm kinda sorry for it but the alternative was Romney. You know, the asswiper of the rich? The mofo that pays half in taxes that I pay? No, I fucked up voting for the liar but didn't go down douche bag lane with Rmoney.
I don't support Romney, but (to his detriment at times) he was at least brutally honest about being a total piece of shit...

Obama is that slick piece of shit, the one that slips down the toilet without flushing AND leaves no need for wiping (although one does anyways, obviously).

He's a crafty alien-reptile overlord, I'll give him that.


Well-Known Member
I had to vote against Obama, alas. I had only 1, against, vote to cast.....the horror the horror.