NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen


New Member
if an adult black man had chased down & shot an unarmed white boy, what would you be saying now?.......
I tend to err on the side of caution and wait until a court of law has rendered a verdict. As with this case it should never have gone to trial and THE WORLD can see it was about race even if the libtards cannot, not an example of the rule of law, but a circus sideshow played out in your living room... The telling thing about this case is it brought all the race hustlers outta the woodwork, from presidents to preachers...


Well-Known Member
Did the white boy attack him?

Cos if he did, then he deserves to get his ass shot.
Getting your ass kicked AND being the one who started the fight can be the SAME thing

Why do you assume Martin started the fight? Becuase Zimmerman said so? Zimmerman said a lot of things that contradicted themselves. And the only other witness to the fight he conveniently killed


Well-Known Member
Getting your ass kicked AND being the one who started the fight can be the SAME thing

Why do you assume Martin started the fight? Becuase Zimmerman said so? Zimmerman said a lot of things that contradicted themselves. And the only other witness to the fight he conveniently killed
I don't assume anything, the evidence suggests Zimmerman was telling the truth and a jury of his peers agreed.

Go cry into your wife's "Adam's apple" and just get over it.

As I said before, if a white guy attacked a black guy he should have the right to defend himself too.

Why do you assume Zimmerman is lying?

All the EVIDENCE suggests he was telling the truth, why are you such an obsessive race-hustler?


Well-Known Member
I don't assume anything, the evidence suggests Zimmerman was telling the truth and a jury of his peers agreed.
They didnt agree he was telling the truth on anything
They only agreed that there wasn't enough to find him guilty

George Zimmerman got away with murder,” said the juror, who allowed ABC to show her face and use her first name, Maddy. “But you can’t get away from God. And, at the end of the day, he’s going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with. The law couldn’t prove it but, you know, you know, the world goes in circles.”


Well-Known Member
He was cleared of murder two and manslaughter...

In other words it was a "justified homicide", the jury has spoken so deal with it, noodle dick.
George Zimmerman got away with murder,” said the juror, who allowed ABC to show her face and use her first name, Maddy. “But you can’t get away from God. And, at the end of the day, he’s going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with. The law couldn’t prove it but, you know, you know, the world goes in circles.”


Well-Known Member
George Zimmerman got away with murder,” said the juror, who allowed ABC to show her face and use her first name, Maddy. “But you can’t get away from God. And, at the end of the day, he’s going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with. The law couldn’t prove it but, you know, you know, the world goes in circles.”
And yet, she still voted not guilty so by appearing on the news she's both a hypocrite and an attention whore.

Quit crying or your cornflakes will get soggy, lady-boy man.


New Member
They didnt agree he was telling the truth on anything
They only agreed that there wasn't enough to find him guilty

George Zimmerman got away with murder,” said the juror, who allowed ABC to show her face and use her first name, Maddy. “But you can’t get away from God. And, at the end of the day, he’s going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with. The law couldn’t prove it but, you know, you know, the world goes in circles.”
Aren't you a self confessed athiest? Now you're counting on god to judge him.... well he did already and treyvon is dead...


Well-Known Member
so let me get this straight......if I chase you down the street with an ax until you get tired & finally turn and try to defend yourself by thowing a punch, you just became the aggressor? and I can chop you?.."self defence"
Yes, in the State of Florida.

Woooooooooooo hooooooo!


Well-Known Member
Are you in competition for dumbest RIU member? You are definitely a frontrunner.

Greece, New York, near Rochester, New York. New York is a state in the United States. It is on the eastern seaboard. It will be on the right hand side of a map of the United States if the map is aligned with north pointing up.
Um, no, I've been sick with head, chest cold and mis-read the story..sorry to ruin your day:smile:


Well-Known Member
The ACTUAL medical examiner attested IN COURT UNDER OATH that Zimm had a likely broken nose and Lacerations.

Your information came from some other source that is built on a foundation of lies.

Go look at the OFFICIAL court statements, you will find I am telling the unabashed truth. As they say in that stupid Cloud Atlas movie, "its the True True."

If you are in fear for your life..TRULY in fear


1 - Screams STOP after gunshot
2 - Refusal of Medical Care

You do not react in the manner GZ did. Screams are heat of the moment and even though danger may be averted, the truly fearful for their life would not have stopped..they would have kept on screaming, run to a neighbors etc.

Refusal of medical care? There was nothing to look at and GZ knew it. The kid was dead and nothing was gonna ever come out of it, right? Hell, I ripped my heel open on a sprinkler head last year that was worse than all 3 injuries combined by just stepping on it.


New Member
apparently you reading compensation has failed you?

cheesus was quoting the juror, not himself.

lrn2read, sweetie.
I understand that based on the " " surrounding the text... Just funny you liberals will grasp at anything in the hope of preserving the race hustlin legacy of "baby tray"... (Note the inverted commas before and after the words which would indicate i'm quoting someone else)

Even atheists will quote someone quoting god in the hopes that god exists and he steps in to rectify this horrible tragedy... Even though he's already picked a side, long ago, and it wasn't the "no limit nigga"... Boo Fucking Hoo....

Now you, jackson and sharpton can cry us a fucking river....


New Member
If you are in fear for your life..TRULY in fear


1 - Screams STOP after gunshot
2 - Refusal of Medical Care

You do not react in the manner GZ did. Screams are heat of the moment and even though danger may be averted, the truly fearful for their life would not have stopped..they would have kept on screaming, run to a neighbors etc.

Refusal of medical care? There was nothing to look at and GZ knew it. The kid was dead and nothing was gonna ever come out of it, right? Hell, I ripped my heel open on a sprinkler head last year that was worse than all 3 injuries combined by just stepping on it.
Where did you come up with this?


Well-Known Member
Where did you come up with this?
He thinks people are still dangerous when you shoot them in the centre of the chest point blank...

For all you Trayvon butt-huggers:

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I don't assume anything, the evidence suggests Zimmerman was telling the truth and a jury of his peers agreed.

Go cry into your wife's "Adam's apple" and just get over it.

As I said before, if a white guy attacked a black guy he should have the right to defend himself too.

Why do you assume Zimmerman is lying?

All the EVIDENCE suggests he was telling the truth, why are you such an obsessive race-hustler?
This is exactly what happened in the Roderick Scott case in Greece, NY. (Note to the bag lady... Greece, NY is in New York state, USA). A white 17 year old attacked, but never laid a hand on a black man. Mr. Scott shot the attacking teenager twice.

Not a peep in protest was raised by the president who could have been the father of the dead teen ager. Not a peep was raised by Al Sharpton, who also happens to be a New York resident. Not a peep of protest has been raised by the weepy liberals here on RIU. Why is that? What is different about the Roderick Scott case?


Well-Known Member
This is exactly what happened in the Roderick Scott case in Greece, NY. (Note to the bag lady... Greece, NY is in New York state, USA). A white 17 year old attacked, but never laid a hand on a black man. Mr. Scott shot the attacking teenager twice.

Not a peep in protest was raised by the president who could have been the father of the dead teen ager. Not a peep was raised by Al Sharpton, who also happens to be a New York resident. Not a peep of protest has been raised by the weepy liberals here on RIU. Why is that? What is different about the Roderick Scott case?
Because "minorities" can't be racist, only white people are.

Come on, everyone knows that.


New Member
This is exactly what happened in the Roderick Scott case in Greece, NY. (Note to the bag lady... Greece, NY is in New York state, USA). A white 17 year old attacked, but never laid a hand on a black man. Mr. Scott shot the attacking teenager twice.

Not a peep in protest was raised by the president who could have been the father of the dead teen ager. Not a peep was raised by Al Sharpton, who also happens to be a New York resident. Not a peep of protest has been raised by the weepy liberals here on RIU. Why is that? What is different about the Roderick Scott case?
NOTHING.... Mr. Scott is an African American and built like a brick shithouse. The media have compared Mr. Scotts size to that of an "NFL Linebacker". The kid he shot was a scrawny little white boy, who ran at Mr. Scott after he had clearly identified he had called the cops, was armed and will shoot of threatened , after catching the prick breaking into his car. After the teen ran at him he shot him COM. Mr. Scott was tried for manslaughter and found not guilty, obviously...

After the trial the prosecutor was quoted as saying “I just hope it’s not a message to this community… that you have the right to shoot an unarmed 17-year-old kid for breaking into a car.”

Obviously it was not about a teen breaking into a car, but a stupid dumbass who thought it'd be wise to "rush" an armed man, after said man caught him breaking into his property.

At least the race hustlers have an answer to their question of "what if"....