Omg, What Is The!?


Well-Known Member
What is the actual purpose of topping/ fimming? Topping you cut 1 off so the two under the top grow up, right? Fimming just seems like you cut two off and the two grow back. It makes no sense to me. Is the purpose of these two methods to make them stalkier? Someone please enlighten me:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
It it ok to just pinch off the tops? Not like part of the branch or anything, Just pinch the topss off, Will they grow back if i do this?


Well-Known Member
when you pinch or cut the tops (doesn't matter which), it promotes side growth. It also usually caused 2 (or more) new nodes at the site of the pinch or cut.


Well-Known Member
generally this is done either for height issues or to create a more even canopy. Some people decide against growing the one massive cola so that their lights can be closer to the rest of the plant and grow more average sized buds.


Well-Known Member
generally this is done either for height issues or to create a more even canopy. Some people decide against growing the one massive cola so that their lights can be closer to the rest of the plant and grow more average sized buds.
Like this depicts . . .

almost one foot tall w/32" canopy, 42 days budding. This one happens to be a re-veg I first harvested just after Xmas.



Well-Known Member
It depends on the strain and the grower, some do some don't, it's really up to you to experiment.


Well-Known Member
Hey Black Light
If its your first grow I would suggest not cutting the plant. Just so you'll have an idea what a natural plant will do first before experimenting with the different methods of cutting. Plus, most cut for light or space issues, looks like your growing outdoors so you shouldnt have either one of those problems. Just my opinion. Good luck