Well-Known Member
In my town 2 gangbangers busted into this kids house to rob him of a couple ounces of weed and shot him dead infront of his mom. Just happened a few months ago. Local police not only didn't respond to the 911 call fast enough to get the people who killed him but the suspects where even able to escape from the Midwest and fled to New Mexico where they where caught at a truck stop by US Marshals. My area is about 150k people averaging about 16 or so homicides a year and shootings almost twice a week. Tons of robberies and stick ups. Most of these violent crimes go unsolved. However there are always huge headlines about "big" drug busts MEG (Multi-County Narcotics Enforcement Group) makes. Most of these "big" drug busts involve only a couple pounds of herb or less than 50 plants.