official "Thank God for the Police" thread......

I live in montana. There is multiple towns with only one to three police officers. Why do you think over 50 percent of people here are armed? If someone fucks with you, you handle that shit yourself.
Like the time I had a bad inspection sticker and put my keys on the dash kept my hands on the wheel and the dude was tapping his glock with his wedding ring? Must have been the baby seat in the back making him nervous.

There are some seriously bad people in this world. Its the whole us against them attitude that ruins cops. They forget we're not all low lives just because we break a minor law.

Yeah but I'm sure they get rewarded or increase their chance of promotion/raise for the more "crime" they stop. I think some are just insecure dicks who want to feel a sense of power, some are out for the raise, some are discriminatory, etc. I feel it's the opposite though with a lot of stoners. They hate all cops just for being cops, kind of hypocritical if you ask me. Doing that is the equivalent of a cop searching you just because you look like someone who smokes.
you believe in the Taliban approach, local enforcement. This woman was only accused of adultery.......[video=youtube;zfK9PdLfV8A][/video]

No; I don't endorse a Taliban approach. That is deliberately pejorating and inappropriately sensationalizing what i said. (And it would be impossible if police held to their proper bailiwick: 1) to solve crimes, and 2) to apprehend criminal suspects.) Can you deny that the cops are putting their best effort into protecting their "market" as opposed to diminishing it? cn
No; I don't endorse a Taliban approach. That is deliberately pejorating and inappropriately sensationalizing what i said. (And it would be impossible if police held to their proper bailiwick: 1) to solve crimes, and 2) to apprehend criminal suspects.) Can you deny that the cops are putting their best effort into protecting their "market" as opposed to diminishing it? cn
No not at all, but that's a long way from advocating vigilantism. The police are a product of us. We hire them, buy them uniforms, train them, pay them, & set their rules of engagement. Just like our military......then we bitch about what they are doing. There are asshole cops out there just like there's asshole bartenders, cab drivers. The police work for us, we make the laws. Nobody likes to see a police car in the rear view mirror......but we expect them to be there within 1 min if we dial 911........
No not at all, but that's a long way from advocating vigilantism. The police are a product of us. We hire them, buy them uniforms, train them, pay them, & set their rules of engagement. Just like our military......then we bitch about what they are doing. There are asshole cops out there just like there's asshole bartenders, cab drivers. The police work for us, we make the laws. Nobody likes to see a police car in the rear view mirror......but we expect them to be there within 1 min if we dial 911........

I think there is common ground here. I for one do not expect them to be here within the minute. In return, i expect them to be understanding that if that jerk with an AK showed up on/in my doorstep, that my positive response would be given a fair hearing, perhaps even some sort of commendation.
Unfortunately I have heard far too many stories about the cops being high-handed, and I agree with many here that it isn't just the exceptional jerks any more. I do see an institutional shift toward "might makes right". Why else would the cops be losing the PR fight for the moral high road? How would you recommend that a putative "we" who does not get the same access to the deadly toys as the uniformed civilians compel them to do what is right? I see corruption throughout the system, and as we have learned so many times in the past millennia, legislating against corruption is the proverbial shoveling of sand. Jmo. How would you move to improve this situation? The very first thing I would suggest is that the police stop resenting and begin actively encouraging our videotaping their public deeds. If they really are the force of good, what finer way to spread the message? This business of treating public videotaping of cops as some sort of infraction is very telling and an awful precedent. Reversing this stance is something I see as necessary and salutary to their being rehabilitated as the Good Guys. Again, my opinion. cn
in my life I have had 1 positive interaction with the police, when my car broke down a cop came out and helped me push it off the main road and gave me a 5 minute ride home. he was a good guy from the small interaction I had with him

this doesn't balance out all the harassment, lies, costs and bullshit i've had to put up with between two court cases and just going about my business. I've been harassed just walking down the street or sitting in a park or drinking a coffee at the shop, in both my court cases the police reports have contained outright false details (one of which cost the police a major part of my original case and prevented a charge). my current "dui" which the official charge is driving with metabolites (by definition of the charge I am operating the vehical sober) has cost me 10,000 so far and by the time im done ill consider myself lucky if its 15 because I will have to appear for a probation violation (double jeopardy) which is being tried for the same incident twice. the legal system has cost me a total of 40 to 50 thousand for two cases both of which are for nonviolent pot offenses.

edit: derp spelling
No; I don't endorse a Taliban approach. That is deliberately pejorating and inappropriately sensationalizing what i said. (And it would be impossible if police held to their proper bailiwick: 1) to solve crimes, and 2) to apprehend criminal suspects.) Can you deny that the cops are putting their best effort into protecting their "market" as opposed to diminishing it? cn

Dude she was dead after shot two
I've had many different dealings with the police. Some were pleasant. Most were not. I's fairly obvious that most police are guys that want absolute power because they had none when they were young.
I have to agree with canna on the video taping thing. I never understood that. I would have dash cams on every cop car & encourage public to video any & all interactions with police. I think that would go a long way to keeping everyone honest.....I know there are some asshole cops out there, they shouldn't be tolerated..........but have you seen what some people do when stopped by the police........need I google it?........
Tried quoting you cannabineer, but phone is a pita.. sorry..
IMO, disarm the cops, give them the same access to weapons as the people they're looking over.. this is how it's dome in the u.k. over there, the beat cops if you would, are all unarmed .. only the cops in special units like vice squad are allowed to carry a weapon..
Sounds legit to me.. I for one have a huge problem being highly out armed by the police, and I think disarming the average coo would go a far way in taking away the way they think and feel better than the average Joe because they have a badge, and of course a gun to go with it..
Why on earth a traffic cop needs to carry a side arm is beyond me when in most states the average Joe isn't allowed the same.. what's good for the goose ought to be good for the gander IMO..
I have to agree with canna on the video taping thing. I never understood that. I would have dash cams on every cop car & encourage public to video any & all interactions with police. I think that would go a long way to keeping everyone honest.....I know there are some asshole cops out there, they shouldn't be tolerated..........but have you seen what some people do when stopped by the police........need I google it?........

Need I Google what cops do to people when they're pulled over?
Perhaps you've heard of Rodney king??
I have to agree with canna on the video taping thing. I never understood that. I would have dash cams on every cop car & encourage public to video any & all interactions with police. I think that would go a long way to keeping everyone honest.....I know there are some asshole cops out there, they shouldn't be tolerated..........but have you seen what some people do when stopped by the police........need I google it?........

In my state there is an eavesdropping law in which video taping the police is a felony. Back to the original topic though, I cannot remember once in my entire life that I ever thought "Thank god the police just got here, im glad they came to help" whether it was something small, a life or death situation or a natural disaster. A tornado hit our house when I was in 7th grade. We where in the basement but it took off over half of our roof. My dad went to go get tarps to throw over the roof for the night since it was starting to rain. The police would not let him back into the neighborhood with the tarps for several hours because they closed it off to keep looters out even with his drivers license proving he lived there. EVERYTHING I had in my room was ruined and one of my sisters lost everything too. They didn't help at all with any of the clean up either all they did was lock off my neighborhood and run checks on all the cars coming in and out for like a week.
Tried quoting you cannabineer, but phone is a pita.. sorry..
IMO, disarm the cops, give them the same access to weapons as the people they're looking over.. this is how it's dome in the u.k. over there, the beat cops if you would, are all unarmed .. only the cops in special units like vice squad are allowed to carry a weapon..
Sounds legit to me.. I for one have a huge problem being highly out armed by the police, and I think disarming the average coo would go a far way in taking away the way they think and feel better than the average Joe because they have a badge, and of course a gun to go with it..
Why on earth a traffic cop needs to carry a side arm is beyond me when in most states the average Joe isn't allowed the same.. what's good for the goose ought to be good for the gander IMO..

I am not advocating disarming the cops!! However, if the forces that be insist on the civilian disarmament campaign (and its activity is very evident in my home state) then arming the police to the same degree (= not, except for exceptional-response units, and I do acknowledge the need for those as exceptional response units) is something i think is an all-round good idea.
Take the AR-4 semiauto (in some police cases, full auto!) carbine. Either forbid it to the police or allow it to anyone who can legally buy and own a firearm. Remove the double standard, please!
I would hate a policeless society.
I would also look with great displeasure on a society that says that only the police get to be Your Total Security Solution™.
And I agree with doublejj that cops videotaping all they do, and their clients being allowed to video as well, is the finest way to battle hypocrisy and corruption. If only the police have video rights, it'll happen entirely too often that crucial footage will get "whoops we're sorry"ed. That is a fear I have.
If the police take a proactive stance toward allowing bystanders to video their doings, I think they will have turned the tide in reclaiming the moral high ground that they need and should ultimately earn. It's a tough fact of the job that while not elected, street and beat cops are public figures. i do not envy them their jobs. cn
if you watched the opening video you would see why cops need a sidearm. Did you see all the guns those thugs have? the uk NOBODY has guns, is that what you want?......
my issues with the police are that their word is gospel in court (a license to do and say anything), their habit of screaming "stop resisting" when they want to beat on someone in front of a crowd (seriously, how rough do you have to be with a guy when there's 7 of you sitting on his face?), the disgusting way they profile and stop people for nothing and then taunt the person into committing a crime for which they were not stopped, the fact that they are lawfully allowed to lie to citizens but citizens are not lawfully allowed to lie to them, their ideas of what constitutes "probable cause", their aversion to being videotaped and their propensity of "misplacing" dashcam footage or other footage that they have taken possession of, the way that NO MATTER WHAT a cop does, he gets put on "administrative leave", paid, and then gets his job back when he is predictably exonerated of any wrongdoing, and the disgusting blue line bullshit that makes them all cover each other's asses so they always come out smelling like roses.

it all adds up to a license to terrorize the public and make shit up. they are so quick to congratulate themselves and so reluctant to admit any wrongdoing it's vomitous. everything is "by the book" until it comes time to 'fess up that there's a scumbag in their midst. then it's all buttoned lips and bullshit.

as for the "good ones"? you don't hear about them because they are quietly shunned by the department for being a "rat".
if you watched the opening video you would see why cops need a sidearm. Did you see all the guns those thugs have? the uk NOBODY has guns, is that what you want?......

So you're telling me no one gun can be found I'm the u.k.? Really, you wanna stick with that story?
Granted, they don't have a second amendment but to say no one in the u.k. has guns is far from the truth.. cops here...............


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