Well-Known Member
I use 250g of butter & 2 shoe boxes of sugar trim & bud .I welcome the opportunity. Its always been a bit annoying that it hasn't effected me. I normally use about 2 to 3 ounces of exo bud and trim to 2 sticks if butter, and it never did anything. Got fed up so ate an entire tray of Blondie's at once. Nothing. Flatmate brought back a few pounds of charas from india and used a whole bunch in a butter for garlic bread, everyone else got destroyed, I felt nothing. Gf has made cakes a couple of times, and that was the one time I was queing in Coop and started laughing at the crisps, but I had also just smoked a big joint. It just doesn't seem to do bugger all for me :'( I am strange with weed though. If I took a 2g joint ofpure weed, I would get absurdly higher if I replaced a gram of the weed with tobacco.