Well-Known Member
I'd like to have a thread devoted to the truly rare substances.
I recently received these from the methaqualone fairy.
I took the smallest one as a tester this morning because I was advised to take them on an empty stomach and wide awake. I took it at 7am and it's 920 now. I can see why these are banned. The most similar thing I've had is GHB, a real euphoric sedative. I haven't had GHB in years though so I can;t make a fair comparison. I'll need to change that so I can make a more accurate comparison. I'm very clear headed with absolutely no anxiety and in a great mood. Going to take care of something I've been dreading for a long time. I am a little sloppy though. This is an amazing anxiolytic. The tactile effects make me see how this could be great for sex. I can't wait for MrsEDuck and I to be able to test it. Too bad I don't think we have enough for a guest.
I recently received these from the methaqualone fairy.

I took the smallest one as a tester this morning because I was advised to take them on an empty stomach and wide awake. I took it at 7am and it's 920 now. I can see why these are banned. The most similar thing I've had is GHB, a real euphoric sedative. I haven't had GHB in years though so I can;t make a fair comparison. I'll need to change that so I can make a more accurate comparison. I'm very clear headed with absolutely no anxiety and in a great mood. Going to take care of something I've been dreading for a long time. I am a little sloppy though. This is an amazing anxiolytic. The tactile effects make me see how this could be great for sex. I can't wait for MrsEDuck and I to be able to test it. Too bad I don't think we have enough for a guest.