so here she is, it has grown freely no added anything during thee full has just been there while some other plantds were growing strong in a better position a couple meters away.

i sprayed it with some nutrient water solution, it didnt like that at all. strted to get yellow leaves going to brown and falling of, same time i had that sickness with the white coming on he leaves spreading quickly. (name of disease fotgotten)
after neem oil sprayed and no more nutriton added (exccept an growtab put in the soil..) its now got my attention and im curiously observing it....GUESSING minimum 1 month to go...probl around 2..
after its recovered a little more from this i will slowly try some other stuff organic to boost the remaining time.

do you have some pic on your current stash?
great day, see ya later

i sprayed it with some nutrient water solution, it didnt like that at all. strted to get yellow leaves going to brown and falling of, same time i had that sickness with the white coming on he leaves spreading quickly. (name of disease fotgotten)
after neem oil sprayed and no more nutriton added (exccept an growtab put in the soil..) its now got my attention and im curiously observing it....GUESSING minimum 1 month to go...probl around 2..
after its recovered a little more from this i will slowly try some other stuff organic to boost the remaining time.

do you have some pic on your current stash?

great day, see ya later