MDMA (Molly / ecstasy) prices?

Hey duck,when u were doing the thing,what were the prices for the product? How much was produced at one run?..just wanna compare production/first sale costs to street level costs..
We were capable of making about a kilo a week, I don't recall exactly what pricing and costs were because money wasn't my department. I want to say that larger sales were under $20/g. Based on raw materials alone it was under $1/g, but you have to factor in the cost of equipment and paying people.
Yea overheads a bitch duck!..driving,hotels,eating out,disposable phones,un predicted losses,legal fees..all attribute to inflation of final price...a key a week is pretty good tho! At 20 a grm that's 20 I got over was a 10 grand come up on one deal..people wonder why I scoff at 10$ pills and I tell em its too much,there is nothing but greed after 5$ a pill..
And one guy gets the pills for 2 each.. then sells for 3-5... then the next guy goes up to 8... and finally the clubbers are paying 20 a piece. If all drugs were just legal we could all be paying great prices for MDMA at wal-mart =)
If all drugs were just legal we could all be paying great prices for MDMA at wal-mart =)

Not here in Canada, if MDMA was selling for $5 a point the government would tax it until it cost us about $25, Im sure some of you Americans have been to Canada but for those of you who havent you would think they accidently put the decimal point a spot too far to the right when you're buying booze or tobacco lol
No it means that I am smart enough to realize that the statute of limitations has passed and since I'm not doing it now I don't feel like I am putting myself at risk by talking about something I once did.
Like john ghotti said 'the feds don't run out of time or money''re at risk also if your rants are true...THEY GONNA GETCHA!
supply=demand $3 to $8 dollars a gram = $25 to $40 wholesale = $40 to $100+ a gram street. It's all in who you know and your position in the chain. Climb higher

its only 8/g if youre buy kilogramsand thats in europe! this guy is full of shit!
#traphouse #hustlenflow

i was associating with a guy that got busted last month using silkroad. to sell that way is one thing. but, giving out you address and name to someone based soley on feedback is dumb. especially when i got my ebay feedback to 1000+ buying and selling a single item from myself