So your a grower


Active Member
So you’re a grower

What does that mean at a dispensary? You are a contracted individual. So what does that mean? Basically it means you have all your expenses and then you get to pay your own Taxes.

You pay full tax on income and experience the full 40%. Then think Obama Care and all of the FREE STUFF (what a joke) that needs TAXES to pay for it. Look at Europe they are at 60%+ and I assure that is coming here.

So you think that is fair. Hmm….ok cool so…..

So….Why would you want to pay the taxes for them? I predict we will see growers move to the black market about the first time they start to realize the real costs of business. I remember the first time I had to write a check to IRS that is when I learned accounting to maximize every expense and loophole.

Basically the consultant is the loophole for the dispensaries. Kinda, funny those growers came here to hustle us and instead they are getting hustled by their own.


Well-Known Member
Instead of 'learning accounting' you should have taken an English 101 course. Your writing and message conveyance is atrocious!


Well-Known Member
But these home growers really dont have that issue due to the fact that we give our meds away for free. it is illegal for us to sell.


Active Member
But these home growers really dont have that issue due to the fact that we give our meds away for free. it is illegal for us to sell.
Yes you are correct!! Home growers do not have to worry about this issue only those that grow for dispensaries.
I would assume those on CL would not have to worry as they are not getting a 1099 from the patient for P2P transfers.

Which is why I would recommend looking on Craigslist as the medicine at the Dispensaries has to cost more. Also never forget that Humble uses your applications fees to twart your grow rights. Tax dollars will be used to undermine you as a patient as well.

Biggest benefit I see for using people on CL is they are automatically 40% cheaper. Which is probably why I get $150-175 for outdoor and $200-225 for indoor off of CL. The price of an Ounce at the dispensaries is about $400 they have to pass the savings on to the consumer.

Which is why all the haters get soooo mad at me and try to dispute it. It is obvious they work for or have a vested interest in dispensaries.

Biggest thing to remember every dollar spent at a dispensary ensures you do not have grow rights. If we stick together and boycott the dispesaries they will go out of business. Which in turn means every one grows and medicine is a reasonable price.


New Member
The other ting you must not forget,, Even though craiglist will open up pateints to teh posssobillitee of being undercover sting victims, that is ok because in prison you will be feed many meals of cheese sandwich and grape drink. This is GOOD! You will be able to recoup you lost moneies fomr bad investmebt in AZMMJ program. WINNERING!

Of this thin g i do not worry, being busted for growing a few times i am most at home in jail. I dont really take precautions or worry about mine r others security, i just think abou takl the cheese sandwiches Mr JOe Arpiao will be having for me and the pink underwhere! No need to worry about legal matter when they have all that cheese.

I will behonest, i MUST biy off CL, no one in Az will deaal will me as i tend to com e up with ridiculous planns, narc and steal from patients. But i have found the cheese sandwich moutherload so none of that matters!!! Come with me and get the cheese my friends!


Well-Known Member
The other ting you must not forget,, Even though craiglist will open up pateints to teh posssobillitee of being undercover sting victims, that is ok because in prison you will be feed many meals of cheese sandwich and grape drink. This is GOOD! You will be able to recoup you lost moneies fomr bad investmebt in AZMMJ program. WINNERING!

Of this thin g i do not worry, being busted for growing a few times i am most at home in jail. I dont really take precautions or worry about mine r others security, i just think abou takl the cheese sandwiches Mr JOe Arpiao will be having for me and the pink underwhere! No need to worry about legal matter when they have all that cheese.

I will behonest, i MUST biy off CL, no one in Az will deaal will me as i tend to com e up with ridiculous planns, narc and steal from patients. But i have found the cheese sandwich moutherload so none of that matters!!! Come with me and get the cheese my friends!
I never would have guessed.


Well-Known Member
personiified is dumb. you want us to be nice to the res indians, when these people for the most part are pretty racist. I have had a bunch of indian friends all my life and for the most part city indians will tell you res indians don't like WHITE people other people too, just a disdain for outsiders in general . i have experienced this first hand. Why help people when they have so much hate.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Man you guys bitch so much!!

Heres an idea.try keeping your opinions to yourself!

you don't want to buy your weed legally at a Dispensary? Don't! Period!

you want to buy your weed on CL. Do it! Just don't ask for help with your legal fund when you are up on charges for buying from an undercover.


Well-Known Member
Man you guys bitch so much!!

Heres an idea.try keeping your opinions to yourself!

you don't want to buy your weed legally at a Dispensary? Don't! Period!

you wanto buy your weed on CL. Do it! Just don't ask for help with your legal fund when you are up on charges for buying from an undercover.
You should heed your own advice. STFU already :)


Well-Known Member
Man you guys bitch so much!!

Heres an idea.try keeping your opinions to yourself!

you don't want to buy your weed legally at a Dispensary? Don't! Period!

you want to buy your weed on CL. Do it! Just don't ask for help with your legal fund when you are up on charges for buying from an undercover.
He stay mad. Things must not be going as planned lol. Yeah keep your opinions of weed off the weed discussion forum mmmmmkayyyyyy. Fuck you.

North Avalon

New Member
The rats come out and play when the money is not piling up, happened in CA/MT where patients/cg's are allowed to grow. Paying 3-35 to stock O.K. product from other dispensaries is way more expensive than paying for an educated grow team, sound facility and consistent/controlled dank.
Federal doesn't stop with cultivation facilities, when a dispensary buys med stock, you become cimplicit.
Been there, done that.
No variety? what's distinguishes the next collective from the other, the waiting room?

For the first timers in the ring, free insight, canna is a volume industry, that is where the money is made by the real risk takers. Grow big or go home. The ones selling the shelf stock have the business fundamentals right.

Patients: Medicine will never be as cheap as growing your own, for reference, Cali meds from a co-op run 365 for a stupid fire ounce, organic platnium girl scouts or what have you. 200 a half is rarely found and most do not participate at that price, unless in Hollywood, but 165-190 is out there. Before I get jumped here please remember we are taking about high quality medication not what is available to you currently. Remeber that the cost of property rentals in Cali is egregious compared to Arizona, almost double/triple the price in some locations.


Well-Known Member
Man you guys bitch so much!!

Heres an idea.try keeping your opinions to yourself!

you don't want to buy your weed legally at a Dispensary? Don't! Period!

you want to buy your weed on CL. Do it! Just don't ask for help with your legal fund when you are up on charges for buying from an undercover.
It's not illegal to pay for weed. It's illegal to sell it.
I'm working on opening a private P2P club where nothing of value is exchanged.
That would make my club perfectly legal under the AMMA.