There was nothing about racism in there . Like i said if you could elaborate on why white pride is scary and bad but its really just a love for your ancestors and culture.
there's nothing wrong with white pride per se, but to be proud of your arbitrary skin color over which you had no control? that's just kinda stupid.
there would be no negative connotation with "white pride" if the crowd that reveled in it hadn't gone around lynching folks and claiming superiority and all the rest of the ugliness that's associated with the term.
you guys did it to yourselves.
Every race seems to be able to find pride in their heritage and we celebrate them with holidays and in schools... But god forbid a white child or family be proud of thier family or heritage.
in this country, we have things like black history month not because we think one race is superior to another, but rather to overcome the history of persecution that some have endured in this nation of ours.
*Its mainly white people that self hate like you do and have no understanding of tribal ancestory in Europe.
wait, so you're totally not "white pride" but you have this obsession with celebrating your european ancestry?
sounds contradictory to me.
*Your a sheep ! Bah bah ...
the "zionist public education system" has failed you.