help what should i do


How is anyone going to help you if you don't post any info about the plants, what week there in, what your feeding with, your medium, what you ph your water at or your run off ph? Without is info I could tell you any thing.


Well-Known Member
How is anyone going to help you if you don't post any info about the plants, what week there in, what your feeding with, your medium, what you ph your water at or your run off ph? Without is info I could tell you any thing.
Hey man I was going to put more info don't worry I just wanted to get these pictures up. I'm doing this all from my phone so its a little more tricky. Here about 2months I'd say they just get fed regular tap water (I was gonna start giving it tiger bloom but not till this is cleared up) there on fox farm ocean forest soil


Active Member
How is anyone going to help you if you don't post any info about the plants, what week there in, what your feeding with, your medium, what you ph your water at or your run off ph? Without is info I could tell you any thing.
He is right you know man.........


Active Member
Add any of your own thoughts as to what the cause may be it may make it easier to advise you on what to do also.


Well-Known Member
Add any of your own thoughts as to what the cause may be it may make it easier to advise you on what to do also.
I'm not really sure last grow around this time I started to see the same problems...leaves turning lighter green to yellow I think maybe high pH or hot temps mY soil pH is 6.5 to 7
I would say its a magnesium defficency typical signs are yellowing between the veins (veins remain green with yellowing between) the leaf tips usually curl up and generally during flower. I see all of those in those pictures, also if the stems look red or pupleish I would say it also has a nitrogen deficency. Tap water just doesent cut it bro you need to grb some cal mag and some well rounded base nutrients like sensi grow or flora grow/floramicro combo or at least make some compost tea. Hope this helps you out.


Well-Known Member
I would say its a magnesium defficency typical signs are yellowing between the veins (veins remain green with yellowing between) the leaf tips usually curl up and generally during flower. I see all of those in those pictures, also if the stems look red or pupleish I would say it also has a nitrogen deficency. Tap water just doesent cut it bro you need to grb some cal mag and some well rounded base nutrients like sensi grow or flora grow/floramicro combo or at least make some compost tea. Hope this helps you out.
Thanks a lot man in about to feed with my fox farm nutes


Well-Known Member
I would say its a magnesium defficency typical signs are yellowing between the veins (veins remain green with yellowing between) the leaf tips usually curl up and generally during flower. I see all of those in those pictures, also if the stems look red or pupleish I would say it also has a nitrogen deficency. Tap water just doesent cut it bro you need to grb some cal mag and some well rounded base nutrients like sensi grow or flora grow/floramicro combo or at least make some compost tea. Hope this helps you out.
Thanks a lot man in about to feed with my fox farm nutes