Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Well-Known Member
Also, look what small pox did to the Native Americans, people like the prinner would lead you to believe small pox is good, immumization bad. BANG! next thing ya know you are in a fema camp working in the lithium mines to support big pharma while being forced to listen to Alex Jones 24/7.

The end is Nigh!!!

to find out how to survive buy this book for $19.95


Well-Known Member
You know what is really sad? I'm starting to think jtprin and alike, actually believe in their bullshit. I mean truly believe. As if it actually fucking happens. That's scary.


Well-Known Member
Also, look what small pox did to the Native Americans, people like the prinner would lead you to believe small pox is good, immumization bad. BANG! next thing ya know you are in a fema camp working in the lithium mines to support big pharma while being forced to listen to Alex Jones 24/7.

The end is Nigh!!!

to find out how to survive buy this book for $19.95
send me a copy of that book, i need to be smart and avoid the FEMA camps where i'll be drugged with fluoride and chemtrails until i believe that newtown was a false flag attack to take away our guns.


Well-Known Member
Also, look what small pox did to the Native Americans, people like the prinner would lead you to believe small pox is good, immumization bad. BANG! next thing ya know you are in a fema camp working in the lithium mines to support big pharma while being forced to listen to Alex Jones 24/7.

The end is Nigh!!!

to find out how to survive buy this book for $19.95
You got me.


Well-Known Member
You know what is really sad? I'm starting to think jtprin and alike, actually believe in their bullshit. I mean truly believe. As if it actually fucking happens. That's scary.
there are bits of truth. Its easy for things to flourish as true and get carried over the top though. People should be aware of their own personal health. It goes far.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I am no conspiracy "nut"...
But GMOs have not been proven safe. And studies have shown they they are not safe.

The FDA's own scientists said that more testing needs to be done and they shouldn't be introduced into the food supply.
Some more info:
"After feeding hamsters for two years over three generations, those on the GM diet, and especially the group on the maximum GM soy diet, showed devastating results. By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies. They also suffered slower growth, and a high mortality rate among the pups.
And if this isn't shocking enough, some in the third generation even had hair growing inside their mouths--a phenomenon rarely seen, but apparently more prevalent among hamsters eating GM soy."

And in regard to GE fish...

Several 100,000 Genetically Engineered Fish have already been accidentally introduced into the wild.
Huffingtonpost? More like Fluffingtonpost.


Well-Known Member
there are bits of truth. Its easy for things to flourish as true and get carried over the top though. People should be aware of their own personal health. It goes far.
There is a galactic difference in taking note of health concerns and applying both sides of an argument and formulating your own opinion, and taking the same health concerns and blowing them so far out of proportion that the underlying argument becomes comical.


Well-Known Member
There is a galactic difference in taking note of health concerns and applying both sides of an argument and formulating your own opinion, and taking the same health concerns and blowing them so far out of proportion that the underlying argument becomes comical.
Go chug that tap water, no one's stopping you. Besides, fluoride is just one of the health issues regarding tap water, as you'll see here...[video]www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-XJz5HSCME[/video]


Well-Known Member
Go chug that tap water, no one's stopping you. Besides, fluoride is just one of the health issues regarding tap water, as you'll see here...[video]www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-XJz5HSCME[/video]
No, clearly, people like you chug bottled water.


Keep it up Rubio.


Well-Known Member
Bitch I use rain barrell water I funnel into a 2'000 gal. stainless steel basin I use to reheat and shower with so Im not even absorbing my fluoride dermally. Where you shower at jrpin, nano tech has allowed innoculation through showering in fluoride water. Resistence is futile, Big Brother is 1984ing during his Naked Lunch.


Well-Known Member
Go chug that tap water, no one's stopping you.
Oh! So are saying I can do what I want, without you trying to jam some bullshit down my throat? Is that what you are saying? If it is.. please continue shutting the fuck up. I am not stopping you.


Well-Known Member
Bitch I use rain barrell water I funnel into a 2'000 gal. stainless steel basin I use to reheat and shower with so Im not even absorbing my fluoride dermally. Where you shower at jrpin, nano tech has allowed innoculation through showering in fluoride water. Resistence is futile, Big Brother is 1984ing during his Naked Lunch.
I got dat three stage shower filter bruh.


Well-Known Member
Oh! So are saying I can do what I want, without you trying to jam some bullshit down my throat? Is that what you are saying? If it is.. please continue shutting the fuck up. I am not stopping you.
You seem a little angry.


Well-Known Member
I got dat three stage shower filter bruh.
I don't. And I smoked for 10 years. And I drink daily. And I fuck a lot. And I shoot guns. And I drive fast. And I did coke, and I smoke pot... and I bet you I still outlive you. What you got on that punk? Go ahead. Make my day.


Well-Known Member
I had something more amusing to post but one of the side effects of Cannabis use is memory loss. See all you chooches later.

keep smiling.
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