i wanna get down on my knees and start pleaseing jesus

The 2,000 year old Jesus is dead; but His legacy lives on. Yes there are some people (alive today) who are named Jesus but the Biblical Jesus is dead. I highly doubt Jesus did any miracles at all. The miracles were probably added into the Bible later on by Jesus' disciples or whomever wrote the New Testament. If Jesus was a real person than I bet He was a wonderful person that had many spiritual things to teach. He probably went around doing good for His countrymen and whatnot but He was limited to His body as much as we are. He most likely had a regular body like all of us and He probably couldn't do anything supernatural. The supernatural was added later when the New Testament was written. I'm sure there might have been a man named Jesus that claimed He was the Messiah and He might have been the Messiah to some of the people back then and even now today. I have a lot of respect for Jesus because He might have even died for our sins but My point is that He was 100% human and He most likely couldn't have done any miracles or anything supernatural because I don't know anyone ever that has been able to break the laws of physics.

These are just My opinions and I'm not acting like I know the facts about Jesus because I don't know anything besides what the Bible says about Him.

But I believe I'm the NEW Christ and I have videos of Myself if any of you want to see Me.

Just ask to see My videos of Me.


Seriously, can you stop turning every fucking thread in here about your stupid bullshit? This is getting fucking ridiculous.

There's a bunch of threads about your stupid shit, we don't need more.
Seriously, can you stop turning every fucking thread in here about your stupid bullshit? This is getting fucking ridiculous.

There's a bunch of threads about your stupid shit, we don't need more.

The weirdest thing is how he capitalizes all indications of himself in the 1st person 'Me', 'My', etc., and yet he doesn't understand the difference between 'then' and 'than'...

I suspect the reason he does this is because he read somewhere sometime that identifying 'God' is always capitalized

Narcissism by it's own definition. What's even crazier, as if anything could be, is that he is the only person I've ever known to acknowledge their own mental handicaps and still authentically seem to believe and actively perpetuate the obvious nonsense that comes through his keyboard. It's as if he's saying "what I say is crazy, I know it's crazy, but this is why I think I'm God and why you should too!"... dafuq? "I know I'm 5'6", but I think I'm actually 6'5" and here's why you should too!"...

In the words of Sam Harris.. "you can't reason with an unreasonable person", which defines Nevaeah to the T.
The weirdest thing is how he capitalizes all indications of himself in the 1st person 'Me', 'My', etc., and yet he doesn't understand the difference between 'then' and 'than'...

I suspect the reason he does this is because he read somewhere sometime that identifying 'God' is always capitalized

Narcissism by it's own definition. What's even crazier, as if anything could be, is that he is the only person I've ever known to acknowledge their own mental handicaps and still authentically seem to believe and actively perpetuate the obvious nonsense that comes through his keyboard. It's as if he's saying "what I say is crazy, I know it's crazy, but this is why I think I'm God and why you should too!"... dafuq? "I know I'm 5'6", but I think I'm actually 6'5" and here's why you should too!"...

In the words of Sam Harris.. "you can't reason with an unreasonable person", which defines Nevaeah to the T.

i always mix up than and then pada...
lil help would be appreciated.. then is like to do with time right? like first i did this, then i did that? and than, i well, shit, like i said, i always get those two confused..
The 2,000 year old Jesus is dead; but His legacy lives on. Yes there are some people (alive today) who are named Jesus but the Biblical Jesus is dead. I highly doubt Jesus did any miracles at all. The miracles were probably added into the Bible later on by Jesus' disciples or whomever wrote the New Testament. If Jesus was a real person than I bet He was a wonderful person that had many spiritual things to teach. He probably went around doing good for His countrymen and whatnot but He was limited to His body as much as we are. He most likely had a regular body like all of us and He probably couldn't do anything supernatural. The supernatural was added later when the New Testament was written. I'm sure there might have been a man named Jesus that claimed He was the Messiah and He might have been the Messiah to some of the people back then and even now today. I have a lot of respect for Jesus because He might have even died for our sins but My point is that He was 100% human and He most likely couldn't have done any miracles or anything supernatural because I don't know anyone ever that has been able to break the laws of physics.

These are just My opinions and I'm not acting like I know the facts about Jesus because I don't know anything besides what the Bible says about Him.

But I believe I'm the NEW Christ and I have videos of Myself if any of you want to see Me.

Just ask to see My videos of Me.

You are the new christ ? jeeeeeeeeeeeeshus
i always mix up than and then pada...
lil help would be appreciated.. then is like to do with time right? like first i did this, then i did that? and than, i well, shit, like i said, i always get those two confused..

I thought that was English 101! It's even phonetically identifiable! - thAn > thAt, - thEn > thI​n

"I'm going to clean the kitchen, then the bedroom", "I'm going to eat dinner, then dessert!", "We should go to dinner, then a movie"...

"I'd rather clean the kitchen than the bedroom", "I'd rather eat dinner than dessert!", "I'd rather go to dinner than see a movie"...

Forgive the grammar nazi in me, but that shit seems so simple to me it irks me every time I see it!
"I went to the first mental hospital after like an hour of telling someone I’m Christ." Nevaeh ....................................And than they let You out?
The 2,000 year old Jesus is dead; but His legacy lives on. Yes there are some people (alive today) who are named Jesus but the Biblical Jesus is dead. I highly doubt Jesus did any miracles at all. The miracles were probably added into the Bible later on by Jesus' disciples or whomever wrote the New Testament. If Jesus was a real person than I bet He was a wonderful person that had many spiritual things to teach. He probably went around doing good for His countrymen and whatnot but He was limited to His body as much as we are. He most likely had a regular body like all of us and He probably couldn't do anything supernatural. The supernatural was added later when the New Testament was written. I'm sure there might have been a man named Jesus that claimed He was the Messiah and He might have been the Messiah to some of the people back then and even now today. I have a lot of respect for Jesus because He might have even died for our sins but My point is that He was 100% human and He most likely couldn't have done any miracles or anything supernatural because I don't know anyone ever that has been able to break the laws of physics.

These are just My opinions and I'm not acting like I know the facts about Jesus because I don't know anything besides what the Bible says about Him.

But I believe I'm the NEW Christ and I have videos of Myself if any of you want to see Me.

Just ask to see My videos of Me.


If you are indeed the new Christ, if you die will you come back to life 3 days later? I would be curious to see if it would work.
"I went to the first mental hospital after like an hour of telling someone I’m Christ." Nevaeh ....................................And than they let You out?

Nope. lol

When you using 'then' it has to do with time. In your sentence 'then' refers to the time when Neveah would be let out of a mental hospital. "...and then they let you out." If you said; "I hope they keep Neveah institutionalized rather than letting him roam society." That would have been proper use of than. :D

"I would rather eat dinner and then, I would also like to eat dessert." - I finding writing it like this helps more. In that sentence 'then' is referring to a later time, after the dinner has been eaten. Again, if it's about 'time' it's a 'then'! :D

"I would rather eat dinner than dessert." "I like lions better than tigers."

These sentences state a comparison of dinner over dessert or lions over tigers.
I thought that was English 101! It's even phonetically identifiable! - thAn > thAt, - thEn > thI​n

"I'm going to clean the kitchen, then the bedroom", "I'm going to eat dinner, then dessert!", "We should go to dinner, then a movie"...

"I'd rather clean the kitchen than the bedroom", "I'd rather eat dinner than dessert!", "I'd rather go to dinner than see a movie"...

Forgive the grammar nazi in me, but that shit seems so simple to me it irks me every time I see it!

lol, no problem pada.. i consider my english pretty good, but the than and then thing always sneaks by me for some reason.. i was right about the then one.. it's like dealing with time, first this, then that..
and than is a comparison .. think i got it now.. thanks for the brush up..

i always hate when people use your for you're.. ffs, i think that one is the easiest.. if you're saying you are an idiot, it's you're.. if you're saying your bud is the best, it's your... your is possessive of you..
lol, no problem pada.. i consider my english pretty good, but the than and then thing always sneaks by me for some reason.. i was right about the then one.. it's like dealing with time, first this, then that..
and than is a comparison .. think i got it now.. thanks for the brush up..

i always hate when people use your for you're.. ffs, i think that one is the easiest.. if you're saying you are an idiot, it's you're.. if you're saying your bud is the best, it's your... your is possessive of you..
I agree and it should be extremely easy since you're is a contraction. If "you are" does not fit then you must use your. Same with they're and their and there. Seems like it should be the most simple basic, easy to understand grammatical issues. Much easier IMO than who vs. whom and whoever vs. whomever.
Seriously, can you stop turning every fucking thread in here about your stupid bullshit? This is getting fucking ridiculous.

There's a bunch of threads about your stupid shit, we don't need more.
I was going to MA the post for his incessant spamming but then I figure it wouldn't do any good.
Seriously, can you stop turning every fucking thread in here about your stupid bullshit? This is getting fucking ridiculous.

There's a bunch of threads about your stupid shit, we don't need more.

First of all, this thread is about Jesus and I'm the next best thing.

EDIT- Block Me if I offend you that much!


Whos blaspheming?

Do you think I'm blaspheming?

I'm sure to some people I'm blaspheming but I'm just doing what comes naturally, and that's to spread what I believe is the truth.

The weirdest thing is how he capitalizes all indications of himself in the 1st person 'Me', 'My', etc., and yet he doesn't understand the difference between 'then' and 'than'...

I know, My English is lurid.

I always did much better in math, science, physics and engineering. I'm a little rusty on all of the above now though.

I suspect the reason he does this is because he read somewhere sometime that identifying 'God' is always capitalized

I figure if Jesus is capitalized when referring to Himself than what's the big difference between Me and Jesus besides the fact that I'm alive and Jesus is dead?

Narcissism by it's own definition. What's even crazier, as if anything could be, is that he is the only person I've ever known to acknowledge their own mental handicaps and still authentically seem to believe and actively perpetuate the obvious nonsense that comes through his keyboard. It's as if he's saying "what I say is crazy, I know it's crazy, but this is why I think I'm God and why you should too!"... dafuq? "I know I'm 5'6", but I think I'm actually 6'5" and here's why you should too!"...

I might be a narcissist in a way because I do love Myself but I'm not hubris or cocky or arrogant.

I do acknowledge My own "mental handicaps" because I do have some problems like you all but I'm not retarded. And My obvious nonsense that I actively perpetuate is esoteric words of wisdom.

That's right, I know what I say is crazy but sometimes the crazy things are true. I'm a truth seeker and when I find truth I try and spread that truth.

But I don't think I'm God! No person could ever be God. You know as well as I know, Pada, that I believe I'm Christ, the Savior. I'm a person just like you all except I have lived a life that's been depicted in the New Testament. I believe I have fulfilled some of the stories of the Bible and many other things that I have been open about, but no one really cares about the things I say. So I guess you can say that I'm online journaling.

In the words of Sam Harris.. "you can't reason with an unreasonable person", which defines Nevaeah to the T.

The funny thing is that I bet I'm more right than wrong in many respects. If you can quote Me saying anything that is obviously wrong than I'd be impressed. Of course I have made mistakes and that's a given but the majority of what I have posted is truthful.

The best I can do is be honest with Myself. But My honesty is too crazy for some of you guys.

You are the new christ ? jeeeeeeeeeeeeshus

I believe that I am the new Christ! But that's just a personal belief. I don't have a cult or any followers or anything. I just have seen My evidence and I believe.

"I went to the first mental hospital after like an hour of telling someone I’m Christ." Nevaeh ....................................And than they let You out?

I'm going to be going back to a mental hospital pretty soon too. I should be going some time this month. The truth is that I'm so bored and I need a little vacation from the mundane. Plus the people in the mental hospitals are usually very cool too. I like hanging out with the crazies. ;-)

If you are indeed the new Christ, if you die will you come back to life 3 days later? I would be curious to see if it would work.

I'm a mortal as it gets. If I die than I will stay dead until I am reincarnated.

The whole deal with Jesus dying an rising from the dead is a fallacy. Christianity is one of the biggest cults in the world. What difference would it make if Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after He died or not? Jesus is not alive today and that's what matters. I'm sure the world could use His help now and He's allegedly just chilling at the right hand of God right now. I think Jesus is dead, plain and simple.

But I'm not dead. I'm alive and I'm claiming to be the new Christ. I'm trying to help the world but people just think I'm a joke so I'm posting in an online journal for Myself.

That's funny!

EDIT- If you guys want to see why I believe that I am Christ than check out My signature!

First of all, this thread is about Jesus and I'm the next best thing.

EDIT- Block Me if I offend you that much!

You're boring and unoriginal, and all you do is thread jack in this section. It's ridiculous I wish to fuck someone would just ban your sorry ass.