30,400 lumen


Active Member
how much plants can i grow under this much lumens.(30,400)
box size is 2ftx2ftx4ft....thats 12x23 watt 1600 lumens each....4x42 watt 2800 lumens = 444 watts,,,(30,400lumens)
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Well-Known Member
or use Sea Of Green method and u can grow 6-8 plants (lil plants from clones) lolipop style baby !!! lol


Active Member
6 plants is what i had in mind...i just got 6 clones from a friend...ak47.... would i be able to just bud them...cause i have all the lights....plants are about 6'' tall....


Well-Known Member
well u can bud them as soon as they have roots man!!! go go go when ya readdy dude :D what type of cfls u have??? warm light for flowerin', rememba??


Active Member
i have only 3 fans.
1 computer fan in
1 computer fan out
1 small fan blowing on the plants...
u think i need more


Well-Known Member
maybe yes, u'll need some more.....what's the temps in the room where the grow box is(it's a grow box right??) did u do a test run for the lights to see the temps.....if u stay lower then 85degr Fahrenheit (30 degr celsius) u should be fine man!


Well-Known Member
You can use the grow method implemented here.

And use the spacing method implemented here.
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - ***DrBud Takes CFL SOG to the Next Level***
more proof here
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Compact SOG with CFL's

I currently have 11 plants in large chinese food soup containers, which have magazine covers taped to the sides (blocks light). I use a per., verm., hydroton, coco (for the coir) mix. All the plants grow healthier, faster, and alot less hasstle free than my DWC, and my friends soil grows.
I will be using the above spacing examples for my mini-cab (2-22gal rubbermaids) which has an interior space of 19.5"x15.5"x33.5" under a 150watt hps.:twisted:
