DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

Well Hempy is drain to waste as i understand it. And if you are using synthetic nutes not organic then yes, it will help.

I don't know if there is a soil runnoff test for Pythium. Worth checking. I see hemp as sort of ebb and flood in reverse.

Sort of a flood through, idea?

I guess its actually a top feed, recirculating hempy. Kinda a mixture between alot of systems. Check out the link in my above post and you'll see the setup, Except mine is 4x5g buckets.
Basically, I have a rez that pumps through feed rings to hempy(ish) buckets. It feeds for 15 minutes, so it waters the pot, and the extra water returns to the rez via a return line which is placed 2" from the bottom.
I run Canna Aqua Vega; no organics.
I have slime buildup in my return/feed lines, so I'm wondering if the Tea will help "coat" the lines and inhibit pythium buildup?
I guess its actually a top feed, recirculating hempy. Kinda a mixture between alot of systems. Check out the link in my above post and you'll see the setup, Except mine is 4x5g buckets.
Basically, I have a rez that pumps through feed rings to hempy(ish) buckets. It feeds for 15 minutes, so it waters the pot, and the extra water returns to the rez via a return line which is placed 2" from the bottom.
I run Canna Aqua Vega; no organics.
I have slime buildup in my return/feed lines, so I'm wondering if the Tea will help "coat" the lines and inhibit pythium buildup?

Yah...uh...no. Tea is not an inhibitor, on pipes, I don't think. It will help make it worse. :) I just got completley out of 1/2" line and I shortened up the 3/4" as much as possible. Most of my flow path now is 2", 6 inch long connectors between 6 buckets. But, the tea goes on the roots to prevent the infestation. As far as I know it is everywhere. So, cleaning will not help, seems to me.
That's what I do.

a guy at the hydro store told me that aquashield has been discontinued, and your unlikely to find bottles unexpired. mine was definitely expired and had multicolored fungus on the walls and floating chunks in it. ive been using it for a year, but with the tea i dont use very much or need it very often so i never use the whole bottle.

the guy also told me that the main benefit from aquashield is bacilus subtilis, which is in another part of the tea that i use, so i am unsure if i need it?

or what is a good replacement for it?
How much mycogrow should you use in 2-3 gallons of water? Heisenberg never really said other than 1oz package can do a fuck ton of gallons... I've been doing "a pinch" which I feel is about 5 ml.
I am really trying to understand what everyone is trying to do here? All you have to do is "A" by a chiller or "B" get yourself a couple of half gallon milk jugs and freeze them daily (rotate them) in your reservoir and keep a aquarium heater in the reservoir so the water stays close to 68 degrees. You can also place your air pumps outside if you wish and pump in cold air to the buckets and reservoir. Lastly all you have to do is buy MycoGrow($6), Aquashield($14) and Starter Enzyme($5 from wally world). DONE! You do this once or every other week for your bennies(woohoo) and you only need a little. You all are making this way over complicated. No one here, not even this OP has created something new. This is all old farmer stuff people(hundreds of years).
The point is to prevent/cure slime. No one has said anything about inventing anything new. Your recipe is also fine, only not as cheap and not as diverse.

Appreciate the dosage info, but don't need a calculator for 3rd grade math wizardry. Also will pass on the aquarium water heater.
The point is to prevent/cure slime. No one has said anything about inventing anything new. Your recipe is also fine, only not as cheap and not as diverse.

Appreciate the dosage info, but don't need a calculator for 3rd grade math wizardry. Also will pass on the aquarium water heater.

You still didn't pay attention. I gave you one recipe, there is also two another ways to do this cheaply. I only pointed out the OP's thread.

You can go here and get a 8 ounce bottle to keep ponds clean and it is good for 5,000 gallons for bacteria, you still have to purchase the Mykos if you want them, but not needed really in DWC. This eliminates you having to make teas everyday. I am not demeaning this OP, but there are many ways to do this. Here is the link to a $10 bottle http://www.thepondoutlet.com/home/t...=48183117795&gclid=CNPNv4jw6bgCFabm7Aod41oABQ

If that isn't cheap enough for you than you can do this for $6.

You can just go out and buy the MykoGrow Soluble that has bacteria, enzymes(created from the bacteria) and Myko all in one $6 bottle. You just mix it in your reservoir and done.

ndomycorrhizal fungi
Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, Glomus aggregatum, Glomus monosporum, Glomus clarum, Glomus deserticola, Gigaspora margarita, Gigaspora brasilianum, Gigaspora etunicatum
Ectomycorrhizal fungi
Rhizopogon villosullus, Rhizopogon luteolus, Rhizopogon amylopogon, Rhizopogon fulvigleba, Pisolithus tinctorius, Scleroderma cepa, Scleroderma citrinum
Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma konigii
Beneficial Bacteria
Bacillus subtillus, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus azotoformans, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus pumlis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus stearothermiphilis, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Paenibacillus durum, Paenibacillus florescence, Paenibacillus gordonae, Azotobacter polymyxa, Azotobacter chroococcum, Sacchromyces cervisiae, Streptomyces griseues, Streptomyces lydicus, Pseudomonas aureofaceans, Deinococcus erythromyxa
- See more at: http://www.fungi.com/product-detail/product/mycogrow-soluble-1-oz.html#sthash.6KiOE9uu.dpuf

I am really trying to understand what everyone is trying to do here? All you have to do is "A" by a chiller or "B" get yourself a couple of half gallon milk jugs and freeze them daily (rotate them) in your reservoir and keep a aquarium heater in the reservoir so the water stays close to 68 degrees. You can also place your air pumps outside if you wish and pump in cold air to the buckets and reservoir. Lastly all you have to do is buy MycoGrow($6), Aquashield($14) and Starter Enzyme($5 from wally world). DONE! You do this once or every other week for your bennies(woohoo) and you only need a little. You all are making this way over complicated. No one here, not even this OP has created something new. This is all old farmer stuff people(hundreds of years).

Maybe you should just read the thread, fat cat. This is about saving money.

So, what are you saying, by making insulting noises?

Do you think we think this new? No you are new.
Sit down.
and I provided you a way in this thread to save money. If you don't have $6 or $10, you shouldn't be doing this.

And you are Canadian I bet. Try to say who should and should not do what? Anti-Con.

Saving money, we take your store bought product and bloom it up 40x. $10 / 40 = $.25.

So, you present a cost plan not a saving plan. You present a lower cost source and suggest we
should follow you and not save money. Why?
And you are Canadian I bet. Try to say who should and should not do what? Anti-Con.

Saving money, we take your store bought product and bloom it up 40x. $10 / 40 = $.25.

So, you present a cost plan not a saving plan. You present a lower cost source and suggest we
should follow you and not save money. Why?

Excuse me, you sound like a child here. So now you are complaining about 25 cents? Look if you don't have the appropriate money to do Hydro then you shouldn't be doing it to begin with, stick with soil. This tea is not new and has been used in soil for centuries. Lastly, there are other ways to do this without having to brew tea daily when all you have to do is buy a 10 dollar product that can give you 5,000 gallons without ever having to do a tea. So do your tea, I don't care. Knock your sox off. You are wasting your time and you have not one thing new.

I am only trying to help you newbie growers out here. Oh and for the record I have been doing this for 25 years.

So get angry, get mad, whatever.
Excuse me, you sound like a child here. So now you are complaining about 25 cents? Look if you don't have the appropriate money to do Hydro then you shouldn't be doing it to begin with, stick with soil. This tea is not new and has been used in soil for centuries. Lastly, there are other ways to do this without having to brew tea daily when all you have to do is buy a 10 dollar product that can give you 5,000 gallons without ever having to do a tea. So do your tea, I don't care. Knock your sox off. You are wasting your time and you have not one thing new.

I am only trying to help you newbie growers out here. Oh and for the record I have been doing this for 25 years.

So get angry, get mad, whatever.

No one has said anything toward what you are accusing. NO one is mad upset or whatever. So pretend you make me mad, if you want to, but I'm not.

If you want to ride in on your white horse when we are discussing the blooming of beneficial consortium, then start your own thread and gain your own creed. You failed when you stopped giving advice and began giving orders.

Who are you to say what is a waste of time in my hobby? Canadian?
Dumping mycogrow directly into the res is not as cheap or diverse as making it as part of tea. A similar analogy is kinda like making a salad vs eating a raw head of lettuce; both will prevent hunger but once you are already hungry, have fun eating raw lettuce... not as effective.

Not sure why you seem to think it's a difficult task to bubble a bucket of water for 2 days... this is the dwc forum.
No one has said anything toward what you are accusing. NO one is mad upset or whatever. So pretend you make me mad, if you want to, but I'm not.

If you want to ride in on your white horse when we are discussing the blooming of beneficial consortium, then start your own thread and gain your own creed. You failed when you stopped giving advice and began giving orders.

Who are you to say what is a waste of time in my hobby? Canadian?

Who are you to threaten me informant?

Who are you to tell me to go to another thread when I am offering ADVICE?

I am not telling anyone what to do, I am showing people ways farmers know and growers like myself of 25 years know. So get off your white horse.
Dumping mycogrow directly into the res is not as cheap or diverse as making it as part of tea. A similar analogy is kinda like making a salad vs eating a raw head of lettuce; both will prevent hunger but once you are already hungry, have fun eating raw lettuce... not as effective.

Not sure why you seem to think it's a difficult task to bubble a bucket of water for 2 days... this is the dwc forum.

I never said that now did I? Now you are putting words in my post. I said you can do other things for just as cheap without the hassle of the tea. This tea is the same thing as making a guano tea or a work casting tea. Like this Budswell or like farmers do when making compost tea. If people want to use the tea then use the tea. There are many people in the world who who don't have the time to sit around daily making teas, so you can buy a product that does more for 10 dollars and outperforms this tea and you can make much more than this tea. This tea cannot produce 5,000 gallons from 8 ounces of tea mix. So I don't know where you are getting your info from?
great thread. thanks. heres a mind boggler for you. I am doing a hydroponics grow outdoors so yes temps is a problem. My pots are 3 gallon and filled with a nice rock of roots now since its in first week of flower. I have to feed them everyday now or else they droop. a couple of my plants have rubbermaids below the airpots and I let them sit in the nutes everyday. they are 50% bigger than the rest of them! so for flower I am putting trays under all pots to let the plants sit in the water all day so its kinda DWC idea with a twist. Currently I am watering by hand everyday I mix the nutes up and I add the hydrogen peroxide to the nutes everyday. Now I am wondering if I should keep going with h202 and add some SM-90 to the mix. Or take the h202 out of the equation and add the tea. I will be adding new nutes everyday with new tea but there is no bubbles in the trays and the temps will get high so will the good bacteria be able to survive all day with no bubbles? or am I better off going heavy on the h202 to give some more 02 and add the sm-90 too for prevention. So far I cant tell any signs of problems only thing is when I rains a lot or parts of pot that don't get hit well with nutes have green on the outside of the smartpots. is this green really bad? I am going to be putting burlap around the pots to insulate and keep light out. let me know if you think the tea will work well for my unique setup. im trying to get these girls to go orgasmic during bloom :-?:-?:-?:-? Edit: top 1/3 is coco then its 50/50 coco perlite then the bottom 2 inches of pot is rocks and perlite with a handful of coco edit edit: im hoping a can have the trays filled in the day and by evening be soaked up into the pot ready for more in the am