the chitown sourkush thread

people dieing of old age is not the same has suicide, murder, and overdoses.. when people die well before there time..... lol and how u gonna call me racist...
i know of many that died from the list you mentioned as well when i was younger

now older the reasons have changed

but sir you are not the lone ranger
i was almost on O D list myself

had 3 friends from that list
one by car on purpose
one from rooftop
2 murder - one trying to pull a robery from dope boys fuckin guy used to have his car all shot up - it was his thing
I JUST NOTICED SIGNS OF SPIDERMITES ON MY LEAVES WHAT DO i need to do i have never had a problem with them before got some white spots on leaves and i can see a few mites under a few leaves !! need a cheap fast way to get rid of them PL4EASE HELP
Dish soap and neem oil.
ok i might try that ...i was looking and found this spray that kills spidermites and is safe to use on veggies so i think iam going to try that and wash each leaf with it!!!!had to take off 2 leaves they where half covered with the white spots and had about 15mites under each one i flushed them.. bout to go try to smash some of them wid my fingers cause i cant go get anything to kill them with till tomorrow shit sucks
just found the source of the spidermites my buddy had this chocolate mint plant in the grow room and it was webbed up with them so i think they came from that plant so we got it out of the house and went over all the leaves smashing the ones we saw and tomorrow i will get some dish soup and some mite spray and go over every leaf again didnt see any webs or really that many mites probly around 60 on all 4 plants so hopefully we will get rid of them
i have tried the yellow and white no pests strips -they work
works on flying bugs never had spider mites but heard are good for them as well
not harmful to plants - if you use to many and if you are in closed area with them to long can be harmful to us
they have a life expectancy of 4 months - i pull out use till i dont see anymoreabout 3 to 4 days then store away in zip lock till the next time i need them
i found open and exposed decreasess useage stored away does not

i keep a few new ones in storage for when i need them
neem is a good product as well - never tried neem and soap is a thick oil on its own
with neem sum dunk kkills whats in soil as well sum spray sum sponge on tops and bottoms of leaves but must do stems as well
I was only able to get a single pic.. my camera was low has fuck on battery :[ I took a pic of the biggest plant in my buddies back yard the rest in the gorilla spot... ill put it up when I get back to the city