First ever grow, grow journal.

I have just finished my first grow and boy did I enjoy it. I grew arjans haze #3 as it stays short and is a sativa. I grew 4 plants 3 of which were great but one just wa not right from the start cant think why that was. If I was to advise anything to a first time grower I would say buy alg a mic from biobizz. I had a few problems with heavy water and as soon as i added it they loved it. I used a 4 pot dripper system and 400w mh and 400w hps for budding. Got around 9 ounces of the best smoke I have ever tried and chuffed to bits with the results. It is always tempting to put more and more nutrients in but honestly dont. I kept the ec down at 1.5 for most of the grow and flushed with fresh ph adjusted water every week in the results were good. Good luck anyway bet you have the growing bug as I like to call it
Sounds brilliant mate! I looked into that strain when i was deciding on what to grow and it was on the top of my list. I only went for strawberry haze to be different lol. Sounds good man i looked into the biobizz but simply went to Canna because it was cheaper if i bought multiple bottles it seems to be doing fine now, i'll be adding the PK13/14 to their solution in three or four days and should see a kick start then in the bud formation. I know what ya mean man i cant stop thinking about my grow and losing myself in thought about what i want to grow next haha

Thanks for stopping by man and the great advice! Enjoy your smoke!
hey bud, Ive just planted some pakkie vallies, in rock wool, i ripped one open because a week has past and no sign of sprouting. the roots 2-3 inches and its nerly at the top, but they were left cold 16c and dark for the week because i dint think they needed light till they showed up like the pics of your plants, stuk some shatks in for germination and i had this in 1 day after the root was 1cm. looks like your plants, but there now at 23-26c and a Florissant is down a inch from the tops, do you think a week of the pakkie vallies being a no shower they could be dead?????/Users/simonhudson/Desktop/DSC01105.JPG
hey bud, Ive just planted some pakkie vallies, in rock wool, i ripped one open because a week has past and no sign of sprouting. the roots 2-3 inches and its nerly at the top, but they were left cold 16c and dark for the week because i dint think they needed light till they showed up like the pics of your plants, stuk some shatks in for germination and i had this in 1 day after the root was 1cm. looks like your plants, but there now at 23-26c and a Florissant is down a inch from the tops, do you think a week of the pakkie vallies being a no shower they could be dead?????
Hey Dude :)
Things look to be going well on your end.
Thought I would stop in to say hi and see the girls
Man you can really see the damage that the odor puck did to Jane
Well I will be moving along, nice to see you three and give the wife an
extra veggie and tell her its from a friend of yours at your "pepper growing forums" for me....:twisted:
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Firstly i want to apologize as im so stoned right now.. And sorry i havent replied in time ive been out fishing lol

I dont know if theyre dead mate worth a little wait they may still pop up you never know! So i cant be much help at the moment maybe in the morning lol oh and thats to : Sisconation

Stealth Panda: haha glad my sorry state of affairs is entertaining :)

Alto: Good to have you pop by mate :) Things are looking good at the moment, though i havent seen them since this morning hopefuly they took the nutes well today :) Haha will do! Though i just realized my stupidity of having this site as my home page... She obviously knows i visit this site lmao
Firstly i want to apologize as im so stoned right now.. And sorry i havent replied in time ive been out fishing lol

I dont know if theyre dead mate worth a little wait they may still pop up you never know! So i cant be much help at the moment maybe in the morning lol oh and thats to : Sisconation

Stealth Panda: haha glad my sorry state of affairs is entertaining :)

Alto: Good to have you pop by mate :) Things are looking good at the moment, though i havent seen them since this morning hopefuly they took the nutes well today :) Haha will do! Though i just realized my stupidity of having this site as my home page... She obviously knows i visit this site lmao

Well, if this is the truth, then i suggest telling her before she starts getting on your case for not being open with her.... But that is just me..:blsmoke:
nice grow just read all 55 pages and never got bored once keep up the good growin and hows that salvia coming along? nice buds by the way
what's good gigglep? how are the bitches smelling as of now? i'm debating between arjan's and that strawberry cough but, i'm a wait until yours finishes. can't fucking wait to see your end game:peace:.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
Stealth Panda: Yeah well i would never do something if i knew it would really upset her etc. Im confident that when she finds out she will be fine with it. After all like i said before it means im saving us a lot of money and not having to take my chances with shit weed with glass/ sand / fuck knows in it which has been circling around here recently.

D port Growth: Cheers man really appreciate the time youve taken and the kind words!! :) Yeah the Salvia plants are fine lol No where near as fun as weed though. They take for ever to grow and the yield just isnt worth it. I chucked them outside a month or so back but they got too cold and turn purple so had to bring them in. Thinking of Chopping them and making extract soon :)

Dirty Shawa: Alright mate hows it goin??! They smell like nothing i have ever smelt before. Definitely a strawberry influence there man. But with a almost sour weed undertone to it. I just cant seem to explain it correctly lol It develops daily. I think what would have made this grow perfect would be to have one strawberry cough and one strawberry haze to contrast. Its a shame because i really want to try strawberry cough but i know theres no chance in hell me picking up any here unless i grow it. But im not sure i want to spend the same amount of time on a similar strain. Perhaps if i have enough room when i move house then i'll have a strawberry cough on the go in there :) I dont think i'll be using my other three strawberry haze seeds for a long time if at all.
To contrast that I chose shorter plants mostly indica strong in the mix I seeded and turns out I have another two or three feet room to move the light up.
I could probably grow out sativa landrace plants but after watching Tool and others wait as long as they did I have my doubts if I have the patience to do so.
I think you could do them if you planned it out more and did a ScrOG grow TGP.
Or should your new space have the room.
I put the plans for a ScrOG on hold till my spring grow next year and am going to grow out the remainder of the Grenadine seeds I have this fall.
That plant turned out the best of all of them, and a full garden of them will be pretty to see (not to mention a worthwhile endeavor)
How do you think your timing will work out at this point?
Will you be able to allow then to fully mature still?
Yeah ive been doing some reading into ScrOG grows so if i need to use this method i'll know something about it. Im hoping how ever im lucky and have a decent closet or something, i wish i could have grown these girls without any tying down would love to see them that way. Yeah a full garden of them would be great particularly come harvest!

Well timing is fine im hoping they dont finnish early. Its nearing the end of week 4 now. Im away near the end of week 6. And i return from holiday near the end of week nine. This is going to be so hit and miss i could come back to see the girls in full beauty and matured or come to a pile of dead plants... Anyway yeah the strain suggests 11/12 weeks flowering i think. So if everything goes fine then yeah i should do fine for timing. I definitely want to ride them out right till the end nothing will stop me if i get back and theyre fine. Im going to be a nervous wreck the couple of days before i get back from holiday haha.
Im going to be a nervous wreck the couple of days before i get back from holiday haha.
Heh I usually go on vacation to the Virgin Islands, and during the last few days I start looking for a job so I can stay there! lol
When are you leaving again? (excuse my ability to remember such things)
I hope you enjoy your stay no matter what, and don't worry about your girls.
Don't take this wrong, but it seems they do better when your not "helping" them as much, lol.
I bet you will come back to a wondrous sight, and I will quote this should that be the case :)
Would love to visit the Virgin Islands! Im leaving on the 28th which is two weeks sunday i believe? Yeah i agree lol they thrive when im not doing anything. And as far as watering them i have never got to the point where they look under watered despite the fact it may have been 4/5 days at least. Which surprises me as many people say their plants are taking a gallon a day?! Anyway this has made me reassured about leaving them as in total it will be ten days without watering. So if theyre given a good watering just before im confident that the worst i'll see is a bit of wilting as far as the watering is concerned. Plus at this point it will be plain water so no worry of nute burn etc. Heres to hoping anyway! I just hope i get back before 9pm (lights off) haha otherwise i may not be able to get any sleep that night lol I will have to do an extensive update on this thread having been away for three weeks lol
Stealth Panda: Yeah well i would never do something if i knew it would really upset her etc. Im confident that when she finds out she will be fine with it. After all like i said before it means im saving us a lot of money and not having to take my chances with shit weed with glass/ sand / fuck knows in it which has been circling around here recently.

D port Growth: Cheers man really appreciate the time youve taken and the kind words!! :) Yeah the Salvia plants are fine lol No where near as fun as weed though. They take for ever to grow and the yield just isnt worth it. I chucked them outside a month or so back but they got too cold and turn purple so had to bring them in. Thinking of Chopping them and making extract soon :)

Dirty Shawa: Alright mate hows it goin??! They smell like nothing i have ever smelt before. Definitely a strawberry influence there man. But with a almost sour weed undertone to it. I just cant seem to explain it correctly lol It develops daily. I think what would have made this grow perfect would be to have one strawberry cough and one strawberry haze to contrast. Its a shame because i really want to try strawberry cough but i know theres no chance in hell me picking up any here unless i grow it. But im not sure i want to spend the same amount of time on a similar strain. Perhaps if i have enough room when i move house then i'll have a strawberry cough on the go in there :) I dont think i'll be using my other three strawberry haze seeds for a long time if at all.

Ill tell ya man, i have had some strawberry cough, i didnt really like it too much, iv definatly had better buds, not to mention i misunderstood the name, no strawberries but tons of cough lol. Anyways just throwing that out there. I have never had straw/haze so im looking forward to your harvest for some feedback... Later.
Ill tell ya man, i have had some strawberry cough, i didnt really like it too much, iv definatly had better buds, not to mention i misunderstood the name, no strawberries but tons of cough lol. Anyways just throwing that out there. I have never had straw/haze so im looking forward to your harvest for some feedback... Later.

i never had the cough but, i fell in love with the haze and i've been searching for her ever since she called the cops on me, lol. from what i've heard through various posts and other forums the cough was supposed to be decent. as far as the haze goes, the description from arjan's is 100% accurate. and prior to me having the strawberry haze i blew nothing but, purple haze for a good two months straight. the strawberry haze i had was very sativa dominant, pure pleasure to inhale, nothing but, strawberry in and out, smooth clear clean high, perfection. and i'm consider myself to be a pot snob. i hear that the cough is indica dominant though. i know mine came from a grower but, not directly but, i'm quite sure pretty close to it, probably third from the actual grower. but, i can't say for sure if it was arjan's. i think i'm a try attitude seeds for mine. good looking gigglep, when you told me i could get the seeds much cheaper than i had originally thought.
Alto: Lmao no way?! Nah i doubt i'll be able to get internet where im going, possibly the odd cafe will have internet, atleast i cant keep up with the new posts then in my user area lol

StealthPanda: Ah right fair enough then lol My buds are expanding since theyve been having better light coverage im loving it :)

DirtyShawa: Every time you describe it to me you make it seem further away until harvest haha I hope i make it to harvest, and if i do i cannot wait for that first hit :) :)